Wildlife, Animals, and Plants
SPECIES: Prunus ilicifolia | Hollyleaf Cherry
hollyleaf cherry
holly-leaved cherry
evergreen cherry
The currently accepted scientific name of hollyleaf cherry is Prunus
ilicifolia (Nutt.) Walp. Subspecies are [51]:
P. i. ssp. ilicifolia hollyleaf cherry
P. i. ssp. lyonii (Eastw.) Raven Catalina cherry
Tree, Shrub
No special status
N. McMurray, January 1990
McMurray, Nancy E. 1990. Prunus ilicifolia. In: Remainder of Citation
SPECIES: Prunus ilicifolia | Hollyleaf Cherry
Hollyleaf cherry is distributed throughout the central and southern
Coast Ranges of California, extending from Napa County southward into
Baja California [28,33,34]. Catalina cherry occurs on the Channel
Islands and mainland Baja California [35,51]. It is cultivated in
Hawaii [55].
FRES20 Douglas-fir
FRES21 Ponderosa pine
FRES28 Western hardwoods
FRES34 Chaparral - mountain shrub
1 Northern Pacific Border
3 Southern Pacific Border
K009 Pine - cypress forest
K029 California mixed evergreen forest
K030 California oakwoods
K033 Chaparral
K034 Montane chaparral
K035 Coastal sagebrush
K036 Moasaic of K030 and K035
234 Douglas-fir - tanoak - Pacific madrone
250 Blue oak - Digger pine
255 California coast live oak
Hollyleaf cherry is a common shrub component of mesic situations within
foothill woodland, chaparral, and coastal scrub communities [12,16,34].
It has not been included as a dominant or indicator in published
classification schemes.
Occurring as one of a number of widespread woody dominants within mature
chaparral communities, hollyleaf cherry grows most abundantly within
scrub oak (Quercus dumosa) chaparral. Hanes [16] lists hollyleaf cherry
as an important constituent of coastal scrub-chaparral communities
occupying outwashes and drainageways in the foothills of the San
Gabriel Mountains. Described as a mesic phase of coastal sage scrub,
these mixed communities exhibit a distinct physiognomy and develop a lush
herbaceous understory in the spring. On north slopes in the central
Coast Ranges and Santa Lucia Mountains, hollyleaf cherry often
codominates scrubby woodlands along with California buckeye (Aesculus
californica), and California bay (Umbellularia californica) [12].
Although rarely forming pure stands, hollyleaf cherry becomes
particularly prominent in the foothill woodlands of San Luis Obispo
County where California buckeye is uncommon [12].
Common associates within scrub oak chaparral include birchleaf
mountain-mahogany (Cercocarpus betuloides), toyon (Heteromeles
arbutifolia), redberry (Rhamnus crocea), California coffeeberry (R.
californica), chamise (Adenostoma fasciculatum), poison-oak
(Toxicodendron diversilobum), and honeysuckle (Lonicera spp.) [12].
SPECIES: Prunus ilicifolia | Hollyleaf Cherry
Hollyleaf cherry is browsed by a number of big game species including
California mule deer and bighorn sheep [5,40]. Use typically occurs in
the late summer or fall when herbaceous species are largely unavailable
[32]. The juicy, sweet-tasting berries are readily consumed by many
songbirds [14,40]; rodents and other small mammals eat the seeds [8].
The seeds or pits of many species of cherry (Prunus spp.) are poisonous
to most livestock [14,40].
Palatability of hollyleaf cherry browse depends on plant condition and
community associates [14,32]. Postburn sprouts are highly preferred deer
browse on chaparral sites in the central Coast Range [1].
Hollyleaf cherry is one of an array of broadleaved shrubs constituting
scrub oak chaparral [15,16]. Tall shrub communities dominated by scrub
oak lend structural and compositional diversity to a landscape otherwise
dominated by shorter statured chamise chaparral. As a result, they
provide important nesting and hiding cover for numerous birds and small
Hollyleaf cherry can stabilize steep, erodible hillsides [40]. Plants
are easily propagated from seed sown in flats, open seedbeds, or
directly onto the ground [7,8]; if direct planted, seeds are often
consumed by rodents [8]. Seedlings grow best in full sunlight and
porous soil [7] and will tolerate considerable abuse in handling [40].
Once transplanted, hollyleaf cherry requires little maintainence.
Transplants usually begin seed production within 2 years of setting out
and subsequent volunteers are numerous [8]. On relatively poor
chaparral sites, transplants can reach heights and spreads of 3 to 5
feet (0.9 to 1.5 m) within 20 years [8].
Due to its shiny, evergreen leaves and profusion of feathery blooms,
hollyleaf cherry is often cultivated as an ornamental hedge [7,8]. The
fruits can be dried for storage or eaten raw [5]. Historical uses
included grinding the pits into flour and fermenting the berries into an
intoxicating drink [5,7].
SPECIES: Prunus ilicifolia | Hollyleaf Cherry
Hollyleaf cherry is a native, sclerophyllous, broadleaved shrub or small
tree [6,28,34]. Although it commonly assumes a shrubby growth habit,
heights may range from 3 to 26 feet (1 to 8 m) [34]. Treelike forms
usually occur on more favorable sites, with some individuals reaching 24
feet (7.3 m) in height and 11.5 feet (3.5 m) in circumference [6,13].
Branches are gray or reddish brown in color [5]. The foliage is
typically dense and compact [40]. The thick, evergreen, spiny-toothed
leaves are dark green and shiny above with pale undersides; leaves are
simple, approximately 0.8 to 2 inches (2 to 5 cm) long, and arranged
alternately on the stem [5,34]. Small, inconspicuous, bisexual flowers
are produced in short cylindrical clusters and are white in color. The
fruit is a small, red or purple (sometimes yellow) drupe consisting of a
thin, sweetish pulp and a smooth, boney seed [34].
Hollyleaf cherry can regenerate sexually or vegetatively. It is a
widespread component of fire-prone environments and maintains itself
primarily through vigorous sprouting. Little or no seedling
establishment occurs immediately following fire [24,43]. Extended
fire-free periods create conditions favorable to seedling establishment
and population expansion [25,26].
Seed regeneration: Hollyleaf cherry starts producing seed as early as 3
years of age [14]. As with most chaparral shrubs, seed is produced
almost annually after the first flowering [38], and production does not
appear to decrease with age [22]. Seeds are dispersed in the fall [25].
Large numbers of the fleshy, one-seeded fruits fall directly beneath the
parent plant, but widespread dispersal also occurs through animal
vectors, particularly birds [14,23,40,49]. The seeds are short-lived.
Viability is retained no longer than 9 months when seed is allowed to
dry at room temperatures [25]. Seeds germinate readily under suitable
moisture and temperature conditions; they do not require the stimulus of
heat or charred wood for germination [25,38,50]. Germinative capacity
of stored seeds was 24 percent when stratified for 90 days in a moist
medium at temperatures ranging from 33 to 41 degrees F (0.6 to 5 degrees
C) [14]. Germination is apparently inhibited by constant darkness [25].
In the nursery, seedling emergence occurred within 20 to 40 days after
sowing [8]. Natural germination apparently takes place during the
winter or spring immediately following dispersal [38].
Unlike many chaparral species, hollyleaf cherry is not dependent on
fire-created gaps for establishment [23,43]. Instead, hollyleaf cherry
is able to establish seedlings during fire-free periods, utilizing gaps
created by the death of shorter-lived species [44]. Limited hollyleaf
seedling establishment has been observed in a 25-year-old stand of
chamise chaparral in openings previously occupied by hoaryleaf ceanothus
(Ceanothus crassifolius) [20]. Increased seedling establishment is
generally restricted to more mature chaparral stands, usually those
ranging from 60 to 100+ years of age [26,36]. Germination and seedling
growth are apparently favored on mesic sites (north slopes) which
possess a well-developed litter layer [26,36]; litter layers beneath
mature stands of scrub oak chaparral may reach up to 8 inches (20 cm) in
depth [17]. Seasons of above-normal precipitation may also be important
for hollyleaf cherry seedling establishment [24,43]. Although seedlings
may initially establish beneath mature chaparral, seedling recruitment
into the population is never very abundant [23,26]; seedlings are
frequently stunted and are susceptible to browsing by small mammals
[36,45,46]. For chaparral species capable of establishing between
periodic fires, Zedler [44] suggests that gap size may be crucial to a
seedling's ablility to survive to the stage where it can resprout
following fire. Suitable gaps for the successful establishment of
hollyleaf cherry are apparently more prevalent in older stands of
chaparral. On favorable growth sites in a 65-year-old stand of scrub
oak chaparral, hollyleaf cherry seedlings reached heights of 28 inches
(70 cm) within 6 years [36].
Vegetative regeneration: In the absence of fire, many long-lived
sprouters within stands of mature chaparral rejuvenate their canopy by
continually producing new sprouts from established rootcrowns [24,26].
Generalized information on obligate resprouting species within chaparral
suggests that hollyleaf cherry also maintains itself in this manner
[24]. Following disturbances such as fire or cutting, hollyleaf cherry
also regenerates vegetatively from adventitious buds located on stumps
or root crowns [5,40]. This species apparently does not develop an
ontogenetically derived lignotuber [23,24].
Hollyleaf cherry is usually associated with relatively mesic situations
within chaparral and foothill woodland communities throughout the
southern Coast Ranges [6,23]. Typical sites include dry, well-drained
slopes and fans at elevations below 5,000 feet (1,525 m) [5,34,35].
Soils include sand, loam, or clay [40]. Hollyleaf cherry is apparently
quite tolerant of alkaline soils [40].
In chaparral communities, hollyleaf cherry occupies relatively moist,
cool sites such as north exposures, erosion channels, arroyos,
depressions, and the toes and shoulders of slopes [15,41].
Hollyleaf cherry is a long-lived, shade tolerant species which is a
widespread component of chaparral and woodland-chaparral communities
[15,17,22,23]. A highly persistant species within these communities, it
is most abundant in more mature stands occupying north-facing slopes and
other mesic locales [6,15]. These stands typically experience reduced
fire frequencies and are dominated by scrub oak chaparral [23]. During
extended fire-free intervals, hollyleaf cherry is able to outlive,
overtop, and shade out many shorter-lived shrubs; seedlings then
establish in newly created gaps beneath the mature canopy
[18,19,20,23,36]. Successional studies within scrub oak chaparral
indicate that hollyleaf cherry can establish seedlings within stands
which remain unburned for 10 to 20 years and becomes a conspicuous
component of the vegetation in 20- to 40-year-old stands [20,36].
Hollyleaf cherry, scrub oak, redberry, and toyon codominate the
vegetation of 65-year-old stands. As stands mature beyond this point,
hollyleaf cherry and scrub oak continue to increase in dominance [18].
Significant recruitment of new individuals appears most prevalent in
very old stands, usually those 65 to 100+ years of age [26,36].
Hollyleaf cherry persists within mature chaparral until the next fire
occurs, at which time resprouted individuals become part of the initial
postburn environment [4,40].
Hollyleaf cherry typically flowers from April through May [34]. Fruits
persist until December [40]. Generalized trends in the phenological
development of hollyleaf cherry in California are presented below [14].
Phenological stage Date
Flowering March - May
Fruit ripening September - October
Seed dispersal October - December
SPECIES: Prunus ilicifolia | Hollyleaf Cherry
Following fires which kill aerial stems, hollyleaf cherry sprouts
vigorously via dormant buds located on a root crown [40]. The root
crown serves as a source of numerous dormant buds and stored
carbohydrates, enabling hollyleaf cherry to rapidly reoccupy the initial
postburn environment [24,31].
Tree with adventitious-bud root crown/soboliferous species root sucker
SPECIES: Prunus ilicifolia | Hollyleaf Cherry
Limited information indicates that hollyleaf cherry is generally
resistant to fire mortality [18,48]. Although aerial portions are
readily top-killed, most plants survive fire [18].
Hollyleaf cherry is an obligate sprouter following fire [24, 44]. This
species reestablishes after fire primarily through vigorous sprouting
[22,25]. Hollyleaf cherry rarely establishes seedlings in the postburn
environment [23,43].
Vegetative regeneration: Hollyleaf cherry sprouts vigorously following
fires which kill the aerial stems [15,47]. Sprouts are initiated from
surviving perennating buds located on the root crown [40]. Since root
crowns possess aggregations of dormant buds, newly sprouted individuals
occur as "sprout clumps" [40]. Hollyleaf cherry cover is initially
reduced following burning, but most plants rapidly regain preburn size
and biomass. Following a wildfire on scrub oak chaparral sites in
southern California, hollyleaf cherry produced sprouts 4 to 5 feet (1.2
to 1.5 m) tall within 4 years [18].
Seedling regeneration: Hollyleaf cherry seedlings are rarely observed
during the first postburn season [42]. Unlike many chaparral species,
seeds of this species are not well adapted to resist fire nor for
long-term survival in the soil [25,43]. Since hollyleaf cherry seeds
germinate readily without heat treatment, some postburn establishment
may occur through bird dispersal of off-site seed [24,43,49].
Generalized information on obligate sprouting species indicates that
resprouted plants begin to produce seed crops 1 to 2 years after fire
and that postburn fruit crops are often substantial [24].
Although uncommon, limited initial establishment of hollyleaf cherry
seedlings has been reported following burning of a 65-year-old stand of
scrub oak chaparral in southern California [18]. As a result of
postburn seedling establishment, the average number of hollyleaf cherry
individuals increased 330 percent within 4.5 years of burning [18].
Obligate resprouters such as hollyleaf cherry apparently establish a
flush of seedlings following periods of high rainfall [24,43,44].
Keeley [24] speculates that a series of years with above average
precipitation not only produces an abundant seed crop but also creates a
moisture regime favorable to successful seedling establishment.
Successful hollyleaf cherry seedling recruitment, however, is generally
restricted to mesic sites beneath mature chaparral where litter layers
are well developed [24,26,36]. Recruitment of new individuals is never
very abundant and occurs primarily between fires [20,36,43].
Burn frequency: Hollyleaf cherry is a characteristic species of
relatively infrequently burned stands of chaparral [18,30,36].
Microsites necessary for population expansion are largely unavailable in
stands with short fire-free intervals [44]. Consequently, stand age at
the time of burning can have a significant impact on the abundance of
this species. Following fire in a 65-year-old stand of scrub oak
chaparral, hollyleaf cherry comprised 18 percent of the postburn
vegetation, whereas it comprised only 2 percent of the postburn
vegetation in a 40-year-old stand [18]. Increases in abundance of
hollyleaf cherry are unlikely in stands where prescribed burns are
conducted frequently enough to decrease the potential for wildfire [44].
Since scrub oak chaparral lacks an herbaceous understory, fires do not
carry as readily as in chamise or coastal sage scrub communities [3,11].
Hollyleaf cherry is common in stands which are transitional between
chaparral and coastal sage scrub [16]. Stands of this type support an
herbaceous understory and have become increasingly prone to man-caused
fires [3]. Reduced intervals between fires may eventually cause a
decrease in abundance of hollyleaf cherry within these stands.
Wildlife management: Burning initially increases the palatability of
hollyleaf cherry [1]. Deer utilization on some sites may be so heavy
that plants are weakened to the point where mortality ensues [1].
SPECIES: Prunus ilicifolia | Hollyleaf Cherry
1. Agee, James K.; Biswell, Harold H. 1978. The fire management plan for
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2. Bernard, Stephen R.; Brown, Kenneth F. 1977. Distribution of mammals,
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3. Bolsinger, Charles L. 1989. Shrubs of California's chaparral,
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4. Christensen, Norman L.; Muller, Cornelius H. 1975. Effects of fire on
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16. Hanes, Ted L. 1976. Vegetation types of the San Gabriel Mountians. In:
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17. Hanes, Ted L. 1977. California chaparral. In: Barbour, Michael G.;
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18. Hanes, Ted L.; Jones, Harold W. 1967. Postfire chaparral succession in
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20. Horton, J. S.; Kraebel, C. J. 1955. Development of vegetation after fire
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21. Kartesz, John T.; Kartesz, Rosemarie. 1980. A synonymized checklist of
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24. Keeley, Jon E. 1986. Resilience of Mediterranean shrub communities to
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25. Keeley, Jon E. 1987. Role of fire in seed germination of woody taxa in
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42. Zedler, Paul H. 1977. Life history attributes of plants and the fire
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44. Zedler, Paul H. 1982. Plant demography and chaparral management in
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46. Keeley, Jon E. 1991. Resilience to fire does not imply adaptation to
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47. Hanes, Ted L. 1971. Succession after fire in the chaparral of southern
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Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. 954 p. [23104]
54. U.S. Department of the Interior, National Biological Survey. [n.d.]. NP
Flora [Data base]. Davis, CA: U.S. Department of the Interior, National
Biological Survey. [23119]
55. St. John, Harold. 1973. List and summary of the flowering plants in the
Hawaiian islands. Hong Kong: Cathay Press Limited. 519 p. [25354]
Related categories for Species: Prunus ilicifolia
| Hollyleaf Cherry