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You are here >1Up Info > Wildlife, Animals, and Plants > Plant Species > Shrub > Species: Leptodactylon pungens | Prickly Phlox

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SPECIES: Leptodactylon pungens | Prickly Phlox
WOOD PRODUCTS VALUE : NO-ENTRY IMPORTANCE TO LIVESTOCK AND WILDLIFE : Prickly phlox was used by bighorn sheep in December and by mule deer in February and April on bighorn sheep range in east-central Idaho [17]. In southeastern Idaho, prickly phlox is moderately grazed by sheep in early and late summer [14]. PALATABILITY : The degree of use shown by livestock and wildlife species for prickly phlox in several western states is rated as follows [6]: CO UT WY Cattle Poor Poor Poor Sheep Poor Poor Fair Horses Poor Poor Poor Pronghorn ---- Fair ---- Elk ---- Poor ---- Mule deer ---- Poor ---- Small mammals ---- Fair ---- Small nongame birds ---- Fair ---- Upland game birds ---- Fair ---- Waterfowl ---- Poor ---- NUTRITIONAL VALUE : Prickly phlox is rated poor in energy and protein value [6]. COVER VALUE : The degree to which prickly phlox provides environmental protection during one or more seasons for wildlife species in Utah is as follows [6]: Pronghorn Poor Elk Poor Mule deer Poor Small mammals Fair Small nongame birds Poor Upland game birds Poor Waterfowl Poor VALUE FOR REHABILITATION OF DISTURBED SITES : Prickly phlox is described as having low to moderate establishment requirements and low potential for biomass production [6]. It is rated as having low potential for erosion control and for short- and long-term revegetation projects [6]. OTHER USES AND VALUES : NO-ENTRY MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS : Prickly phlox frequency has been reported to decrease with livestock exclusion [1,13]. On a southeastern Idaho sagebrush-grass range, Harniss and Wright [14] found a decrease in percent production of prickly phlox the first 2 years from early summer and late summer grazing by sheep. West and others [32] reported prickly phlox lives much longer on ungrazed plots. In areas in Utah where 2,4 D application had removed the shrub canopy, prickly phlox increased in density by seedling establishment within 4 years. However, it increased only at sites where cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) did not increase and the remaining perennial grasses were not abundant [35].

Related categories for Species: Leptodactylon pungens | Prickly Phlox

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Information Courtesy: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory. Fire Effects Information System

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