Wildlife, Animals, and Plants
| Ceanothus velutinus: References
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49. Canon, S. K.; Urness, P. J.; DeByle, N. V. 1987. Habitat selection, foraging behavior, and dietary nutrition of elk in burned aspen forest. Journal of Range Management. 40(5): 443-438. [3453]
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51. Christianson, Steven P.; Adams, David L.; Grahm, Russell T. 1984. First season survival and growth of Douglas-fir planted in north Idaho shrubfields. Tech. Rep. 16. Moscow, ID: University of Idaho, Forest, Wildlife and Range Experiment Station. 6 p. [7256]
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58. Conard, S. G.; Radosevich, S. R. 1981. Photosynthesis, xylem pressure potential, and leaf conductance of three montane chaparral species in California. Forest Science. 27(4): 627-639. [8761]
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61. Conard, Susan G. 1985. Inhibition of Abies concolor radicle growth by extracts of Ceanothus velutinus. Madrono. 32(2): 118-121. [35446]
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