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KUCHLER TYPE: Tule marshes
FUELS, FLAMMABILITY, AND FIRE OCCURRENCE : NO-ENTRY FIRE EFFECTS ON SITE : Prescribed burns in a Great Salt Lake marsh showed no significant effects on soil compaction or organic matter loss. Tables are listed for average heat penetration into the soil [10]. FIRE EFFECTS ON VEGETATION : Prescribed fires were conducted in a Great Salt Lake marsh in early September following April drawdowns. Burned and unburned sites were flooded 1 week after the fires. Total production of bulrush and cattail did not differ between burned and unburned sites. Bulrush sprouted following the fire and grew to 1.3 feet (0.4 m) by the first winter. Shoot mass of bulrush was reduced on burned sites, and new shoots had a lower biomass per inch of length than shoots on unburned sites. Cattail sprouted following the burn, but cattail stands had a lower standing crop on burned sites at the end of the first postfire growing season than before burning [13]. FIRE EFFECTS ON RESOURCE MANAGEMENT : Because both egrets and herons use dead hardstem bulrush vegetation almost exclusively as nesting substrate, areas of unburned bulrush stands should be maintained for nesting habitat when prescribing marsh burns [2]. FIRE USE CONSIDERATIONS : Without fire many wetland areas could eventually fill in as vegetation chokes out open water areas [8]. FIRE MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS : NO-ENTRY REHABILITATION OF SITES FOLLOWING WILDFIRE : NO-ENTRY

Related categories for Kuchler Type: Tule marshes

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Information Courtesy: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory. Fire Effects Information System

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