Wildlife, Animals, and Plants
SPECIES: Picea mariana | Black Spruce
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25. Foote, M. Joan. 1983. Classification, description, and dynamics of plant
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26. Foster, David R. 1985. Vegetation development following fire in Picea
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38. Johnston, William F.; Smith, Thomas M. 1983. Black spruce. In: Burns,
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44. Maikawa, E.; Kershaw, K. A. 1976. Studies on lichen-dominated systems.
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45. Marek, G. T. 1975. Ecosystem management of black spruce on shallow sites
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48. Ohmann, Lewis F.; Ream, Robert R. 1971. Wilderness ecology: virgin plant
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50. Payette, Serge; Morneau, Claude; Sirois, Luc; Desponts, Mireille. 1989.
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51. Pojar, J.; Trowbridge, R.; Coates, D. 1984. Ecosystem classification and
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54. Rowe, J. S.; Scotter, G. W. 1973. Fire in the boreal forest. Quaternary
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55. Safford, L. O. 1974. Picea A. Dietr. spruce. In: Schopmeyer, C. S., ed.
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56. Sirois, Luc; Payette, Serge. 1991. Reduced postfire tree regeneration
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57. Thomas, P. A.; Wein, Ross W. 1985. Delayed emergence of four conifer
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59. Van Cleve, K.; Dyrness, C. T.; Viereck, L. A.; [and others]. 1983. Taiga
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60. Viereck, Leslie A. 1973. Wildfire in the taiga of Alaska. Quaternary
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61. Viereck, Leslie A. 1975. Forest ecology of the Alaska taiga. In:
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62. Viereck, L. A.; Dyrness, C. T. 1979. Ecological effects of the
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63. Viereck, L. A.; Dyrness, C. T.; Batten, A. R.; Wenzlick, K. J. 1992. The
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64. Viereck, L. A.; Foote, Joan; Dyrness, C. T.; [and others]. 1979.
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65. Viereck, Leslie A.; Johnston, William F. 1990. Picea mariana (Mill.)
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66. Viereck, Leslie A.; Little, Elbert L., Jr. 1972. Alaska trees and
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67. Vincent, A. B. 1965. Black spruce: a review of its silvics, ecology and
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71. Zasada, J. 1986. Natural regeneration of trees and tall shrubs on forest
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72. Zasada, John C.; Norum, Rodney A.; Van Veldhuizen, Robert M.; Teutsch,
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Related categories for Species: Picea mariana
| Black Spruce
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