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You are here >1Up Info > Wildlife, Animals, and Plants > Kuchler Potential Natural Vegetation Type > Pocosin

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FORESTRY VALUES : Some pocosins are managed for wood products [13,14]. RANGE VALUES : Pocosins are drained to create range for cattle [14]. WILDLIFE VALUES : Pocosins are considered regionally critical habitat because they are usually the only natural areas left for wildlife. No species of plants or animals are unique to pocosins, but these types may serve as key habitats for certain faunal communities. Some wildlife that use pocosins and that have federal or state protection status include the swallowtail and Hessel's hairstreak butterflies, the pine barrens tree frog, the eastern diamondback rattlesnake, and the American alligator [13]. Pocosins provide some habitat for the endangered red-cockaded woodpecker [7,13]. OTHER VALUES : Pocosins have been drained to grow crops like soybeans and corn [13]. Peat is mined from pocosins [13,14]. MANAGEMENT CONCERNS : For longterm biodiversity and ecosystem stability, pocosin management should be based on maintaining the natural hydrological regime. Loss of wetlands in the Southeast (of which pocosins are an important part) occurs at a rate of 156,000 hectares per year. About half the area in pocosin communities is owned by corporate agriculture and timber companies. To grow crops or trees, pocosins are drained and much of the natural vegetation completely removed. Soils are often altered to prepare for forestry or agriculture, significantly changing the natural ecological processes of pocosins [13]. Peat mining requires drying out the surface peat, which increases the probability of severe fire. Peat mining may also cause land subsidence, followed by saltwater intrusion [14]. For detailed information on pocosin management not related to fire refer to Ash and others [20] and Richardson [22].

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Information Courtesy: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory. Fire Effects Information System

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