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Wildlife, Animals, and Plants |
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Artemisia tridentata var. wyomingensis (Beetle & Young) Welsh [34,39,144] NRCS PLANT CODE:ARTRW8 COMMON NAMES:Wyoming big sagebrush
The currently accepted scientific name of Wyoming big sagebrush is Artemisia tridentata Nutt. ssp. wyomingensis Beetle & Young (Asteraceae). There are 2 other widely distributed subspecies of big sagebrush (A. tridentata): basin big sagebrush (A. t. ssp. tridentata) and mountain big sagebrush (A. t. ssp. vaseyana) [12,64,77]. It is impossible to distinguish Wyoming big sagebrush from basin or mountain big sagebrush without molecular analysis [12,139]. LIFE FORM:Shrub FEDERAL LEGAL STATUS:No special status OTHER STATUS:No entry AUTHORSHIP AND CITATION:Howard, Janet L. (1999, March). Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis. In: Remainder of Citation DISTRIBUTION AND OCCURRENCE
GENERAL DISTRIBUTION:Wyoming big sagebrush occurs from Montana and North Dakota south to California, New Mexico, Colorado, and Nebraska [64,133,144]. Its population distribution is poorly understood in areas where it overlaps with other big sagebrush subspecies [139,144]. ECOSYSTEMS:
FRES21 Ponderosa pine STATES:
5 Columbia Plateau KUCHLER PLANT ASSOCIATIONS:K005 Mixed conifer forest K010 Ponderosa shrub forest K011 Western ponderosa forest K016 Eastern ponderosa forest K023 Juniper-pinyon woodland K024 Juniper steppe woodlands K037 Mountain mahogany-oak scrub K038 Great Basin sagebrush K039 Blackbrush K040 Saltbush-greasewood K055 Sagebrush steppe K056 Wheatgrass-needlegrass shrubsteppe K057 Galleta-three-awn shrubsteppe SAF COVER TYPES:209 Bristlecone pine 219 Limber pine 220 Rocky Mountain juniper 237 Interior ponderosa pine 238 Western juniper 239 Pinyon-juniper 243 Sierra Nevada mixed conifer 245 Pacific ponderosa pine 247 Jeffrey pine SRM (RANGELAND) COVER TYPES:107 Western juniper/big sagebrush/bluebunch wheatgrass 212 Blackbush 314 Big sagebrush-bluebunch wheatgrass 315 Big sagebrush-Idaho fescue 317 Bitterbrush-bluebunch wheatgrass 318 Bitterbrush-Idaho fescue 320 Black sagebrush-bluebunch wheatgrass 321 Black sagebrush-Idaho fescue 322 Curlleaf mountain-mahogany-bluebunch wheatgrass 324 Threetip sagebrush-Idaho fescue 401 Basin big sagebrush 402 Mountain big sagebrush 403 Wyoming big sagebrush 404 Threetip sagebrush 405 Black sagebrush 406 Low sagebrush 412 Juniper-pinyon woodland 413 Gambel oak 414 Salt desert shrub 420 Snowbrush 501 Saltbush-greasewood 504 Juniper-pinyon pine woodland 612 Sagebrush-grass HABITAT TYPES AND PLANT COMMUNITIES:
Wyoming big sagebrush steppe communities are prevalent in the West. Wyoming big sagebrush/bluebunch wheatgrass (Pseudoroegneria spicata) is the most common of the big sagebrush/bluebunch wheatgrass types [95]. Other codominants in Wyoming big sagebrush steppe include western wheatgrass (Pascopyrum smithii), Sandberg bluegrass (Poa secunda), bottlebrush squirreltail (Elymus elymoides), Idaho fescue (Festuca idahoensis), Thurber needlegrass (Achnatherum thurberianum), and needle-and-thread grass (Hesperostipa comata) [37,54,67,86]. Although not often used in vegetation classifications, cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) is also a dominant species in some Wyoming big sagebrush steppe communities [37]. Evenden [46] described a Wyoming big sagebrush/cheatgrass community in the Trout Creek Mountains of southeastern Oregon where Wyoming big sagebrush and cheatgrass comprised 40 and 28% cover, respectively. VALUE AND USE
Wyoming big sagebrush is preferred browse for wild ungulates [22,105,116,141], and Wyoming big sagebrush communities are important winter ranges for big game [67,90,99,131]. Pronghorn usually browse Wyoming big sagebrush heavily [2]. On the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, for example, the shrub comprised 90% of the diet of pronghorn from fall through spring. Lagomorphs may browse Wyoming big sagebrush heavily in winter [58]. Wyoming big sagebrush is a crucial food item of sage grouse, and Wyoming big sagebrush communities are critical habitat for the birds [4,31,52,53,131,143]. PALATABILITY:
Wyoming big sagebrush is generally the most palatable of the big sagebrush subspecies, and big game species use it heavily, especially in winter [112,131]. In a trial using captive mule deer, it was the most preferred among the 3 major subspecies of big sagebrush [22]. It is moderately palatable to cattle and domestic sheep [131]. NUTRITIONAL VALUE:
Wyoming big sagebrush contains volatile oils, but is otherwise a highly nutritious shrub. The leaves equal alfalfa (Medicago sativa) in protein content, with slightly more carbohydrates and 12 times more lipids. Mule deer apparently avoid some of the effects of the volatile compounds by belching the compounds as they chew their cuds [98].
Protein (N x 6.25) COVER VALUE:Wyoming big sagebrush provides cover for a variety of wildlife including pronghorn [126,130], bighorn sheep [83], lagomorphs [80,140], shrub-nesting birds, and some ground-nesting birds including sage grouse [71,80]. Cover of mature shrubs is especially important to pronghorn fawns and sage grouse brood [80,130]. Early to mid-seral communities are important black-tailed jackrabbit and pygmy rabbit habitats [80,88,140]. In contrast, Townsend's ground squirrels, and raptors that rely on them as prey species, prefer open and grassy, early seral Wyoming big sagebrush communities such as burns. Their numbers decline as plant succession advances [80]. VALUE FOR REHABILITATION OF DISTURBED SITES:
Wyoming big sagebrush is used for stabilizing slopes and gullies and for restoring degraded wildlife habitat, rangelands, mine spoils, and other disturbed sites [90,116]. It is particularly recommended on dry upland sites where other shrubs are difficult to establish [94]. It can be established by direct seeding [94,116] and by transplanting greenhouse seedlings or wildings. Wild plants are best moved while dormant in winter [90,119]. Commercial seed is available [35]. OTHER USES AND VALUES:
Native Americans made tea from big sagebrush leaves. They used the tea as a tonic, an antiseptic, for treating colds, diarrhea, and sore eyes, and as a rinse to ward off ticks. Big sagebrush seeds were eaten raw or made into meal [98]. The wood is extremely aromatic when burned, and the wood smoke was used to mask the effects of an encounter with a skunk [45]. MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS:
Grazing: Wyoming big sagebrush normally appears in mid-seral steppes, and good grazing management will not prevent its reinvasion [62]. It may increase moderately under heavy grazing; however, because of its relatively high palatability it does not increase as much as other big sagebrush subspecies usually do [112,131]. Schlatterer [113] reported that in northern Idaho, Wyoming big sagebrush increased slightly with overgrazing. On some overgrazed sites, Wyoming big sagebrush has declined nearly as much as associated bunchgrasses, and its coverage has actually increased with cessation of grazing. On the Upper Snake River Plains of southeastern Idaho, Wyoming big sagebrush and associated bunchgrasses were depressed from approximately 50 years of heavy domestic sheep and cattle grazing. When grazing was stopped in 1950, Wyoming big sagebrush cover increased significantly (p=0.05), from 15% in 1950 to 22% by 1965 [3]. BOTANICAL AND ECOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS
Wyoming big sagebrush is a native shrub [6,34,39,64]. It is the most drought tolerant of the 3 major big sagebrush subspecies [94]. Plants are generally 18 to 30 inches (46-76 cm) tall, with rounded, uneven crowns. The main stem is usually branched at or near ground level into 2 or more substems [11,112]. Wyoming big sagebrush is technically an evergreen but is semideciduous in habit. It develops 2 types of leaves: large ephemeral leaves and smaller, perennial leaves produced from ephemeral leaf axes [96]. The inflorescence is an open, many-flowered spike [11]. The fruit is a small, easily shattered achene [116]. RAUNKIAER LIFE FORM:Phanerophyte REGENERATION PROCESSES:
Wyoming big sagebrush reproduces from seed; it does not sprout or layer [12,90,112]. Pollination is mostly by outcrossing, but plants can also self pollinate [56]. Shrubs produce large quantities of small seeds beginning at 3 to 4 years of age [90,129]. Goodwin [60] estimated that a moderate-sized plant produces about 350,000 seeds in a season, and a large one produces over a million. Big sagebrush seed is disseminated mostly by wind, with some seed spread by animals and water [60,116]. The seed floats, so seedlings may establish along watercourses [60,98]. Most seed shatters within a week of maturation [60] and travels less than 100 feet (30 m) from the parent plant [10,129]. Some viable seed is retained on the parent and disseminates slowly over the winter [98]. Establishment occurs mostly from the seedbank [67]. Wyoming big sagebrush seed stored in the warehouse has retained viability for at least 6 years [116]; viability in the field is unknown. On burns, Wyoming big sagebrush that escape fire are an important seed source [29]. If the seedbank is destroyed over a large area by repeated fires or other means, Wyoming big sagebrush eventually seeds in from adjacent areas, but such a strategy may take several decades [129]. SITE CHARACTERISTICS:
Wyoming big sagebrush is most common on foothills, undulating terraces, slopes, and plateaus, but also occurs in basins and valley bottoms [34,39,54,69,128]. Aspect varies, but shrubs are most common on south- to west-facing slopes [28,128,131]. SUCCESSIONAL STATUS:
Wyoming big sagebrush is a mid- to late-seral species [41,54,125].
Period of Wyoming big sagebrush establishment after a stand-replacing event such as fire is typically about a decade but varies with site [125]. Prior to re-establishment of Wyoming big sagebrush, disturbed Wyoming big sagebrush communities are mostly populated with associated grasses. Principal component analysis of Wyoming big sagebrush steppe on the Thunder Basin National Grassland of Wyoming produced this successional model (intervals between seres were not quantified) [13]: SEASONAL DEVELOPMENT:
Wyoming big sagebrush develops ephemeral leaves in early spring and retains them until onset of summer drought. Perennial leaves develop slowly, from late spring until July. Perennial leaves are generally retained until their 2nd year, when they are shed during summer drought. By retaining about 1/3rd of its perennial leaves over winter and then developing ephemeral leaves early in the growing season, Wyoming big sagebrush begins photosynthesis and height growth earlier than most herbaceous associates [38,96]. Relatively more leaves are shed in dry years compared to wet ones, and new leaves tend to be smaller in dry years [85]. Flowering begins in late summer (Aug. or Sept.), and fruits ripen in fall (mid-Oct. to mid-Nov.) [116,149]. Flowering continues until the onset of cold weather. Most seed is shed in fall, but some seed shed may continue until early winter [98]. root elongation April - mid-May shoot elongation May - mid-Aug. flowering mid-July - Sept. fruiting mid-Aug. - Sept. FIRE ECOLOGYFIRE ECOLOGY OR ADAPTATIONS:
Fire adaptations: Fire is the principal means of renewal for decadent stands of Wyoming big sagebrush [17]. Wyoming big sagebrush establishes after fire from the seedbank [12,90,112]; from seed produced by remnant plants that escaped fire [29]; and from plants adjacent to the burn that seed in [29,31]. Fires in Wyoming big sagebrush are usually not continuous, and remnant plants are the principal means of postfire reproduction [29]. Fire does not stimulate germination of soil-stored Wyoming big sagebrush seed, but neither does it inhibit its germination [30]. Species Interval Pacific ponderosa pine 1-30 yrs (Pinus ponderosa var. ponderosa) interior ponderosa pine 2-45 yrs (P. p. var. scopulorum) western juniper 7-100 yrs (Juniperus occidentalis) Utah juniper 10-30 yrs (J. osteosperma) POSTFIRE REGENERATION STRATEGY:
Secondary colonizer - on-site seed FIRE EFFECTS
IMMEDIATE FIRE EFFECT ON PLANT:Wyoming big sagebrush ignites readily and produces a very hot fire [98,101,135]. Fire kills it [27,29,32,43,53,101,105,137,152]. PLANT RESPONSE TO FIRE:
Wyoming big sagebrush is not an initial colonizer. It may be slow to establish on a burn, especially when compared to other big sagebrush subspecies, because of the relatively drier sites it normally occupies [21,24,27]. Additionally, the VAM upon which Wyoming big sagebrush depend for healthy growth are harmed by fire, and may take several years after fire to recover [71,109]. Wicklow-Howard [148] found that on the Snake River Birds of Prey Area of southern Idaho, fewer of the VAM associated with Wyoming big sagebrush were killed by low-intensity fire than by moderate-intensity fire. Fire Parameters temperature 70oF relative humidity 15% windspeed 1-3 miles/h fuel moisture 3% live sagebrush moisture 93% soil moisture 8% Wyoming big sagebrush Frequency (%) Fire treatment Unburned control ----------------------- ---------------- year before fire 28 22 postfire year 1 2 18 postfire year 3 5 no data DISCUSSION AND QUALIFICATION OF PLANT RESPONSE:
Prescribed burning in Wyoming big sagebrush has been accomplished on patches as little as 0.3 acre (0.05 ha) [105] and as much as 14,500 acres (5800 ha). The 14,500-acre fire, on the Upper Snake River Plain of Idaho, burned about 57% of the area and reduced Wyoming big sagebrush and threetip sagebrush (Artemisia tripartita) cover from approximately 20 to 11% [53]. The small patchy fires, on the East Fork of the Salmon River in south-central Idaho, reduced Wyoming big sagebrush from a prefire frequency of 100% to and average of 40% in postfire year 1. Wyoming big sagebrush seedlings had not recolonized by postfire year 3 [105]. FIRE MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS:
Burning is the oldest method of big sagebrush control in the West, and it is still effective and relatively inexpensive. Sites generally need reburning every 15 to 30 years in order to control big sagebrush [85,112]. Composition of herbaceous vegetation is largely unaffected by burning, whereas herbicide control may reduce herb production by 45 to 65% [4,85]. Unlike burning in other big sagebrush types, burning in Wyoming big sagebrush usually does not usually increase forb density or diversity [53,58,151].
Postfire Management: Native species that have been successfully seeded in after fire on degraded Wyoming big sagebrush rangelands include bluebunch wheatgrass, fourwing saltbush (Atriplex canescens), scarlet globemallow (Sphaeralcea coccinea), and balsamroot (Balsamorhiza spp.). Russian wildrye (Psathyrostachys juncea), crested, and desert wheatgrasses have also been successfully seeded in [80,150]. Reoccupation of Wyoming big sagebrush is slower on sites seeded to crested or desert wheatgrass than on sites seeded to native grasses [112]. ----------------Burned---------------- Prefire Postfire yr 1 Postfire yr 2 sagebrush 6.5(1.3) 0 0 wheatgrass 12.9(5.0) 6.5(1.7) 12.3(4.9) cheatgrass 6.6(1.5) 34.8(12.1) 56.8(5.4) ------------Unburned Control---------- Prefire Postfire yr 1 Postfire yr 2 sagebrush 2.3(1.2) 3.7(1.2) 5.7(4.0) wheatgrass 13.3(0.5) 16.0(1.) 13.3(5.9) cheatgrass 6.8(1.1) 11.0(1.1) 24.0(8.2)Restoration of cheatgrass-dominated sites: Boltz [18] found seed imprinting resulted in best establishment of Wyoming big sagebrush seedlings the Jarbidge Resource Area of south-central Idaho. He studied natural and artificial regeneration on sites that had been subject to repeat wildfire and cheatgrass invasion. Natural regeneration of Wyoming big sagebrush was poor on cheatgrass-overrun sites receiving less than 10 inches (254 mm) average annual precipitation. He speculated a depleted seedbank combined with low and erratic precipitation resulted in low Wyoming big sagebrush seedling density and high seedling mortality. Imprinting seed into the soil after May prescribed burning on an already thrice-burned site in poor condition resulted in Wyoming big sagebrush establishment at an average rate of 2,750 seedlings/acre (6875/ha). Among imprinting, broadcasting, drilling, disking, or chaining seed, broadcasting was 2nd most successful at 750 seedlings/acre (300/ha). Cheatgrass is most likely to invade the Wyoming big sagebrush/Thurber needlegrass type if overgrazing has preceded fire. Hironaka and others [67] suggest that due to low seedling vigor of Thurber needlegrass, restoring this type after cheatgrass becomes dominant would be difficult to impossible. They recommend artificial seeding with desert wheatgrass. When perennial herbs are depleted by overgrazing or other means, the Wyoming big sagebrush/needle-and-thread grass type is easily invaded by cheatgrass because it tends to occur on warm soils. However, needle-and-thread grass is easier to establish by artificial seeding than most native bunchgrasses. Hironaka and others [67] recommend direct-seed drilling needle-and-thread grass into nontilled soil when cheatgrass has invaded this type. Other invasive species: Rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus spp.) may invade burned sites in the northern Great Basin. Rabbitbrush invasion after fire has occurred most often in western Idaho, and is least likely in eastern Idaho and Wyoming [27]. Sage grouse: Fire is an effective tool for promoting sage grouse [14,58,82,114]. For information on fire management of sage grouse habitat, see the FEIS report on sage grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). FIRE CASE STUDIES
CASE NAME:Wyoming big sagebrush response to burning in a Wyoming big sagebrush/bluebunch wheatgrass habitat type REFERENCE:Clifton, N. A. 1981 [31] SEASON/SEVERITY CLASSIFICATION:fall (Sept. 27 through Oct. 1, 1978)/light severity STUDY LOCATION:The study area is 25 miles (40 km) north of Shoshone, Idaho, on the Shoshone District, BLM. PREFIRE VEGETATIVE COMMUNITY:The community was a Wyoming big sagebrush/bluebunch wheatgrass (Artemisia tridentata spp. wyomingensis/Pseudoroegneria spicata) habitat with large amounts of Thurber needlegrass (Achnatherum thurberianum). Western wheatgrass (Pascopyrum smithii), Sandberg bluegrass (Poa secunda), and low sagebrush (A. longiloba) were common. Two exotic grasses were present in low numbers: cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) coverage was less than 2%, and Japanese brome (B. japonicus) coverage was less than 1%. Bare ground coverage was 47%; litter coverage was 36%. SITE DESCRIPTION:
Use: The study site lies within a grazing allotment used by domestic sheep in spring. Nonuse averaged 70% of the authorized AUM's prior to the study, and this grazing pattern continued throughout the study. The area is also managed for sage grouse. FIRE DESCRIPTION:Management objectives were to reduce Wyoming big sagebrush cover; increase herbaceous forage; improve habitat quality for sage grouse and other wildlife by creating a mosaic of burned and unburned patches with at least 10% of the area burned; and to reduce wildfire hazard. The fire prescription called for strip headfires under the following conditions: fine fuel moisture 13-30% relative humidity 20-45% windspeed 5-30 miles/h (8-48 km/h) temperature 50-85oF (10-30oC)Actual burning conditions were: fine fuel moisture not given relative humidity 19-36% windspeed 3-25 miles/h (4.8-40 km/h) temperature 64-85oF (18-30oC)The fire produced a mosaic of burned and unburned patches. Ten to 15% of the area burned. FIRE EFFECTS ON TARGET SPECIES:Coverage of Wyoming big sagebrush was significantly (p < 0.05) less on burned plots than on unburned control plots. Postfire density of live Wyoming big sagebrush plants was about 500% greater on control plots: -----------Burned---------- postfire yr 1 postfire yr 2 live density (plants/ha) 2000 2250 dead density (plants/ha) 11250 1105 cover (%) 0.79 1.09 -----------Control----------- postfire yr 1 postfire yr 2 live density (plants/ha) 13950 13500 dead density (plants/ha) 4500 4400 cover (%) 17.37 19.35Mortality of associated bunchgrasses was low. For example, 100% of tagged and burned bluebunch wheatgrass plants were alive at postfire year 2, and 77% of Thurber needlegrass plants so treated were alive. Coverage of cheatgrass and Japanese brome increased slightly on both burned and unburned plots during the study period, but the increases were not significant. Forb coverage was not affected by burning.
The prescribed fire met or nearly met management objectives. The study site was typical of many Wyoming big sagebrush habitats in that bare ground was plentiful and fuels somewhat sparse, but the study area had enough fine fuels to carry a patchy fire. Target percentage (at least 10%) of the study area to be burnt was exceeded, and Wyoming big sagebrush was reduced. Overall production of herbaceous forage increased, although production of Sandberg bluegrass and Thurber needlegrass declined after fire. At postfire year 1, bluebunch wheatgrass yield was 330% greater on burned plots compared to unburned plots. Exotic grasses were present in low numbers before fire, and prescribed burning did not result in attendant increases in the exotics. Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis: References1. Abbott, Michael L.; Fraley, Leslie, Jr.; Reynolds, Timothy D. 1991. Root profiles of selected cold desert shrubs and grasses in disturbed and undisturbed soils. 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