Wildlife, Animals, and Plants
| Ceanothus sanguineus: References
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8. Binkley, Dan; Cromack, Kermit, Jr.; Fredriksen, Richard L. 1982. Nitrogen accretion and availability in some snowbrush ecosystems. Forest Science. 28(4): 720-724. [4149]
9. Binkley, Dan; Husted, Lynn. 1983. Nitrogen accretion, soil fertility, and Douglas-fir nutrition in association with redstem ceanothus. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 13: 122-125. [34848]
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14. Cholewa, Anita F.; Johnson, Frederic D. 1983. Secondary succession in the Pseudotsuga menziesii/Phyaocarpus malvaceus association. Northwest Science. 57(4): 273-282. [11402]
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16. Conard, Susan G.; Jaramillo, Annabelle E.; Cromack, Kermit, Jr.; Rose, Sharon, compilers. 1985. The role of the genus Ceanothus in western forest ecosystems. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-182. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. 72 p. [668]
17. Conrad, C. Eugene. 1987. Common shrubs of chaparral and associated ecosystems of southern California. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-99. Berkeley, CA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. 86 p. [4209]
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24. Edmonds, Robert L.; Binkley, Dan; Feller, Michael C.; [and others]. 1989. Nutrient cycling: effects on productivity of northwest forests. In: Perry, D. A.; Meurisse, R.; Thomas, B.; [and others], eds. Maintaining the long-term productivity of Pacific Northwest forest ecosystems. Portland, OR: Timber Press: 17-35. [13232]
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33. Gratkowski, H. 1973. Pregermination treatments for redstem ceanothus seeds. Res. Pap. PNW-156. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. 10 p. [16471]
34. Hall, Frederick C. 1974. Prediction of plant community development and its use in management. In: Black, Hugh C., ed. Wildlife and forest management in the Pacific Northwest: Proceedings of a symposium; 1973 September 11-12; Corvallis, OR. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University, School of Forestry, Forest Research Laboratory: 113-119. [7998]
35. Halpern, C. B. 1989. Early successional patterns of forest species: interactions of life history traits and disturbance. Ecology. 70(3): 704-720. [6829]
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38. Halpern, Charles B.; Franklin, Jerry F. 1990. Physiognomic development of Pseudotsuga forests in relation to initial structure and disturbance intensity. Journal of Vegetation Science. 1(4): 475-482. [13288]
39. Harrington, Constance A.; McGrath, James M.; Kraft, Joseph M. 1999. Propagating native species: experience at the Wind River Nursery. Western Journal of Applied Forestry. 14(2): 61-64. [30058]
40. Hedrick, Donald W. 1969. Livestock grazing and game
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41. Heit, C. E. 1967. Propagation from seed. Part 7: Germinating six hardseeded groups. American Nurseryman. 125(12): 10-12; 37-41; 44-45. [1120]
42. Hickey, William O. 1971. Response of Ceanothus sanguineus to cutting and burning at various stages of phenology. Moscow, ID: University of Idaho. 39 p. Thesis. [9777]
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46. Hooven, Edward F. 1973. Response of the Oregon creeping vole to the clearcutting of a Douglas-fir forest. Northwest Science. 47(4): 256-264. [8521]
47. Hungerford, Roger D. 1984. Native shrubs: suitability for revegetating road cuts in northwestern Montana. Res. Pap. INT-331. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 13 p. [1220]
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49. Irwin, Larry L.; Peek, James M. 1979. Shrub production and biomass trends following five logging treatments within the cedar-hemlock zone of northern Idaho. Forest Science. 25(3): 415-426. [16511]
50. Johnson, Charles Grier, Jr. 1998. Vegetation response after wildfires in national forests of northeastern Oregon. R6-NR-ECOL-TP-06-98. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region. 128 p. (+ appendices) [30061]
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53. Keay, Jeffrey A.; Peek, James M. 1980. Relationships between fires and winter habitat of deer in Idaho. Journal of Wildlife Management. 44(2): 372-380. [125]
54. Kramer, Neal B. 1984. Mature forest seed banks on three habitat types in central Idaho. Moscow, ID: University of Idaho. 106 p. Thesis. [1375]
55. Kramer, Neal B.; Johnson, Frederic D. 1987. Mature forest seed banks of three habitat types in central Idaho. Canadian Journal of Botany. 65: 1961-1966. [3961]
56. Krueger, W. C.; Vavra, M.; Wheeler, W. P. 1980. Plant succession as influenced by habitat type, grazing management, and reseeding on a northeast Oregon clearcut. In: 1980 Progress report: Research in rangeland management. Special Report 586. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University, Agricultural Experiment Station: 32-37. In cooperation with: USDA, Agricultural Research--SEA. [2749]
57. Krueger, William C. 1983. Cattle grazing in managed forests. In: Roche, Ben F., Jr.; Baumgartner, David M., editors. Forestland grazing: Proceedings of a symposium; 1983 February 23-25; Spokane, WA. Pullman, WA: Washington State University, Cooperative Extension: 29-41. [1378]
58. Kuchler, A. W. 1964. Manual to accompany the map of potential vegetation of the conterminous United States. Special Publication No. 36. New York: American Geographical Society. 77 p. [1384]
59. Kufeld, Roland C. 1973. Foods eaten by the Rocky Mountain elk. Journal of Range Management. 26(2): 106-113. [1385]
60. Lackschewitz, Klaus. 1991. Vascular plants of west-central Montana--identification guidebook. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-227. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station. 648 p. [13798]
61. Laursen, Steven B. 1984. Predicting shrub community composition and structure following management disturbance in forest ecosystems of the Intermountain West. Moscow, ID: University of Idaho. 261 p. Dissertation. [6717]
62. Leege, Thomas A. 1968. Prescribed burning for elk in northern Idaho. In: Proceedings, annual Tall Timbers fire ecology conference; 1968 March 14-15; Tallahassee, FL. No 8. Tallahassee, FL: Tall Timbers Research Station: 235-253. [5287]
63. Leege, Thomas A. 1969. Burning seral brush ranges for big game in northern Idaho. Transactions, North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference. 34: 429-438. [144]
64. Leege, Thomas A. 1972. Northern elk ranges improved by burning. Idaho Wildlife Review. 24(4): 7-10. [16753]
65. Leege, Thomas A. 1979. Effects of repeated prescribed burns on northern Idaho elk browse. Northwest Science. 53(2): 107-113. [5116]
66. Leege, Thomas A., compiler. 1984. Guidelines for evaluating and managing summer elk habitat in northern Idaho. [Wildlife Bull. No. 11]. Boise, ID: Idaho Fish and Game. 37 p. [A cooperative effort. Financial support provided by the Idaho Department of Fish and Game Federal Aid Project W-160-R, U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, Plum Creek Timber Company and Idaho Forest Industry Council]. [13681]
67. Leege, Thomas A.; Godbolt, Grant. 1985. Herebaceous response following prescribed burning and seeding of elk range in Idaho. Northwest Science. 59(2): 134-143. [1436]
68. Leege, Thomas A.; Hickey, William O. 1971. Sprouting of northern Idaho shrubs after prescribed burning. Journal of Wildlife Management. 35(3): 508-515. [1437]
69. Leege, Thomas A.; Hickey, William O. 1975. Growth and dieback of redstem (Ceanothus sanguineus) in Idaho. Northwest Science. 49(2): 58-64. [4133]
70. Lotan, James E. 1986. Silvicultural management of competing vegetation. In: Baumgartner, David M.; Boyd, Raymond J.; Breuer, David W.; Miller, Daniel L., compilers and eds. Weed control for forest productivity in the Interior West: Symposium proceedings; 1985 February 5-7; Spokane, WA. Pullman, WA: Washington State University, Cooperative Extension: 9-16. [1474]
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72. Merrill, Evelyn H. 1982. Shrub responses after fire in an Idaho ponderosa pine community. Journal of Wildlife Management. 46(2): 496-501. [1641]
73. Miller, Melanie. 1976. Shrub sprouting response to fire in a Douglas-fir/western larch ecosystem. Missoula, MT: University of Montana. 124 p. Thesis. [8945]
74. Mitchell, John E. 1983. Overstory-understory relationships: Douglas-fir forests. In: Bartlett, E. T.; Betters, David R., eds. Overstory-understory relationships in western forests. Western Regional Res. Publ. No. 1. Fort Collins, CO: Colorado State University Experiment Station: 27-34. [3314]
75. Mitchell, John E.; Rodgers, Richard T. 1985. Food habits and distribution of cattle on a forest and pasture range in northern Idaho. Journal of Range Management. 38(3): 214-220. [14430]
76. Monsen, Stephen B. 1984. Use of shrubs on mine spoils. In: Murphy, P. M., compiler. The challenge of producing native plants for the Intermountain area: Proceedings: Intermountain Nurseryman's Association 1983 conference; 1983 August 8-11; Las Vegas, NV. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-168. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station: 26-31. [6847]
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80. Mueggler, Walter F. 1965. Ecology of seral shrub communities in the cedar-hemlock zone of northern Idaho. Ecological Monographs. 35: 165-185. [4016]
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85. Noste, Nonan V. 1982. Vegetation response to spring and fall burning for wildlife habitat improvement. In: Baumgartner, David M., compiler & editor. Site preparation and fuels management on steep terrain: Proceedings of a symposium; 1982 February 15-17; Spokane, WA. Pullman, WA: Washington State University, Cooperative Extension: 125-132. [1784]
86. Orme, Mark L.; Leege, Thomas A. 1976. Emergence and survival of redstem (Ceanothus sanguineus) following prescribed burning. In: Proceedings, annual Tall Timbers fire ecology conference; 1974 October 8-10; Missoula, Montana. No. 14. Tallahassee, FL: Tall Timbers Research Station: 391-420. [6273]
87. Orme, Mark L.; Leege, Thomas A. 1980. Phenology of shrubs on a north Idaho elk range. Northwest Science. 54(3): 187-198. [1800]
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98. Shiflet, Thomas N., ed. 1994. Rangeland cover types of the United States. Denver, CO: Society for Range Management. 152 p. [23362]
99. Steele, Robert; Geier-Hayes, Kathleen. 1995. Major Douglas-fir habitat types of central Idaho: a summary of succession and management. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-GTR-331. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station. 23 p. [29363]
100. Stickney, Peter F. 1986. First decade plant succession following the Sundance Forest Fire, northern Idaho. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-197. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station. 26 p. [2255]
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104. Stump, Laura M.; Binkley, Dan. 1993. Relationships between litter quality and nitrogen availability in Rocky Mountain forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 23: 492-502. [22454]
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112. Wittinger, W. T.; Pengelly, W. L.; Irwin, L. L.; Peek, J. M. 1977. A 20-year record of shrub succession in logged areas in the cedar- hemlock zone of northern Idaho. Northwest Science. 51(3): 161-171. [6828]
113. Yerkes, Vern P. 1960. Occurrence of shrubs and herbaceous vegetation after clear cutting old-growth Douglas-fir. Res. Pap. PNW-34. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. 12 p. [8937]
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118. Zamora, Benjamin Abel. 1975. Secondary succession on broadcast-burned clearcuts of the Abies grandis-Pachistima myrsinites habitat type in northcentral Idaho. Pullman, WA: Washington State University. 127 p. Dissertation. [5154]
119. Zimmerman, G. T.; Neuenschwander, L. F. 1984. Livestock grazing influences on community structure, fire intensity, and fire frequency within the Douglas-fir/ninebark habitat type. Journal of Range Management. 37(2): 104-110. [10103]
120. Zimmerman, Gordon Thomas. 1979. Livestock grazing, fire, and their interactions within the Douglas-fir/ ninebark habitat type of northern Idaho. Moscow, ID: University of Idaho. 145 p. Thesis. [6724]
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