Wildlife, Animals, and Plants
SPECIES: Fouquieria splendens | Ocotillo
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2. Anthony, Robert G.; Smith, Norman S. 1977. Ecological relationships
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5. Bowers, Michael A. 1988. Plant associations on a Sonoran Desert bajada:
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6. Brooks, William H. 1978. Jojoba--a North American desert shrub; its
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7. Brown, David E. 1982. Sinaloan thornscrub. In: Brown, David E., ed.
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8. Brown, David E. 1982. Chihuahuan desertscrub. In: Brown, David E., ed.
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9. Burgess, Tony L.; Bowers, Janice E.; Turner, Raymond M. 1991. Exotic
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16. Freeman, C. E.; Tiffany, Robert S.; Reid, William H. 1977. Germination
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17. Farmer, Eugene E.; Brown, Ray W.; Richardson, Bland Z.; Packer, Paul E.
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20. Goldberg, Deborah E.; Turner, Raymond M. 1986. Vegetation change and
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21. Hastings, James R.; Turner, Raymond M.; Warren, Douglas K. 1972. An
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41. Minckley, W. L.; Clark, Thomas O. 1981. Vegetation of the Gila River
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48. Pemberton, Robert W. 1988. The abundance of plants bearing extrafloral
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52. Rogers, Garry F.; Steele, Jeff. 1980. Sonoran Desert fire ecology. In:
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53. Seegmiller, Rick F.; Krausman, Paul R.; Brown, William H.; Whiting,
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54. Short, Henry L. 1979. Deer in Arizona and New Mexico: their ecology and
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58. Shreve, Forrest; Hinckley, Arthur L. 1937. Thirty years of change in
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59. Smith, Norman S.; Anthony, Robert G. 1992. Coues white-tailed deer and
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62. Szaro, Robert C. 1989. Riparian forest and scrubland community types of
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63. Thomas, P. A. 1991. Response of succulents to fire: a review.
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65. Thorne, Robert F. 1986. A historical sketch of the vegetation of the
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66. Turner, Raymond M.; Brown, David E. 1982. Sonoran desertscrub. In:
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72. Waser, Nickolas M. 1979. Pollinator availability as a determinant of
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| Ocotillo
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