Wildlife, Animals, and Plants
WILDLIFE SPECIES: Clethrionomys rutilus | Northern Red-Backed Vole
1. Banfield, A. W. F. 1974 [23796]
2. Bangs, E. E. 1984 [23792]
3. Bendell, J. F. 1974 [16447]
4. Bradshaw, R. H. W.; Zakrisson, O. 1990 [12762]
5. Eyre, F. H., ed. 1980 [905]
6. Galindo, C.; Krebs, C. J. 1985 [23791]
7. Garrison, G. A.; Bjugstad, A. J.; Duncan, D. A.; [and others]. 1977 [998]
8. Gilbert, B. S.; Krebs, C. J.; Talarico, D.; Cichowski, D. B. 1986
9. Kuchler, A. W. 1964 [1384]
10. Lutz, H. J. 1956. Ecological effects of forest fires in the interior of
Alaska. Tech. Bull. No. 1133. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Forest Service. 121 p. [7653]
11. Maikawa, E.; Kershaw, K. A. 1976. Studies on lichen-dominated systems.
XIX. The postfire recovery sequence of black spruce-lichen woodland in
the Abitau Lake region, N.W.T. Canadian Journal of Botany. 54:
2679-2687. [7225]
12. Martell, A. M.; Fuller, W. A. 1979. Comparative demography of
Clethrionomys rutilus in taiga and tundra in the low Arctic. Canadian
Journal of Zoology. 57: 2106-2120. [23794]
13. Racine, Charles H.; Johnson, Lawrence A.; Viereck, Leslie A. 1987.
Patterns of vegetation recovery after tundra fires in northwestern
Alaska, U.S.A. Arctic and Alpine Research. 19(4): 461-469. [6114]
14. Sirois, Luc; Payette, Serge. 1989. Postfire black spruce establishment
in subarctic and boreal Quebec. Canadian Journal of Forestry Research.
19: 1571-1580. [10110]
15. Thurber, Joanne M.; Peterson, Rolf O.; Woolington, James D.; Vucetich,
John A. 1992. Coyote coexistence with wolves on the Kenai Peninsula,
Alaska. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 70: 2494-2498. [21362]
16. Uggla, Evald. 1959. Ecological effects of fire on north Swedish forests.
[Place of publication unknown]: Almqvist and Wiksells. 18 p. [9911]
17. Viereck, L. A. 1983. The effects of fire in black spruce ecosystems of
Alaska and northern Canada. In: Wein, Ross W.; MacLean, David A., eds.
The role of fire in northern circumpolar ecosystems. New York: John
Wiley and Sons Ltd.: 201-220. [7078]
18. Viereck, L. A.; Dyrness, C. T. 1979. Ecological effects of the
Wickersham Dome Fire near Fairbanks, Alaska. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-90.
Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific
Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. 71 p. [6392]
19. Wein, R. W. 1975. Vegetation recovery in arctic tundra and forest-tundra
after fire. ALUR Rep. 74-75-62. Ottowa, ON: Department of Indian Affairs
and Northern Development, Arctic Land Use Research Program. 62 p.
20. West, Stephen D. 1977. Midwinter aggregation in the northern red-backed
vole, Clethrionomys rutilus. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 55: 1404-1409.
21. Jones, Eric N. 1990. Effects of forage availability on home range and
population density of Microtus pennsylvanicus. Journal of Mammalogy.
71(3): 382-389. [23790]
22. West, Stephen D. 1991. Small mammal communities in the southern
Washington Cascade Range. In: Ruggiero, Leonard F.; Aubry, Keith B.;
Carey, Andrew B.; Huff, Mark H., technical coordinators. Wildlife and
vegetation of unmanaged Douglas-fir forests. Gen. Tech. Rep.
PNW-GTR-285. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest
Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station: 269-283. [17318]
23. Hall, E. Raymond; Kelson, Keith R. 1959. The mammals of North America,
Volume II. New York: The Ronald Press Company. 79 p. [21460]
24. Lensink, Calvin J.; Skoog, Ronald O.; Buckley, John L. 1955. Food habits
of marten in interior Alaska and their significance. Journal of Wildlife
Management. 19(3): 364-368. [26140]
25. Hakala, John B.; Seemel, Robert K.; Richey, Robert A.; Kurtz, John E.
1971. Fire effects and rehabilitation methods--Swanson-Russian Rivers
fires. In: Slaughter, C. W.; Barney, Richard J.; Hansen, G. M., eds.
Fire in the northern environment--a symposium: Proceedings of a
symposium; 1971 April 13-14; Fairbanks, AK. Portland, OR: U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Range and
Experiment Station: 87-99. [15721]
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| Northern Red-Backed Vole