Wildlife, Animals, and Plants
KUCHLER TYPE: Northern cordgrass prairie
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27. Kirby, Conrad J. 1978. Wetland development, an alternative. In: National
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28. Kraeuter, John N.; Wolf, Paul L. 1974. The relationship of marine
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30. Kusler, Jon A.; Kentula, Mary E., eds. 1990. Wetland creation and
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34. Myers, Kent E. 1956. Management of needlerush marsh at the
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40. Redfield, Alfred C. 1972. Development of a New England salt marsh.
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49. Tiner, Ralph W., Jr.. 1985. Wetlands of New Jersey. In: National
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51. Turner, Monica Goigel. 1988. Multiple disturbances in a Spartina
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60. Teal, John; Teal, Mildred. 1969. Life and death of the salt marsh.
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62. Viosca, Percy, Jr. 1931. Spontaneous combustion in the marshes of
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Related categories for Kuchler Type: Northern cordgrass prairie