Wildlife, Animals, and Plants
| References for Kuchler: [K098]
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46. Stack, R. W.; Jones, A. C.; Harsel, R. 1987. Impact of Dutch elm disease on the forest resource of the Red River Valley in North Dakota and Minnesota. In: Proceedings, 79th North Dakota Academy of Science. Grand Forks, ND. 41: 73. [5718]
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48. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center. 1981. The Platte River ecology study. Special Research Report. Jamestown, ND. 187 p. [25443]
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57. Adams, Dwight E.; Anderson, Roger C.; Collins, Scott L. 1982. Differential response of woody and herbaceous species to summer and winter burning in an Oklahoma grassland. The Southwestern Naturalist. 27: 55-61. [6282]
58. Severson, Kieth E.; Boldt, Charles E. 1978. Cattle, wildlife, and riparian habitats in the western Dakotas. In: Management and use of northern plains rangeland: Reg. rangeland symposium; 1978 February 27-28; Bismarck, ND. Dickinson, ND: North Dakota State University: 90-103. [65]
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