Wildlife, Animals, and Plants
SPECIES: Prosopis velutina | Velvet Mesquite
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4. Becker, Robert; Grosjean, Ok-Koo K. 1980. A compositional study of pods
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16. Brown, J. R.; Archer, Steve. 1989. Woody plant invasion of grasslands:
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17. Burkart, Arturo. 1976. A monograph of the genus Prosopis (Leguminosae
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19. Cable, Dwight R. 1961. Small velvet mesquite seedlings survive burning.
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23. Cable, Dwight R. 1977. Soil water changes in creosotebush and bur-sage
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24. Cable, Dwight R. 1977. Seasonal use of soil water by mature velvet
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27. Cornejo, Dennis O.; Leigh, Linda S.; Felger, Richard S.; Hutchinson,
Charles F. 1982. Utilization of mesquite in the Sonoran Desert: past and
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28. Barneby, Rupert C. 1989. Intermountain flora: Vascular plants of the
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29. Dahl, Bill E. 1982. Mesquite as a rangeland plant. In: Parker, Harry W.,
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32. Dollahite, J. W.; Anthony, W. V. 1957. Malnutrition in cattle on an
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33. Dumesnil, Mark; Sosebee, Ronald E. 1987. Herbicidal control of mesquite
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35. El Fadl, Mohamed; Gronski, Steven; Asah, Henry; [and others]. 1989.
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36. Eyre, F. H., ed. 1980. Forest cover types of the United States and
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37. Felger, R. S. 1977. Mesquite in Indian cultures of southwestern North
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ecosystems. US/IBP Synthesis 4. Stroudsburg, PA: Dowden, Hutchinson &
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38. Felker, Peter; Clark, Peter R. 1980. Nitrogen fixation (acetylene
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39. Felker, Peter; Cannell, G. H.; Clark, Peter R.; [and others]. 1983.
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leguminous trees grown under heat/drought stress. Forest Science. 29(3):
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40. Felker, Peter; Cannell, G. H.; Osborn, J. F.; [and others]. 1983.
Effects of irrigation on biomass production of 32 Prosopis (mesquite)
accessions. Experimental Agriculture. 19(2): 187-198. [5518]
41. Felker, Peter; Clark, Peter R. 1981. Rooting of mesquite (Prosopis)
cuttings. Journal of Range Management. 34(6): 466-468. [10073]
42. Fisher, C. E. 1977. Mesquite and modern man in southwestern North
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43. Fisher, C. E.; Meadors, C. H.; Behrens, R.; [and others]. 1959. Control
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44. Fox, Kel. 1977. Importance of riparian ecosystems: economic
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46. Gavin, Thomas A.; Sowls, Lyle K. 1975. Avian fauna of a San Pedro Valley
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47. Germano, David Joseph. 1978. Response of selected wildlife to mesquite
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49. Gilbert, Bil. 1985. A tree too tough to kill. Audubon. 87(1): 84-97.
50. Glendening, George E. 1952. Some quantitative data on the increase of
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51. Glendening, George E.; Paulsen, Harold A., Jr. 1955. Reproduction and
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52. Graham, Edward H. 1941. Legumes for erosion control and wildlife. Misc.
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53. Haase, Edward F. 1972. Survey of floodplain vegetation along the lower
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54. Haller, John M. 1980. The indomitable mesquite. American Forests. 86(8):
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55. Hastings, James R.; Turner, Raymond M. 1965. The changing mile: An
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57. Hilu, Khidir W.; Boyd, Steve; Felker, Peter. 1982. Morphological
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58. Holland, Dan C. 1987. Prosopis (Mimosaceae) in the San Joaquin Valley,
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59. Humphrey, R. R. 1949. Fire as a means of controlling velvet mesquite,
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63. Jacoby, P. W.; Meadors, C. H.; Foster, M. A.; Hartmann, F. S. 1982.
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64. Jacoby, P. W.; Ansley, R. J.; Meadors, C. H.; Cuomo, C. J. 1990. Control
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Related categories for Species: Prosopis velutina
| Velvet Mesquite
 |