Wildlife, Animals, and Plants
SPECIES: Salix geyeriana | Geyer Willow
In the West, all classes of livestock eat willows (Salix spp.), but
cattle probably consume more than others because they tend to frequent
riparian areas [49]. Geyer willow is palatable to livestock, but its
importance in their diets has been infrequently reported. In
southwestern Montana, Geyer willow made up 11.2 percent of cattle summer
browse [14].
Elk and moose eat Geyer willow, especially in winter. Over a 3-year
period near Jackson Hole, Wyoming, the amount of Geyer willow leaders
removed by moose browsing was 39, 47, and 25 percent, respectively [28].
Geyer willow is also used heavily by moose in Yellowstone National Park
[10,39] and in the Uinta Mountains of Utah [44], and moderately in
southwestern Montana [14]. In a northwestern Montana study, elk ate
moderate amounts of Geyer willow during the winter [20].
Willows in general are preferred food and building material of beaver
[1]. Willow shoots, catkins, buds, and leaves are eaten by ducks and
grouse, other birds, and small mammals [2,22].
Geyer willow is relished by livestock [51]. Livestock and wild
ungulates apparently prefer Geyer willow over Drummond willow, Wolf
willow (Salix wolfii), and Booth willow [5,39]. Geyer willow is highly
palatable to moose [45], and is highly palatable to elk in northwestern
Montana [20]. In Oregon, palatability of Geyer willow to livestock, big
game, and beaver is moderately high [31].
Geyer willow stems collected in late November near Jackson Hole,
Wyoming, had the following nutritional values [28]:
(percent composition)
crude protein ether extract crude fiber nitrogen free extact
6.84 6.23 27.22 52.69
Geyer willow often occurs in widely spaced clumps, allowing for easy
access and movement of livestock and large wildlife species [44]. In
Oregon, Geyer willow communities provide excellent habitat for deer
[30]. Geyer willow communities also provide excellent nesting and
foraging habitat for a variety of birds, such as ducks and shorebirds,
blackbirds, warblers, vireos, and sparrows [16,19,43].
Geyer willow is recommended for use in revegetating disturbed riparian
areas. It is especially useful for streambank stabilization. It is
usually planted as rooted or unrooted stem cuttings.
Geyer willow stems contain predeveloped root primordia. Stem cuttings
develop roots along the entire length of the buried portion about 10 to
15 days after planting [47]. Because it roots quickly, it may be
planted as unrooted cuttings on sites with sufficient moisture
throughout the growing season to start and maintain growth [38,47].
Rooted cuttings have higher survival rates than unrooted cuttings.
Procedures and techniques for collecting, preparing, and planting willow
cuttings are described by Platts and others [47] and McClusky and others
All willows produce salacin, which is closely related chemically to
aspirin. Native Americans used various preparations from willows to
treat tooth ache, stomache ache, diarrhea, dysentery, and dandruff [41].
Native Americans also used flexible willow stems for making baskets,
bows, arrows, scoops, fish traps, and other items [31].
Geyer willow communities are open and easily accessible, and produce
large amounts of forage. They are often heavily used by stock when
nearby uplands become dry [25]. Many Geyer willow communities have a
long history of overgrazing, which has resulted in the replacement of
native grasses and sedges with bluegrasses [30]. Overuse also results
in soil compaction, streambank sloughing, and damage to willows and
other vegetation [24]. Prolonged overbrowsing of Geyer willow results
in poor vigor and decadence, indicated by uneven stem age distribution,
a hedged or clubbed appearance, and dead plants [30]. Decadent plants
will recover from overbrowsing with 5 to 6 years of rest [30].
Related categories for Species: Salix geyeriana
| Geyer Willow
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