Wildlife, Animals, and Plants
SPECIES: Shepherdia argentea | Silver Buffaloberry
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2. Baker, William L. 1989. Classification of the riparian vegetation of the
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4. Bjugstad, Ardell J. 1977. Reestablishment of woody plants on mine spoils
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5. Bjugstad, Ardell J. 1986. Wooded draws of the northern high plains:
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6. Boldt, Charles E.; Uresk, Daniel W.; Severson, Kieth E. 1979. Riparian
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7. Bormann, Bernard T. 1988. A masterful scheme: Symbiotic nitrogen-fixing
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8. Butler, Jack Lee. 1983. Grazing and topographic influences on selected
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10. Dittberner, Phillip L.; Olson, Michael R. 1983. The plant information
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11. Dusek, Gary L. 1975. Range relations of mule deer and cattle in prairie
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12. Dusek, Gary L.; Wood, Alan K.; Mackie, Richard J. 1988. Habitat use by
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Naturalist. 20(3): 135-142. [6801]
13. Erickson, D. O.; Barder, W. T.; Wanapat, S.; Williamson, R. L. 1981.
Nutritional composition of common shrubs in North Dakota. Proceedings,
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14. Evans, Keith E.; Dietz, Donald R. 1974. Nutritional energetics of
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20. Garrison, George A.; Bjugstad, Ardell J.; Duncan, Don A.; [and others].
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23. Girard, Michele M.; Goetz, Harold; Bjugstad, Ardell J. 1989. Native
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24. Girard, Michele M.; Goetz, Harold; Bjugstad, Ardell J. 1987. Factors
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27. Hansen, Paul L.; Chadde, Steve W.; Pfister, Robert D. 1988. Riparian
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28. Hansen, Paul L.; Hoffman, George R. 1988. The vegetation of the Grand
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29. Hansen, Paul L.; Hoffman, George R.; Bjugstad, Ardell J. 1984. The
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33. Hayes, P. A.; Steeves, T. A.; Neal, B. R. 1989. An architectural
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34. Hayward, Herman E. 1928. Studies of plants in the Black Hills of South
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35. Hensley, David L.; Carpenter, Philip L. 1986. Survival and coverage by
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37. Higgins, Kenneth F.; Kruse, Arnold D.; Piehl, James L. 1989. Effects of
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39. Hladek, Kenneth Lee. 1971. Growth character. & utiliz. of buffaloberry
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40. Johnson, E. W. 1963. Ornamental shrubs for the Southern Great Plains.
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42. Kearney, Thomas H.; Peebles, Robert H.; Howell, John Thomas; McClintock,
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Richard E.; Hendrix, Kathleen M., eds. California riparian systems:
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44. Knudson, Michael J.; Haas, Russell J.; Tober, Dwight A.; [and others].
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45. Kruse, Arnold D.; Higgins, Kenneth F. 1990. Effects of prescribed fire
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47. Lackschewitz, Klaus. 1991. Vascular plants of west-central
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49. Looman, J. 1980. The vegetation of the Canadian prairie provinces. II.
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50. Major, J.; Rejmanek, M. 1992. Amelanchier alnifolia vegetation in
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53. Mowat, Catherine. 1990. Fire effects study for Quail Flats Fire,
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57. Plummer, A. Perry. 1977. Revegetation of disturbed Intermountain area
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58. Plummer, A. Perry. 1970. Plants for revegetation of roadcuts and other
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Related categories for Species: Shepherdia argentea
| Silver Buffaloberry
 |