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You are here >1Up Info > Wildlife, Animals, and Plants > Kuchler Potential Natural Vegetation Type > Southern Cordgrass Prairie

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KUCHLER TYPE: Southern cordgrass prairie
FORESTRY VALUES : NO-ENTRY RANGE VALUES : Early reports of smooth cordgrass state that it was not a valuable forage species [1]. However, more recent reports rank smooth cordgrass as highly palatable for cattle [4,8]. Productivity is listed as 9,000 to 12,000 pounds per acre [4]. WILDLIFE VALUES : The southern cordgrass prairie is important habitat for many waterfowl and shorebird species, as well as for fish, alligators, and muskrats [7,10]. Smooth coordgrass provides valuable food for geese [8]. OTHER VALUES : Some of the land area in the southern cordgrass prairie is used for growing rice and forage (principally alfalfa and grasses) [4]. Many wildlife refuges along the coast provide wildlife viewing opportunities as well as fishing, hunting, and trapping [4,13]. Oil and gas drilling also takes place off the southern cordgrass prairie coast [13]. MANAGEMENT CONCERNS : Techniques for cleaning up oil spills in smooth cordgrass stands in Texas have been examined [5]. The Louisiana coastline suffers from severe management problems which have led to the loss of wildlife and fisheries habitat and subsequently affected local economies. Problems include rising sea levels; land subsidence; conversion of freshwater marshes to saltwater marshes and vice versa; delta and barrier island erosion; changing shorelines, flood and drainage patterns; and an artificial system of canals and levees. About 40 percent of the U.S. coastal wetlands are found in Louisiana, the loss of which occurs at a rate of 130 square kilometers per year [13].

Related categories for Kuchler Type: Southern cordgrass prairie

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Information Courtesy: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory. Fire Effects Information System

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