Wildlife, Animals, and Plants
SPECIES: Vaccinium arboreum | Tree Sparkleberry
Tree sparkleberry occurs in many pine flatwood and sand pine scrub
communities that are essentially maintained by fire [27]. During recent
years, fire suppression has contributed to the decline of these
communities [1]. Many of these communities are now being replaced by
southern mixed hardwood forests, bayheads, and swamps [29]. However,
tree sparkleberry also occurs in these communities and often assumes
greater relative prominence in areas with longer fire-free intervals.
In longleaf pine-shortleaf pine communities, tree sparkleberry reaches
greatest abundance on less frequently burned sites [5].
Individuals on relatively nonflammable microsites, such as in moist
areas or on rocky sites lacking fuels, may be somewhat protected from
the effects of fire. Vegetative regeneration is not known to occur in
this species, but many Vacciniums are capable of sprouting after
aboveground foliage is damaged by fire. Tree sparkleberry presumably
reoccupies a site through bird- and mammal- dispersed seed.
off-site colonizer; seed carried by animals or water; postfire yr 1&2
Related categories for Species: Vaccinium arboreum
| Tree Sparkleberry