Wildlife, Animals, and Plants
SPECIES: Berberis nervosa | Dwarf Oregon-Grape
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Research. 20: 350-356. [11035]
2. Agee, James K.; Kertis, Jane. 1987. Forest types of the North Cascades
National Park Service Complex. Canadian Journal of Botany. 65:
1520-1530. [6327]
3. Atzet, Thomas. 1979. Description and classification of the forests of
the upper Illinois River drainage of southwestern Oregon. Corvallis, OR:
Oregon State University. 211 p. Dissertation. [6452]
4. Atzet, Thomas; Wheeler, David L. 1982. Historical and ecological
perspectives on fire activity in the Klamath Geological Province of the
Rogue River and Siskiyou National Forests. Portland, OR: U.S. Department
of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region. 16 p. [6252]
5. Atzet, Thomas; Wheeler, David L. 1984. Preliminary plant associations of
the Siskiyou Mountain Province. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region. 278 p. [9351]
6. Atzet, Tom; Wheeler, David; Smith, Brad; [and others]. 1985. The tanoak
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7. Bailey, Arthur Wesley. 1966. Forest associations and secondary
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8. Bailey, Arthur W.; Poulton, Charles E. 1968. Plant communities and
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10. Bovey, Rodney W. 1977. Response of selected woody plants in the United
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11. Brockway, Dale G.; Topik, Christopher; Hemstrom, Miles A.; Emmingham,
William H. 1985. Plant association and management guide for the Pacific
silver fir zone: Gifford Pinchot National Forest. R6-Ecol-130a.
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12. Brown, Ellsworth R. 1961. The black-tailed deer of western Washington.
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13. Carlton, Gary C. 1988. The structure and dynamics of red alder
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14. Clary, Warren P. 1983. Overstory-understory relationships: spruce-fir
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15. Durand, Herbert K. 1972. Texas mahonia - a neglected economic plant.
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16. Dyrness, C. T. 1965. The effect of logging and slash burning on
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17. Dyrness, C. T. 1973. Early stages of plant succession following logging
and burning in the western Cascades of Oregon. Ecology. 54(1): 57-69.
18. Dyrness, C. T.; Franklin, J. F.; Moir, W. H. 1974. A preliminary
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34. Halpern, Charles B.; Harmon, Mark E. 1983. Early plant succession on the
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35. Halverson, Nancy M., compiler. 1986. Major indicator shrubs and herbs on
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36. Halverson, Nancy M.; Topik, Christopher; Van Vickle, Robert. 1986. Plant
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43. Hemstrom, Miles A.; Logan, Sheila E.; Pavlat, Warren. 1987. Plant
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Related categories for Species: Berberis nervosa
| Dwarf Oregon-Grape
 |