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KUCHLER TYPE: Cypress savanna
KUCHLER-TYPE-NUMBER : K091 PHYSIOGNOMY : Open forest to savanna with needleleaf deciduous trees, some broadleaf evergreen trees or shrubs. Trees and shrubs also in groves surrounded by open grasslands [31]. OCCURRENCE : Kuchler's description of cypress savanna is similar to Davis' description [7] of cypress swamps in southern Florida. Davis classified southern Florida by physiographic regions and recognized four vegetation types containing baldcypress (Taxodium distichum) or pondcypress (T. d. var. nutans) in southern Florida. Three of these correspond to generally recognized types of stillwater cypress swamps in southern Florida: dwarf cypress savanna, cypress domes (also called cypress heads or cypress ponds), and cypress strands [6,7,17]. In addition, mixed swamps (also called mixed hardwood swamps or mixed swamp forests) contain cypress, although cypress is usually not dominant [7,17]. Kuchler's description and species list for cypress savanna appears to include the three cypress-dominated types. Throughout this writeup, where information pertains to all three types the term cypress swamp will be used. Where information is specific to a particular type, the abovementioned type names will be used. Kuchler's definition of cypress savanna appears to include cypress domes, strands, and dwarf cypress savanna that occurs in southern Florida in Big Cypress Swamp, Fakahatchee State Preserve, Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, and Everglades National Park. Cypress domes also occur in Okefenokee Swamp and within pine flatwoods in northern Florida. These domes are not on Kuchler's map of cypress savanna; whether this is because of size or because he did not include them in the definition is unknown. This writeup will focus on cypress domes, strands, and dwarf cypress savanna occurring in southern Florida. The cypress domes occuring in northern Florida and in Okefenokee Swamp are slightly different from those described by Kuchler, but they contain many of the same species and have similar ecological processes and are thus included in this writeup [8,31]. Information derived from cypress domes elsewhere will be included where it is deemed relevant since many of the species and ecological processes appear to be similar. This writeup does not include cypress swamps on alluvial soils which occur over the southeastern Atlantic Coastal Plain from the Carolinas to Louisiana. STATES: FL COMPILED BY AND DATE : Janet Sullivan, November 1994 LAST REVISED BY AND DATE : NO-ENTRY AUTHORSHIP AND CITATION : Sullivan, Janet. 1994. Cypress savanna. In: Remainder of Citation
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Information Courtesy: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory. Fire Effects Information System

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