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SPECIES: Cercidium microphyllum | Yellow Paloverde
ABBREVIATION : CERMIC SYNONYMS : Parkinsonia microphylla Torr. [52,80,88] SCS PLANT CODE : CEMI2 COMMON NAMES : yellow paloverde little-leaf paloverde foothill paloverde TAXONOMY : The currently accepted scientific name of yellow paloverde is Cercidium microphyllum (Torr.) Rose & Johnston [31,100]. It is a member of the bird-of-paradise family (Caesalpinaceae) [26]. There are no recognized infrataxa. Yellow paloverde occasionally forms hybrids throughout its range with blue paloverde (Cercidium floridum) [52]. In Mexico, yellow paloverde hybridizes with Cercidium praecox to form Sonoran paloverde (C. x sonorae) [43,93]. LIFE FORM : Tree, Shrub FEDERAL LEGAL STATUS : No special status OTHER STATUS : NO-ENTRY COMPILED BY AND DATE : Diane S. Pavek, June 1994 LAST REVISED BY AND DATE : NO-ENTRY AUTHORSHIP AND CITATION : Pavek, Diane S. 1994. Cercidium microphyllum. In: Remainder of Citation


SPECIES: Cercidium microphyllum | Yellow Paloverde
GENERAL DISTRIBUTION : Yellow paloverde is distributed through central and southwestern Arizona [16,31,43,88]. A few populations occur in southeastern California near the Colorado River in the Whipple Mountains [3,10,26]. The range of yellow paloverde extends southward through Sonora and Baja California, Mexico [37,38,65,78,80,100]. ECOSYSTEMS : FRES30 Desert shrub FRES40 Desert grasslands STATES : AZ CA MEXICO ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS : DEVA LAME ORPI SAGU BLM PHYSIOGRAPHIC REGIONS : 7 Lower Basin and Range KUCHLER PLANT ASSOCIATIONS : K041 Creosotebush K042 Creosotebush - bursage K043 Paloverde - cactus shrub SAF COVER TYPES : 242 Mesquite SRM (RANGELAND) COVER TYPES : NO-ENTRY HABITAT TYPES AND PLANT COMMUNITIES : Yellow paloverde is an indicator species of the Sonoran Desert floristic region [50]. It is a dominant species in the Arizona upland subdivision of the Sonoran Desert [9,41,43,93]. Codominant species include creosotebush (Larrea tridentata), triangle bursage (Ambrosia deltoidea), brittle brush (Encelia farinosa), ocotillo (Fouqueria splendens), and Berlandier wolfberry (Lycium belandieri) [9]. This assemblage is also called the paloverde, bursage (Ambrosia spp.) desert scrub community type. It grades into spinose suffrutescent desert scrub [54]. A major climax association found on bajadas and rocky slopes throughout the Sonoran Desert is the paloverde/saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea) association [5,9,42,89,102]. This association grades into adjacent semidesert grasslands and interior chaparral [53,54]. Yellow paloverde is the principal species in the paloverde series [51,61]. This is also called the paloverde-cacti-mixed scrub series and paloverde woodland and succulents association [93,103]. Yellow paloverde is a facultative riparian species. It may move into riparian areas from surrounding desert and upland positions [1,74,83]. Where precipitation is less than 3 inches (7.6 cm) per year, yellow paloverde is confined to washes and is an obligate riparian species [2]. Yellow paloverde is listed as a dominant or indicator species in the following publications: (1) A series vegetation classification for Region 3 [51] (2) A vegetation classification system applied to southern California [61] (3) Vegetation of the Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona: a gradient analysis of the south slope [99]. Species associated with yellow paloverde but not previously mentioned in DISTRIBUTION AND OCCURRENCE include white burrobrush (Hymenoclea salsola), white ratany (Krameria grayi), organpipe cactus (Lemaireocereus schottii), MacDougal ocotillo (Fouqueria macdougalii), and heart leatherstem (Jatropha cordata) [25,78,97].


SPECIES: Cercidium microphyllum | Yellow Paloverde
WOOD PRODUCTS VALUE : The wood of yellow paloverde is hard and heavy [37]. IMPORTANCE TO LIVESTOCK AND WILDLIFE : Yellow paloverde has limited value as browse for livestock [3,28,87]. Bighorn sheep, mule deer, and feral burros browse yellow paloverde [25,34,63,75,76]. It is important browse for jackrabbits, heteromyid rodents, and other small mammals [16,25,67,96]. Collared peccary consume yellow paloverde fruits from July to September [15]. Yellow paloverde was used significantly (P<0.01) more than other plant species for foraging by birds [58]. Small mammals such as desert shrews and mice use the habitats where yellow paloverde occurs [86]. PALATABILITY : NO-ENTRY NUTRITIONAL VALUE : Several studies have sampled yellow paloverde bimonthly for 1 year. Its leaves, flowers, and new growth had from 30 to 60 percent dry matter and from 6 to 16 percent crude protein [34,63,76]. Yellow paloverde has large seeds that weigh an average of 0.005 ounce (0.147 g) and contain 733.3 calories per seed [68]. COVER VALUE : Yellow paloverde that are taller than 6.6 feet (2 m) are used for nesting [89]. Verdin and black-tailed gnatcatchers nest in yellow paloverde [58]. Gambel's quail use them for roosts [23]. Yellow paloverde snags are important wildlife habitat because snags occur infrequently in the Sonoran Desert. In Arizona, nine bird species used one yellow paloverde snag daily [32]. White-throated woodrats use yellow paloverde for shelter or nests [57]. VALUE FOR REHABILITATION OF DISTURBED SITES : Yellow paloverde was used in the revegetation of an open pit copper mine in Arizona. Yellow paloverde survived significantly (P<0.05) better on the east slope (27 plants/244 sq m) than on the north slope (1 plant/244 sq m) [56]. OTHER USES AND VALUES : Yellow paloverde seeds were ground and used for food by Pima and other Native Americans [37,66]. Yellow paloverde is planted as an ornamental [37]. MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS : Dimensional analyses that relate fresh biomass to stem diamter and dry matter content are available for yellow paloverde [18]. Yellow paloverde was evaluated as a potential energy-producing crop. During 2 years of sampling, the stems, leaves, and fruits of yellow paloverde yielded moderate amounts of oil and crude protein. It was not considered a promising species for exploitation [11]. Yellow paloverde spread from residential plantings into surrounding wildlands in Death Valley National Monument, California. Yellow paloverde does not occur there naturally, and mechanical and herbicide control methods have been proposed to eradicate it [40]. Yellow paloverde and other desert scrub species invade desert grasslands following disturbances such as grazing [40,98]. Yellow paloverde up to 3 inches (7.6 cm) tall may be seriously injured or killed by jackrabbit browsing. Larger trees are browsed to the extent that a jackrabbit can reach, about 3 feet (1 m) [96]. Yellow paloverde is an alternate host for seed-predating bruchid beetles (Mimosestes spp.). Yellow paloverde responses are probably similar to those of the beetles' primary host, mesquite (Prosopis spp.), with reduced yields of viable seeds [33]. Yellow paloverde and community associates typical of the Arizona upland subdivision of the Sonoran Desert occur in very few places in southeastern California. This is a community type with one of the highest priorities in California for rare plant inventories [27]. Yellow paloverde provides canopy cover that reduces maximum soil surface temperatures. This is important for the establishment of other desert species [20,78]. Yellow paloverde is the primary nurse plant for saguaro [14,30,43,55,84].


SPECIES: Cercidium microphyllum | Yellow Paloverde
GENERAL BOTANICAL CHARACTERISTICS : Yellow paloverde is a native, monoecious, spiny shrub or small tree that may grow to 26 feet (8 m) tall [3,37,52,88]. The trunk may be 1 foot (0.3 m) in diameter; it branches about 8 inches (20 cm) from the ground into four to six major stems [57]. The crown spreads 12 to 18 feet (3.7-5.5 m) [32]. The bark is thin and photosynthetic [91]. Yellow paloverde has numerous flowers in 1 inch (2.5 cm) long clusters [16,37]. It has pinnately compound leaves about 1 inch (2.5 cm) long with minute leaflets and is drought-deciduous [37,100]. Fruits are 2 to 3 inches (4-8 cm) long and have one to five seeds with constrictions between the seeds [16,37,80]. Yellow paloverde lives longer than 72 years [22]. Yellow paloverde is susceptible to freezing [90]. RAUNKIAER LIFE FORM : Phanerophyte REGENERATION PROCESSES : Yellow paloverde reproduces sexually and asexually. Yellow paloverde has fair to poor ability to produce sprouts after top removal [11]. Photoperiod initiates fruit and flower production of yellow paloverde. Subsequent local weather conditions determine whether flowering or seed set occurs [91]. A seed crop is produced when the spring is wet or very cool [105]. Yellow paloverde is insect pollinated [44,82]. McAuliffe [47] stated that yellow paloverde pods rapidly abscise as a mechanism to avoid seed predation by bruchid beetles. The constricted fruits of yellow paloverde do not open before dispersing [37]. Seeds germinate during a rainy season after 1 year in the soil. Seedlings are very susceptible to drought during the first 2 to 3 months following germination. During a 9-year study in Arizona, 1.6 percent of all seedlings that germinated survived [105]. Recruitment of yellow paloverde is very slow. Additions as low as two individuals over 30 years or longer have been recorded [22,79]. Herbivory limits yellow paloverde distribution [45]. Bruchid beetles are seed predators of yellow paloverde [47]. Heteromyid rodents rapidly cache yellow paloverde seeds. The cached seeds occasionally germinate [47,95]. Initial distributions of yellow paloverde seedlings are random. However, after 1 year, a greater proportion of seedlings in open spaces were consumed by rabbits and hares than seedlings beneath triangle bursage. Recruitment patterns of yellow paloverde show significantly (P<0.001) positive associations with mature triangle bursage and white bursage (Ambrosia dumosa) [45,46]. Because yellow paloverde outlives triangle bursage, large mature yellow paloverde have no association with triangle bursage [46]. Unpredictable water availability causes low, erratic seedling establishment [12]. Mature yellow paloverde maintain deep root contact with wet soil [73,105]. Yellow paloverde self prunes; large branches die during drought [3,105]. Young plants usually survive drought once they drop branches which occurs at variable ages [77,105]. Death of mature yellow paloverde due to drought and subsequent desiccation is uncommon [45,77,92]. Based on water requirement trials, the water-use efficiency of yellow paloverde approaches that of perennial grasses [48]. SITE CHARACTERISTICS : Yellow paloverde occurs in arid to semiarid climates with mild winters and hot summers; precipitation is bimodal, occuring in summer and fall [15,54]. Yellow paloverde is found on lower mountain slopes and alluvial outwash plains [54,97]. In the most arid parts of its range, yellow paloverde occasionally occurs in small washes or arroyos [24,59,64,91,97]. Yellow paloverde occurs from 1,000 to 4,000 feet (305-1,219 m) in elevation throughout its range [19,23,54,97,99]. It grows on very gradual to steep slopes that may face south or north, but it has been reported on all aspects [19,24,28,36,60,101]. The sites on which yellow paloverde occurs are well-drained [28]. Surface soils may be 1.6 to 2.8 inches (4-7 cm) thick and subsoils may be 20 inches (50 cm) thick over caliche [91,101]. The soil temperature regime is thermic (that is, average soil temperatures are between 59 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit [15-22 deg C]) [51]. Soil textures range from sand to sandy loam to loam [24]. They may be underlain by clay loam and clays [23,89]. Parent materials may be basaltic, rhyolitic, granitic, mixed alluvium, and metamorphic [22,49,59,60,91]. The distribution of yellow paloverde is influenced by the continuum of soil textures that occurs from upper to lower bajada [5]. It is found primarily on the upper bajadas [6,7,93,97]. Coarse soil of the upper bajada has one-half the wilting coefficient (which is an estimate of plant stress) of the finer soil of the lower bajada [102]. Yellow paloverde grows infrequently on the middle and lower bajada [97]. SUCCESSIONAL STATUS : Facultative Seral Species Yellow paloverde is a climax species in the Sonoran Desert flora [51,54,61]. Successional sequences have not been completely identified for the desert scrub communities in which yellow paloverde occurs. Dominants such as yellow paloverde are the first to reappear and replace themselves following disturbance [69]. SEASONAL DEVELOPMENT : Yellow paloverde may not flower every year, depending on adequate moisture availability. It develops flowers from March to May [24,31,80,91,100]. Leaf production is erratic [24]. Yellow paloverde grows drought-deciduous leaves two or more times during the year following summer and winter rains [77,91].


SPECIES: Cercidium microphyllum | Yellow Paloverde
FIRE ECOLOGY OR ADAPTATIONS : The thin-barked photosynthetic stems of yellow paloverde are killed by fire [13]. Yellow paloverde may sprout from the root crown following top-kill [39]. The temperatures of desert fires are variable due to fluctuations in kinds and quantities of available fuel [104]. Heavy grazing in some upland sites has eliminated the grass understory beneath paloverde species and saguaro. Grass species were replaced with bursage, burroweed (Haplopappus tenuisectus), and snakeweed (Gutierrezia spp.). This has lowered the fire frequency because there is insufficient fuel to carry fires [70]. However, introduced annuals in other areas may have increased both the frequency and the severity of fire [71,72]. Fires in the Sonoran Desert are generally infrequent and are low severity due to low fuel loads [49]. However, fires can be relatively common in the Sonoran Desert under appropriate conditions, especially during the summer [39]. Two consecutive wet winters are probably needed to develop fuel loads adequate to sustain fire. Fire is frequent in desert grasslands on the eastern edge of the Sonoran Desert [49]. The Sonoran savanna grasslands are subtropical, fire-climax grasslands. Most of these communities were destroyed through grazing and other land management practices by the 1940's. Yellow paloverde grows in remnants of these communities at their northern limits [8]. POSTFIRE REGENERATION STRATEGY : Tree with adventitious-bud root crown/soboliferous species root sucker Tall shrub, adventitious-bud root crown Secondary colonizer - off-site seed


SPECIES: Cercidium microphyllum | Yellow Paloverde
IMMEDIATE FIRE EFFECT ON PLANT : Although entire yellow paloverde trees are rarely consumed during a fire, they are top-killed or killed. Surviving yellow paloverde rootstocks sprout following fire. Resprouting plants are susceptible to death from repeated fires [39]. A fire on a southern Arizona rangeland during the 1900's burned for 2 days and killed paloverde species. Postfire recovery of the vegetation was not mentioned in the article [29]. DISCUSSION AND QUALIFICATION OF FIRE EFFECT : NO-ENTRY PLANT RESPONSE TO FIRE : During May 1981 in the Tonto National Forest, Arizona, the prefire mean density of yellow paloverde was 30 plants per acre (75 plants/ha). Following a controlled fire of moderate severity during June 1981, yellow paloverde mean density was 24.8 plants per acre (62 plants/ha). Heat-damaged plants subsequently died. Nine months after the fire, yellow paloverde mean density was 17.2 plants per acre (43 plants/ha) [13]. Yellow paloverde was completely eliminated by fire at one site on the Tonto National Forest, Arizona [13]. Yellow paloverde may require 20 years to return to prefire plant densities and community species composition following fires in paloverde-saguaro communities [13,39,72]. Wildfire during June 1979 in Arizona top-killed 83 percent of yellow paloverde present. Twenty-five percent of top-killed plants sprouted about 2 years following the fire. There was 63 percent mortality for yellow paloverde after about 3 years [49]. Fire burned during June 1974 in two desert scrub communities of south-central Arizona. Before the fires, yellow paloverde had not sprouted; no seedlings were present on one site (Dead Man Wash Site), and five seedlings were present at the other site (Saguaro Site). Prefire data concerning yellow paloverde were not given. Fire killed 78 percent of the photosynthetic tissue on the Dead Man Wash Site and 92 percent on the Saguaro Site. For both sites, approximately 10 percent of the yellow paloverde present after fire were not top-killed; approximately 14 percent were top-killed and resprouted. Five seedlings were found on the Saguaro Site in postfire year 1 [71,72]. Yellow paloverde occurred in two different communities that were prescribed burned during different years, one in 1983 and the other in 1985. Control and prefire communities were similar in composition. No information specific to yellow paloverde was given. The fires consumed 70 percent of the perennial vegetation. Plants were two-thirds less dense immediately after than before the fire. In 1986, plant densities were still below prefire levels [39]. Yellow paloverde was codominant with triange bursage and buckhorn cholla (Opuntia acanthocarpa) on rocky slopes on the Tonto National Forest. A prescribed fire during June 1985 burned 9.9 acres (4 ha). The fire burned vigorously in washes and on lower slopes. But fire decreased on the upper slopes due to a lack of fuel between the shrubs; vegetation patches were ignited with flares. The spotty burning reduced shrub cover by 49 percent. No specific effects on yellow paloverde response to fire were given in the article [81]. DISCUSSION AND QUALIFICATION OF PLANT RESPONSE : NO-ENTRY FIRE MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS : Introduced annuals in desert habitats may create sufficient fuel to increase fire frequency and severity [71]. Native annuals probably provided less fuel [39,71]. In the soils on which yellow paloverde occurs, nutrients are quickly translocated following fire. Two years after fire, soil nitrogen levels can drop below prefire levels [13,101].


SPECIES: Cercidium microphyllum | Yellow Paloverde
CASE NAME : Bulldog Canyon Prescribed Fire Study SEASON/SEVERITY CLASSIFICATION : summer fire/low-severity STUDY LOCATION : The study was located in Bulldog Canyon on the Tonto National Forest, Arizona, at 33 degrees 15 minutes north latitude and 111 degrees 22 minutes west longitude. PREFIRE VEGETATIVE COMMUNITY : A yellow paloverde-saguaro (Cercidium microphyllum-Carnegiea gigantea) community covered Bulldog Canyon. Standing dead biomass was assessed in April before the fire. Three microhabitats were evaluated: (1) open shrubless interspaces which covered 70 percent of the ground, (2) yellow paloverde covered 8 percent, and (3) triangle bursage (Ambrosia deltoidea) covered 15 percent. Total perennial plant cover was measured prefire in April and immediately postfire in June. Twenty-three 12x26 feet (4x8 m) random quadrats were located along parallel transects systematically placed every 32.8 feet (10 m) throughout the study area. Prefire mean total perennial plant cover was 30.7 with a standard error of 3.4 percent. TARGET SPECIES PHENOLOGICAL STATE : Phenological stages of the plants were not specifically mentioned. At the time of burning in June, yellow paloverde would be past flowering, and fruits would be developing. SITE DESCRIPTION : The study site was located in a desert canyon at 1,477 feet (450 m) elevation. Spring months are dry and warm in this semiarid climate. No appreciable precipitation was reported from the April prefire assessments to the June prescribed fire. No information was given on specific topography, slope, or soils. FIRE DESCRIPTION : Plots were placed to assess prefire surface fuels such as dead litter and annual plants. Twenty 7.9x7.9 inch (20x20 cm) plots were randomly located in both the open and the triangle bursage microhabitats. Thirty-two similar plots were located under eight yellow paloverde, one at each of the four cardinal directions. Average fuels are given in the following table: microhabitat mean (standard error)g/sq m open 69.9 ( 7.5) triangle bursage 143.3 (32.6) yellow paloverde 319.4 (56.5) The fire burned 12 June 1981. Air temperatures ranged from 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 deg C) in the shade to 132.8 degrees Fahrenheit (50 deg C) at 0.39 inch (1 cm) above an unshaded soil surface. The relative humidity remained at 29 percent during the fire. Mean air movement during the fire was low at 0.003 foot per second (0.001 m/sec) with gusts up to 9 feet per second (2.75 m/sec). Mean soil moisture in the top 2 inches (5 cm) of soil was 0.61 and 0.80 percent for open and shaded areas, respectively, with standard errors less than 0.1 percent. Maximum temperatures for each microhabitat were estimated with temperature sensitive pellets placed 0.39 and 0.78 inch (1 and 2 cm) below the soil surface and 0.39 and 11.8 inches (1 and 30 cm) above the soil surface. Additional measurements were made with thermocouples at 0.39 inch (1 cm) below soil surface, at the soil surface, and 11.8 inches (30 cm) above the soil surface in the three microhabitats. Temperatures were lowest in open microhabitats and highest in triangle bursage areas (see table below). Temperatures beneath yellow paloverde were intermediate. Fire had little influence on soil temperatures at 0.39 and 0.79 inch (1 and 2 cm) below the soil surface. Temperatures at 0.39 inch (1 cm) above the soil surface burned the hottest. Temperatures 0.39 inch (1 cm) above soil surface were significantly (P<0.05) higher from temperatures 0.79 inch (2 cm) below the soil surface for yellow paloverde and triangle bursage microhabitats. mean maximum temperatures (deg C) during fire* (standard error in parentheses) vertical microhabitat location (cm) open yellow paloverde triangle bursage 30 76(76)ax 167(33)abx 210(54)abx 1 88(51)ax 299(17) bxy 405(16) b y - 1 61( 5) x 63( 7) x 90( 9) x - 2 60( 0)ax 57( 2)a x 60( 2)a x *Means not significantly different (P<0.05) within each vertical location are indicated by the same letter (a,b) and within microhabitats (x,y). As fire moved through yellow paloverde microhabitats, it burned lightly leaving some litter and duff unburned. Additionally, the thick litter and duff beneath yellow paloverde insulated the soil from the fire. The increase in soil surface albedo after the fire was not significant (P=0.08). A small increase in water repellency was not expected to create erosion or runoff problems. FIRE EFFECTS ON TARGET SPECIES : No fire effects information specific to yellow paloverde was given. Fires were low severity and did not consume all litter and duff below yellow paloverde. However, yellow paloverde has thin bark and photosynthetic trunks that make it susceptible to top-kill by fire. FIRE MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS : Desert fire temperatures are variable due to interactions of microhabitats and fuel. This prescribed fire did not alter physical site characteristics such as albedo, soil water repellency, and long-term microsite temperatures. Perennial plant cover was significantly (P=0.001) reduced which may lead to soil erosion. Yellow paloverde is very susceptible to fire, but no mortality data were given.


SPECIES: Cercidium microphyllum | Yellow Paloverde
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Related categories for Species: Cercidium microphyllum | Yellow Paloverde

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