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KUCHLER TYPE: Tule marshes
REFERENCES : 1. Airola, Daniell A.; Messick, Timothy C. 1987. Sliding toward extinction: the state of California's natural heritage, 1987. Report prepared at the request of the California Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Wildlife. [Location of publisher unknown]: [Publisher unknown]. 123 p. On file at: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory, Missoula, MT. [19482] 2. Bray, Martin Paul. 1984. An evaluation of heron and egret marsh nesting habitat and possible effects of burning. Murrelet. 65: 57-59. [6875] 3. Fowler, Catherine S. 1990. Tule technology: Northern Paiute uses of marsh resources in western Nevada. Smithsonian Folklife Studies No. 6. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press. 181 p. [22207] 4. Garrison, George A.; Bjugstad, Ardell J.; Duncan, Don A.; [and others]. 1977. Vegetation and environmental features of forest and range ecosystems. Agric. Handb. 475. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. 68 p. [998] 5. Kuchler, A. W. 1964. Manual to accompany the map of potential vegetation of the conterminous United States. Special Publication No. 36. New York: American Geographical Society. 77 p. [1384] 6. Latting, June, ed. 1976. Symposium proceedings--plant communities of southern California. Special Publication No. 2. Berkeley, CA: California Native Plant Society. 164 p. [1414] 7. Mason, Herbert L. 1957. A flora of the marshes of California. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. 878 p. [16905] 8. Miller, A. Wendell. 1962. Waterfowl habitat improvement in California. In: Proceedings, annual conference of Western Association of State Fish & Game Commissioners. [Volume unknown]: 112-118. [15439] 9. Paysen, Timothy E.; Derby, Jeanine A.; Black, Hugh, Jr.; [and others]. 1980. A vegetation classification system applied to southern California. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-45. Berkeley, CA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. 33 p. [1849] 10. Smith, Loren Michael. 1983. Effects of prescribed burning on the ecology of a Utah marsh. Logan, UT: Utah State University. 159 p. Dissertation. [10218] 11. Smith, Loren M.; Kadlec, John A. 1983. Seed banks and their role during drawdown of a North American marsh. Journal of Applied Ecology. 20: 673-684. [11196] 12. Smith, Loren M.; Kadlec, John A. 1985. Predictions of vegetation change following fire in a Great Salt Lake Marsh. Aquatic Botany. 21: 43-51. [10497] 13. Smith, Loren M.; Kadlec, John A. 1985. Fire and herbivory in a Great Salt Lake marsh. Ecology. 66(1): 259-265. [7619] 14. Smith, Loren M.; Kadlec, John A. 1986. Habitat management for wildlife in marshes of Great Salt Lake. Trans., North American Wildlife and Natural Resource Conference. 51: 222-231. [11428]

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Information Courtesy: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory. Fire Effects Information System

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