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Wildlife, Animals, and Plants |
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Artemisia tridentata Nutt. var. tridentata (Beetle & Young) Welsh [28,113] NRCS PLANT CODE:
basin big sagebrush TAXONOMY:
The scientific name of basin big sagebrush
is Artemisia tridentata Nutt. ssp. tridentata
(Asteraceae) [6,49,62]. Genotypic and phenotypic variation is common in basin
big sagebrush. Both diploid and tetraploid
plants occur, but diploids are most common [4]. At
least 4 or 5 subspecies of big sagebrush (A. tridentata)
have been identified [49,62]. Kartesz [62] recognizes the
following subspecies: Freeman and others [39] suggest "each subspecies is distinct in pure stands, but at contact points introgression may blur the distinctions." Ecotypes occur in each subspecies [73]. Hybrids between basin big sagebrush and mountain big sagebrush have been confirmed [44,67]. "Hybrid zones" exist between these 2 subspecies in parts of Utah [39,40,106]. In southeastern Idaho, introgression between the 2 subspecies is common [94]. The "hybrid zone" which occurs across a narrow elevational band between the 2 parent taxa is believed to be stable. In Utah, it is generally less than 0.6 miles (1 km) wide and in some locations, less than 330 feet (100 m) wide [40]. Hybrids between basin big sagebrush and mountain big sagebrush are intermediate for all characters and exhibit considerable genetic variation [40,107]. LIFE FORM:shrub FEDERAL LEGAL STATUS:No special status OTHER STATUS:no entry AUTHORSHIP AND CITATION:Tirmenstein, D. (1999, August). Artemisia tridentata spp. tridentata. In: Remainder of Citation DISTRIBUTION AND OCCURRENCE
GENERAL DISTRIBUTION:Big sagebrush is one of the most widespread and economically important shrubs in western North America [39]. Basin big sagebrush is the most extensive in distribution and range of variation in the Great Basin and Columbia Plateau [108]. It is distributed from Washington east to the Dakotas and south to California, Arizona, and New Mexico [114]. Basin big sagebrush is found from the floor of the Great Basin to upper timberline, although it is not abundant in all zones [108]. It occurs in relatively small stands east of the Cascades in Oregon [117]. ECOSYSTEMS:
FRES21 Ponderosa pine STATES:
K022 Great Basin pine forest SAF COVER TYPES:
220 Rocky Mountain juniper SRM (RANGELAND) COVER TYPES:
104 Antelope bitterbrush-bluebunch wheatgrass HABITAT TYPES AND PLANT COMMUNITIES:Basin big sagebrush commonly grows in association with cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum), bluebunch wheatgrass (Pseudoroegneria spicata), Thurber needlegrass (Achnatherum thurberianum), needle-and-thread grass (Hesperostipa comata), Idaho fescue (Festuca idahoensis), and Sandberg bluegrass (Poa secunda) [51,117].
Common shrub associates include broom snakeweed (Gutierrezia sarothrae)
and green
rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus) [51].
Basin big sagebrush is a climax dominant on semiarid sites in
the Pacific Northwest, Great Basin, and the Southwest.
Publications describing community types dominated by
basin big sagebrush are listed below. VALUE AND USE
IMPORTANCE TO LIVESTOCK AND WILDLIFE:Considerable quantities of big sagebrush are eaten by sage grouse, mule deer, and pronghorn [92]. In southwestern Montana, basin big sagebrush is browsed by elk and mule deer from autumn through early spring [104]. In parts of Montana, mule deer use, but do not prefer basin big sagebrush [82,105]. In Oregon, mule deer showed an intermediate preference for basin big sagebrush in winter feeding trials. In fall trials, mule deer used, but did not prefer basin big sagebrush. Mule deer use of basin big sagebrush in Oregon is, in general, described as "intermediate" [93]. For mule deer in Utah, basin big sagebrush is the least preferred of all subspecies of big sagebrush [111]. In some instances, mule deer preference of basin big sagebrush varies greatly by local population [112]. Pygmy rabbits forage extensively on big sagebrush [110]. Pygmy rabbits feed on basin big sagebrush but show preference for certain accessions [112]. Basin big sagebrush generally is not preferred by sage grouse; however, the birds do exhibit preferences for certain individual plants. Sage grouse readily feed on basin big sagebrush where mountain and Wyoming big sagebrush are absent [112]. In fall, domestic sheep in Oregon fed on basin big sagebrush to a limited degree. During the winter months, the sheep exhibited a "moderate preference for basin big sagebrush." In general, domestic sheep preference for basin big sagebrush in Oregon is described as "low" [93]. In Utah, some accessions (mostly tetraploid) of basin big sagebrush were preferred by domestic sheep [111]. Basin big sagebrush may serve as emergency food during severe winter weather, but it is not usually sought out by livestock or wildlife [7]. However, researchers emphasize that although basin big sagebrush is not preferred by wildlife, it is nevertheless, heavily used particularly during winter when preferred taxa are not available. In southwestern Montana, winter leader use by mule deer ranged from 4% to 71% [105]. PALATABILITY:Palatability varies great among the subspecies of big sagebrush [92]. Basin big sagebrush is the least palatable of the three major subspecies of big sagebrush [82]. Both mountain big sagebrush and Wyoming big sagebrush are preferred [110]. Palatability of basin big sagebrush is in general "low" [66]. The palatability and degree of use shown by livestock and wildlife species for basin big sagebrush is rated as follows [33]: MT ND WY Cattle poor poor poor Domestic sheep fair good fair Horses poor poor poor Pronghorn ---- good poor Elk ---- fair poor Mule deer ---- good poor Small mammals ---- fair fair Small nongame birds ---- fair fair Upland game birds ---- good fair Waterfowl ---- poor poor NUTRITIONAL VALUE:In general, big sagebrush is highly digestible and nutritious [105]. It has high levels of protein, carotene, and phosphorus [88]. Digestibility of big sagebrush is influenced by the total terpenoid content [105]. Basin big sagebrush has relatively high levels of crude terpenoids that can reduce palatability [96]. Basin big sagebrush has a higher winter crude protein content than mountain big sagebrush [89]. In-vitro digestibility (%, oven-dried) of basin big sagebrush in Montana has been rated as follows [96]: whole sagebrush terpenoid-extracted sagebrush* 1/1 2/15 4/1 1/1 2/15 4/1 mule deer 47.2 63.4 62.4 59.5 65.6 75.7 domestic sheep 54.0 55.3 59.6 71.8 72.3 75.2 steer 55.8 56.6 58.4 68.7 69.1 72.3 *Leaf samples from which terpenoid compounds were removed prior to drying COVER VALUE:Big sagebrush provides some shade for domestic livestock and important cover for several upland game bird species [25]. In presettlement times, the range of the sage grouse paralleled the range of big sagebrush. Basin big sagebrush provides important cover for sage grouse [8]. Basin big sagebrush also provides cover for small mammals such as the pygmy rabbit [110]. The degree to which basin big sagebrush provides cover for wildlife species is as follows [33]: CO UT WY Pronghorn ---- fair good Elk ---- fair good Mule deer ---- fair good White-tailed deer good ---- ---- Small mammals ---- good fair Small nongame birds ---- good good Upland game birds ---- good good Waterfowl ---- poor good VALUE FOR REHABILITATION OF DISTURBED SITES:Basin big sagebrush shows high potential for range restoration and soil stabilization [66]. Big sagebrush grows rapidly and spreads readily from seed. Seed can be broadcast or drilled [92]. It is important to select basin big sagebrush seed adapted to the specific site [73]. Studies indicate that seedling survival is much higher for seed collections planted in a habitat similar to that of the parent population [75]. Transplant stock can also be used in rehabilitation projects [92]. Seedlings are easily transplanted and may be used to stabilize gullies and eroded hillsides. Transplants reproduce and begin to spread from seed in 3 to 7 years [86]. Sagebrush species are associated with mycorrhizal fungus in the genus Glomus. The presence of these fungi may be required for the successful establishment of seedlings. Areas that lose their sagebrush cover due to frequent fire and are dominated subsequently by nonmycorrhizal cheatgrass may no longer have the fungi in the soil. Sagebrush reestablishment may be inhibited on these sites [88]. OTHER USES AND VALUES:Basin big sagebrush shows promise as a snow hedge [68]. Some Native American peoples used the bark of big sagebrush to make ropes and baskets [52]. MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS:Management of sagebrush can include regulating animal numbers to levels the plants can tolerate [105]. Excessive fall use by domestic sheep can sometimes kill big sagebrush [82]. The shelter basin big sagebrush provides livestock and wildlife can be evaluated when management options are considered. Its usefulness as wind and sun protection may exceed any benefits gained by its removal. When basin big sagebrush is removed from drainages, soil erosion can become a problem [51]. Big sagebrush can be controlled by burning or with herbicides. Big sagebrush can be controlled with herbicides although variable results have been reported [1,26,27]. Tebuthiuron, 2,4-D, and 2,4,5-T have been effective in killing big sagebrush [53,54,56,69,80]. Success depends on such factors as rates of application, dates of spraying, and types of carriers used [27,53,56,69]. In eastern Oregon, mid-season applications (late May-early June) were most injurious to big sagebrush [56]. Similarly in California, best control was obtained when plants were treated from late May through mid-June [27]. In Wyoming, Hull and others [53] reported that diesel oil carriers were more effective than applications with water. Both aerial and ground applications are effective in controlling big sagebrush [27,53,54]. Length of big sagebrush control is highly variable. In Wyoming, Thilenius and Brown [97] observed some big sagebrush reinvasion within 10 years after herbicide applications. Deferment from cattle grazing for as long as 3 years after big sagebrush control had no effect on herbage production. However, Johnson [61] reported that it is important to manage grazing after sagebrush spraying. Caution should be used where big sagebrush provides habitat for sage grouse. Klebenow [63] found that herbicide application was detrimental to sage grouse populations. BOTANICAL AND ECOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS
GENERAL BOTANICAL CHARACTERISTICS:Basin big sagebrush is an erect, rounded or somewhat spreading evergreen shrub which normally grows 3 to 10 feet (1-2 m) in height [110]. It occasionally occurs as a dwarf shrub or can be treelike in appearance, reaching a height of 16 feet (5 m). Maximum stature is reached on deep, well-drained soils in sheltered areas. Variability in plant height occurs along a moisture gradient, with larger plants occurring on more mesic sites [6]. Basin big sagebrush has a multistemmed form with a relatively thick trunk and an irregular crown. It is often characterized by a discernible main trunk [44]. It commonly reaches 40 to 50 years of age, and some plants may exceed 100 years. Slow-growing individuals on unfavorable sites attain the greatest age. The root systems of all subspecies of big sagebrush are well adapted to extract moisture from both shallow and deep portions of the soil profile. This makes them highly competitive with associated grasses and forbs [19,101]. Basin big sagebrush exhibits greater plant height, crown cover, production, and annual leader growth than Wyoming big sagebrush
RAUNKIAER [87] LIFE FORM:Phanerophyte
REGENERATION PROCESSES:Basin big sagebrush reproduces from seed. None of the subspecies of big sagebrush resprout after fire or other disturbance [93]. Flowers are self- or wind-pollinated [42,94,121]. Plants 2 to 3 years of age are capable of producing viable seed. Approximately 90% of big sagebrush seed is dispersed within 30 feet (9 m) of the parent shrub [42]. Few seeds are carried more than 100 feet (30 m) [94]. Density falls off rapidly away from the parent shrub, with maximum seed dispersal at approximately 108 feet (33 m) [42,94]. The rate of seed dispersal depends on wind and storm activity after seeds reach maturity [94]. Wind is the primary dispersal agent, although animal and water dispersal can also occur. Animals can serve as a minor dispersal agent when seeds are dislodged as the animals brush against branches. Seeds of big sagebrush contain a small air space which permits floatation in water. Rates of seed dispersal are slower in basin big sagebrush than in other subspecies. Seed dispersal takes approximately 8 weeks [94]. Seed of basin big sagebrush is short-lived and lasts less than 5 years when stored in a warehouse [77]. Some seedbanking occurs in other subspecies of big sagebrush [74], so seedbanking in basin big sagebrush is probable. Some basin big sagebrush seeds remained viable after prescribed burning in Utah. Emergence of basin big sagebrush seedlings on burned soil was reduced, however, compared to emergence of Wyoming and mountain big sagebrush. It was also reduced compared to emergence of basin big sagebrush on unburned control soil [26]. Germination may occur during winter or even late fall at mild winter sites such as the Mojave Desert, but at cold winter sites, it may be delayed until snowmelt [75,77]. Big sagebrush seeds germinate within a wide range of temperature. Rates of germination of unstratified seed vary according to temperature, with basin big sagebrush requiring 2 to 3 days at all temperatures [72]. According to Meyer and others [77], big basin sagebrush seed from cold winter populations germinate much more slowly at near-freezing temperatures than do seeds from warm winter populations and also exhibit dormancy under autumn temperature regimes. Basin big sagebrush also shows annual variation in germination [48]. Basin big sagebrush is a more prolific seed producer than is Wyoming big sagebrush [76]. Studies suggest that sufficient basin big sagebrush seed was present for adequate germination each year even at the lowest germination rates observed [48]. Specific details on germination rates are available [75,77]. Seedlings emerge in early spring soon after snowmelt [75]. Seedling survival often depends on precipitation. Seedlings under mature sagebrush plants are more likely to survive [83]. Seedling survival tends to be lower in grazed, unsheltered areas [85].
SITE CHARACTERISTICS:Basin big sagebrush grows in relatively more mesic habitats than other subspecies of big sagebrush [6,72]. It commonly grows on well-drained soils in valley bottoms, lower foothill areas or in areas adjacent to drainages. Basin big sagebrush is associated with deep, seasonally dry, well-drained soils on plains, valleys, and foothills [5]. It frequently coincides with high water tables or deep moisture accumulations [96]. Basin big sagebrush occurs on stratified sandy loam soils on floodplains or on low stream terraces [53]. In southeastern Idaho, basin big sagebrush is most abundant on sandy soils or at the sandy end of a soil texture gradient [96]. Because it tends to grow in deep, fertile soils, basin big sagebrush is an indicator of productive sites. Many sites once dominated by basin big sagebrush are now farmland [84,118]. In farmlands, it is now restricted primarily to field edges, swales, and along drainage ways [24]. Precipitation on basin big sagebrush sites ranges from 10 to 18 inches (250-460 mm) per year [24]. Basin big sagebrush is considered intolerant of alkaline conditions, but some ecotypes do grow in association with salt-tolerant plants such as shadscale (Atriplex confertifolia), black greasewood (Sarcobatus vermiculatus), and saltgrass (Distichlis spp.) [9,52]. In Utah sites occupied by basin big sagebrush tend to be slightly alkaline whereas those occupied by mountain big sagebrush tend to be slightly acidic [108].
Elevational ranges are as follows [5,53,118]:
SUCCESSIONAL STATUS:Big sagebrush is the climax species on most of its present day range [23]. Research suggests that invasion into other vegetation types was uncommon [23,31,50,52,78,101,124]. Humphrey [57] describes big sagebrush as a "late successional" species in southeastern Idaho. Basin big sagebrush may increase in disturbed pastures which have been seeded to grasses such as crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum) [85]. In many instances, basin big sagebrush shows only a moderate increase in density on disturbed sites, but may exhibit large increases in crown density [118]. Seedling establishment may begin immediately following a disturbance, but it usually takes a decade or more before big sagebrush dominates the site. Many basin big sagebrush sites are now depleted of "normal" perennial grasses and are now dominated by cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) [24].
SEASONAL DEVELOPMENT:Primary new leaves develop along the main stem in spring. As vegetative growth continues, new short lateral branches form from the existing stem and support smaller leaves which persist throughout the next winter, long after the initial leaves are shed. In Utah, accentuated stem growth begins in early June, with maximum longitudinal stem growth occurring in early June. By the end of June, vegetative stem growth begins to decline as reproductive buds and shoots begin expansion [34]. The reproductive shoots form, mature, and bear seed within the span of a single growing season [34]. Basin big sagebrush flowers from late August to October [94]. In Utah, reproductive shoots reach maximum size and flowerbuds first appear in late July [34]. Basin big sagebrush tends to flower later than Wyoming big sagebrush [6]. High-elevation ecotypes flower and set seed earlier than do valley ecotypes [77]. The inflorescence may persist until the following season [120]. Seed production occurs from October to December [77]. Most seed is shed in the fall, although some may remain on the plant through the winter. Seeds germinate in the spring as early as April. Seasonal development in the valley of Alpowa Creek near Clarkston, Washington, was as follows [32]: Approx. Date Phenological Event ------------ ------------------ Mar. 4 No evidence of new shoot growth Apr. 1 1.5-2 in (4-5 cm) of new shoot growth Apr. 30 4-5 in (10-13 cm) of new shoot growth Jun. 2 4-10 in (10-25 cm) of new shoot growth Jul. 1 18 in (45 cm) of new shoot growth Aug. 1 Remaining leaves mainly in panicle or at branch tips Sep. 1 Flower buds formed Oct. 3 Pollination starting Oct. 31 Fruits immature Feb. 27 Dissemination ended, inflorescence brittle Mar. 15 Buds swelling FIRE ECOLOGYFIRE ECOLOGY OR ADAPTATIONS:Big sagebrush plants are killed by most fires. Prolific seed production from nearby unburned plants coupled with high germination rates enables seedlings to establish rapidly following fire. Wind-, water-, and animal-carried seed contribute to regeneration on a site [43,60,99]. Few if any fire history studies have been conducted on basin big sagebrush. Sapsis [90] suggests that fire return intervals in basin big sagebrush are intermediate between mountain big sagebrush (5 to 15 years) and Wyoming big sagebrush (10 to 70 years) [90,118]. It is important to note that "given the wide range of fuel situations and our understanding of yearly climatic variation in the sagebrush ecosystem, a naturally wide variation in fire frequency in this system should be expected" [90]. In many basin big sagebrush communities, changes in fire occurrence have occurred along with fire suppression and livestock grazing. Prior to the introduction of annuals, insufficient fuels may have limited fire spread in big sagebrush communities. Introduction of annuals has increased fuel loads so that fire can easily carry. Burning in some big sagebrush communities can set the stage for repeated fires. Fire frequency can be as little as 5 years, not sufficient time for the establishment and reproduction of big sagebrush. Repeated fires have removed big sagebrush from extensive areas in the Great Basin and Columbia River drainages [20]. Fire severity in big sagebrush communities is described as "variable" depending on weather, fuels, and topography. However, fire in basin big sagebrush communities are typically stand replacing [91]. For further information on fire regimes in forest and woodland communities, see the FEIS species summaries on dominant tree species including: Species Fire return interval interior ponderosa pine 2-45 years (P. ponderosa var. scopulorum) western juniper 7-100 years (J. occidentalis) Rocky Mountain juniper ---- (J. scopulorum) POSTFIRE REGENERATION STRATEGY:
Initial-offsite colonizer (off-site, initial community) FIRE EFFECTS
IMMEDIATE FIRE EFFECT ON PLANT:Big sagebrush is readily killed when aboveground plant parts are charred by fire [55]. If sagebrush foliage is exposed to temperatures above 195 degrees Fahrenheit (90oC) for longer than 30 seconds, the plant dies [18]. In some areas, scattered unburned basin big sagebrush may survive, particularly where the soil is thin and rocky and where sparse herbaceous biomass limits the fire's spread [22]. DISCUSSION AND QUALIFICATION OF FIRE EFFECT:Site productivity affects the ease with which big sagebrush communities will burn. Highly productive sites have greater plant density and more biomass which, in turn, are likely to provide more fuel to carry a fire. Among the three major subspecies of big sagebrush, basin big sagebrush is considered intermediate in flammability. Mountain big sagebrush is most flammable, and Wyoming big sagebrush is least flammable [18]. PLANT RESPONSE TO FIRE:Basin big sagebrush does not resprout after fire. Because of the time needed to produce seed, it is eliminated by frequent fires [21]. Basin big sagebrush reinvades a site primarily by off-site seed or seed from plants that survive in unburned patches. The rate of stand recovery depends on the season of burn, as season affects the availability of seed, postfire precipitation patterns, and the amount of interference offered by other regenerating plant species [18,30,124]. Establishment may be delayed until favorable moisture conditions occur [55]. Sagebrush seed is not disseminated for great distances so off-site sources are probably less important than on-site seed [43]. Shrubs surviving within the perimeter of a disturbed area provide a more important seed source than those on the perimeter [60]. The vast majority of big sagebrush seed produced during fall is gone by spring and very few seeds persist. Seed of some subspecies of big sagebrush may persist in a seed bank [72]. However, unlike many of the other subspecies, emergence of basin big sagebrush seed appears to be reduced by exposure to heat [23]. DISCUSSION AND QUALIFICATION OF PLANT RESPONSE:In Wyoming, where big sagebrush has been removed by chemical means, it regained its pretreatment cover in 17 years on stands where grazing was not controlled [61]. FIRE MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS:Sapsis [90] reports "investigations of prescribed burning as an ecological agent in basin big sagebrush dominated systems are lacking." However, a number of studies have focused on big sagebrush in general. Fire as a management tool has primarily been used to reduce big sagebrush. Where sagebrush reduction is a desired goal, prescribed burns in basin big sagebrush communities tend to be more successful than those in Wyoming big sagebrush, but less successful than those in mountain big sagebrush [19]. In Nevada where "range improvements" were desired, best results have been obtained after spring or late fall burns [5]. Summer burns in big sagebrush communities can leave the soil bare and subject to erosion. Favorable results are often obtained after fire in basin big sagebrush is an adequate understory is present prior to the burn [21]. Britton and others [19] report that as a general rule for a successful prescribed burn in big sagebrush at least 20% canopy cover of big sagebrush should be present, with at least 200 to 300 lb. per acre of herbaceous fuel. Beardall and Sylvester [5] suggest that for prescribed burns to succeed in big sagebrush communities in Nevada, the following conditions should be met: 600 to 700 lb./acre fine fuels; ignition should occur when relative humidity is 60% or less; soil must be wet, winds must be 8 miles per hour or greater; and burning should stop when spring growth of grasses reaches 2 inches. Big sagebrush should be at least 1/3rd of total plant cover [84]. The presence of weedy annuals may prevent establishment of desirable perennial grasses and can increase future fire hazards [20]. Success of winter broadcast burning (n=5) in big sagebrush communities in southern Idaho was as follows [78]: Conditions Fire carried Fire did not carry Canopy cover (%) 72.1 60.0 Density (plants/ha) 114,296 121,020 Biomass (g/plant) 1,634 1,496 Shrub height (cm) 103.8 108.3 Basal diameter (cm) 3.8 3.2 Distance between plants (cm) 15.4 37.5 Temperature (C) 9.0 9.0 Relative humidity (%) 49.3 46.6 Windspeed (km/h) 8.3 6.6 Fuel moisture (%) 37.0 38.0In Idaho, wildfires in basin big sagebrush-needle and thread grass communities may create unstable soil conditions leading to wind erosion and "difficulty in seedling establishment" [25]. Removing sagebrush by fire or chemical treatment may release desirable undergrowth if the site is in good condition. However, many basin big sagebrush sites today are limited in extent and do not have a high density of undergrowth to respond if the overstory is reduced. Animals are attracted to burned areas and may damage low-vigor plants if the animals concentrate in a small area. In some cases, prescribed fire in big sagebrush communities can create mosaics that are beneficial to wildlife [21]. Several studies have examined big sagebrush as a fuel. Average fuel load for basin big sagebrush is reported as follows [38]: fuel load (kg/m2) leaves 1 hr 10 hr 100 hr basin big sagebrush 0.084 0.12 0.14 0.16In general, burning in cheatgrass-infested big sagebrush types is not recommended if cheatgrass cover exceeds 50% or if cover of fire-resistant native grasses is less than 20%. Cheatgrass is more likely to invade after fire if the dominant native grass is not a fire-resistant species (for example, Thurber needlegrass or Idaho fescue) or if native grasses were in poor condition prior to fire [84,115]. Artificial seeding with native grasses is recommended after fire if cheatgrass was a major component of the prefire community or if it was a minor component and native grasses were in poor condition [115,121]. Communities in good condition may at least partially recover from temporary postfire increases in cheatgrass, especially when fire is followed by favorable precipitation. FIRE CASE STUDIES
CASE NAME:Oregon sagebrush burn REFERENCE:Sapsis, D. B.; Kauffman, J. B. 1991 [83] SEASON/SEVERITY CLASSIFICATION:
fall (9/25/87)/moderate STUDY LOCATION:The study was located in the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument in eastern Oregon. Specific location was T 11 S; R 26 E; sections 31 and 32. PREFIRE VEGETATIVE COMMUNITY:The prefire vegetation consisted of a basin big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. tridentata)/perennial bunchgrass community. The understory was dominated by Idaho fescue (Festuca idahoensis) and bluebunch wheatgrass (Pseudoroegneria spicata). TARGET SPECIES PHENOLOGICAL STATE:Based on seasonal development reported for basin big sagebrush in eastern Washington, new shoots of basin big sagebrush would have been developing at the time of this spring burn, and flowering would have been occurring at the time of the fall burn. SITE DESCRIPTION:Site characteristics were as follows: slope north slopes of 20-60% elevation 2,296-2,821 feet (700-860 m) soils clay loam mean annual precipitation (1978-1988) approximately 11 inches (290 mm)Preburn fuel loadings were as follows: fuel fall spring live sagebrush attached dead* 1.06 0.42 Total live* 4.11 1.67 foliage* 0.84 0.32 1-hr TL* 1.16 0.44 10-hr TL* 1.35 0.52 100-hr TL* 2.18 0.89 dead sagebrush 1-hr TL 0.11 0.11 10-hr TL 0.23 0.26 100-hr TL 0.50 0.46 Totals standing live* 4.11 1.67 standing dead* 1.96 1.26 grass/herbs 3.01 2.67 1-hr TL* 1.80 0.86 10-hr TL* 2.22 1.03 100-hr TL* 2.72 1.35 *difference significant at P < 0.05 TL= time-lag fuels FIRE DESCRIPTION:"The objective of this study was to quantify total aboveground biomass and to investigate the variable nature of fuel consumption and fire behavior in basin big sagebrush-dominated ecosystems resulting from burning under different levels of fuel moisture and plant phenology."
Burns were ignited with a drip torch in a strip head firing
pattern. Specific characteristics were as follows: fall spring flame length* (m) 4.14 1.74 fireline intensity (IFL)* (kW/m) 6441 883 reaction intensity (IR)(kW/m2) 591 346 flame height* (m) 2.17 1.12 flame depth* (m) 10.35 2.56 rate of spread* (m/s) 1.57 0.23 heat per unit area (kJ/m2) 3253 3935** total energy* (kJ/m2) 18,119 9,267*** residence time (s) 6.92 11.66 fuel consumption* (Mg/ha) 9.80 5.231 *significant difference at P less than 0.05% **Heat per unit area measured only during flaming phase of combustion ***Total energy is heat release per unit area during both flaming and smoldering combustion Weather conditions were as follows: date fall spring time of burn 9:35-13:45 12:35-15:26 temperature C 15-18 23-35 rel. humidity% 41-48 21-34 windspeed (kph) 0-15 0-17 fuel moisture content% soil surface 2.90 3.21 dead grass/herb 8.88 7.36 live grass -- 142.60 sagebrush foliage 97.19 186.02 10-hr TL 4.59 4.99Flame length in fall averaged more than 13 feet (4 m); in spring burns flame length averaged less than 7 feet (2 m). The rate of spread was 6 times faster in fall burns although the temperature was lower and relative humidity higher.
FIRE EFFECTS ON TARGET SPECIES:Virtually all aboveground biomass was consumed by fire. Fuel consumption was twice as much in the fall burns as in the spring burns. Approximately 85% of 10-hour fuels were consumed by the fall burn and 52% were consumed by spring burns. Fuel consumption was as follows: fall spring fine fuels (Mg/ha) 3.64 2.76 (%) 94.54 92.31 1-hr TL (Mg/ha) 1.65 0.66 (%) 91.66 76.74 10-hr TL (Mg/ha)* 1.90 0.54 (%) 85.59 52.43 100-hr TL (Mg/ha)* 2.63 1.27 (%) 96.69 94.07 total* (Mg/ha) 9.80 5.23 (%) 92.54 83.95 *significant difference at P less than 0.05% FIRE MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS:Fire in basin big sagebrush communities is described as "stand-replacing." Fires in sagebrush are variable in terms of fuel consumption and fire behavior. Many factors contribute to variability including fuel characteristics, weather, and topography. 2nd CASE STUDY:
CASE NAME:Spring and fall prescribed burning in basin big sagebrush REFERENCE:Sapsis, D. S. 1990 [90] SEASON/SEVERITY CLASSIFICATION:
Fall (9/25/87)/not specified STUDY LOCATION:The study was located approximately 5 miles (10 km) west of Dayville in east-central Oregon. The site was located in John Day Fossil Bed National Monument in T 11 S R 26 E , sections 31 and 32. PREFIRE VEGETATIVE COMMUNITY:Prefire vegetation was a basin big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. tridentata)/Idaho fescue (Festuca idahoensis)-bluebunch wheatgrass (Pseudoroegneria spicata). Understory species included Idaho fescue, bluebunch wheatgrass, western yarrow (Achillea millefolium) and threadstalk milkvetch (Astragalus fillipes). TARGET SPECIES PHENOLOGICAL STATE:Not specified SITE DESCRIPTION:
Aspect - north FIRE DESCRIPTION:The objectives of this study were "to quantify fuel loads, environmental conditions, fire behavior, and vegetative response corresponding to these 2 (spring and fall burn) fire treatments." Both burns were ignited with drip torches using a strip head firing pattern. Pretreatment fuel loads ranged from 5-12 Mg/ha. Fuel loads in fall treatment units averaged 10.5 Mg/ha and in spring treatment units, fuel loads averaged 6.2 Mg/ha. Large amounts of herbaceous fuels (> 3 Mg/ha) were present. Burning Conditions: Fall Spring Time of burn 9:35-13:45 12:35-15:26 Temperature oC 15-18 23-25 Relative humidity 41-48 21-24 Windspeed (k/h) 0-15 0-17 Soil M.C. (moisture content, %) 2.90 3.21 Dead grass/herb. M.C.* 8.88 7.36 10-hr Timelag M.C. 4.59 4.99 Sagebrush foliage M.C.* 97.19 186.02 Live grass M.C. N/A 142.60 Fire Behavior: Fall Spring Flame length (m)* 4.14 1.74 Fireline intensity (kW/m)* 6,441 883 Reaction intensity (heat release rate) (kW/m2) 591 346 Flame height (m)* 2.17 1.12 Rate of spread (m/s)* 1.57 0.23 Heat/area in flaming front (kJ/m2) 3,253 3,935 Total energy (flaming & smoldering) (kJ/m2)* 18,119 9,267 Residence time (s) 6.92 11.66 Fuel consumption (Mg/ha)* 9.80 5.23 N/A = not available * = significant at p <.05 FIRE EFFECTS ON TARGET SPECIES:The frequency of basin big sagebrush increased in spring burns one year after treatment. No increases were noted 2 years after fire in fall-burned units. According to Sapsis [90], "factors relating to the greater fire severity (e.g. consumption, total energy) in the fall burns reduced the rate and degree of reinvasion in the fall burn plots." Basin big sagebrush was completely eliminated by the fall burn. Spring burning resulted in an 84% decrease in density. Aboveground biomass (Mg/ha) for spring and fall burn units are as follows: Fuel Category Treatment Live basin big sagebrush fall spring attached dead* 1.06(0.12) 0.42(0.16) foliage* 4.11(0.48) 1.67(0.63) 1-hour TL* 1.16(0.19) 0.44(0.16) 10-hour TL* 1.35(0.22) 0.52(0.19) 100-hour TL* 2.18(0.25) 0.89(0.33) *significant difference between treatments at p less than 0.05% (numbers in parenthesis are the standard error of the group mean) TL=time-lag fuels FIRE MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS:Results suggest that fall burns which exhibited greater fire severity were most effective in reducing basin big sagebrush. Artemisia tridentata ssp. tridentata: References1. Alley, Harold P. 1956. Chemical control of big sagebrush and its effect upon production and utilization of native grass species. Weeds. 4: 164-173. [309] 2. Baker, William L. 1984. A preliminary classification of the natural vegetation of Colorado. The Great Basin Naturalist. 44(4): 647-676. [380] 3. Barker, Jerry R.; McKell, Cyrus M. 1983. 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Estimating potential downy brome competition after wildfires. Journal of Range Management. 29(4): 322-325. [2677] 122. Young, James A; Evans, Raymond A.; Major, Jack. 1977. Sagebrush steppe. In: Barbour, Michael G.; Major, Jack, eds. Terrestrial vegetation of California. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons Inc.: 763-796. [2680] 123. Zamora, B.; Tueller, Paul T. 1973. Artemisia arbuscula, A. longiloba, and A. nova habitat types in northern Nevada. The Great Basin Naturalist. 33(4): 225-242. [2688] 124. Zschaechner, Greg A. 1985. Studying rangeland fire effects: a case study in Nevada. In: Sanders, Ken; Durham, Jack, eds. Rangeland fire effects: Proceedings of the symposium; 1984 November 27-29; Boise, ID. Boise, ID: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Managment, Idaho State Office: 66-84. [2692] Artemisia tridentata ssp. tridentata Index
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