Wildlife, Animals, and Plants
SPECIES: Acacia greggii | Catclaw Acacia
Senegalia greggii
catclaw acacia
cat's claw acacia
Gregg acacia
Gregg catclaw
devils-claw acacia
paradise flower
long-flowered catclaw
Texas mimosa
una de gato (claw of cat)
The currently accepted scientific name of catclaw acacia is Acacia
greggii Gray [10,27,29,62]. Recognized varieties include:
var. greggii - glabrous leaflets - Texas
var. arizonica - pubescent leaflets - sw New Mexico to California
Catclaw acacia hybridizes with guajillo (A. berlandieri) [34].
Tree, Shrub
No special status
Ronald Uchytil/July 1990
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1990. Acacia greggii. In: Remainder of Citation
SPECIES: Acacia greggii | Catclaw Acacia
Catclaw acacia is common over much of the northern Chihuahuan, Sonoran,
and southern Mojave deserts. It occurs in southern and western Texas,
southern New Mexico, southern and central Arizona, southern Nevada,
extreme southwestern Utah, southeastern California, and northern Mexico
FRES30 Desert shrub
FRES31 Shinnery
FRES32 Texas savanna
FRES33 Southwestern shrubsteppe
FRES34 Chaparral - mountain shrub
FRES35 Pinyon - juniper
FRES38 Plains grasslands
FRES40 Desert grasslands
7 Lower Basin and Range
12 Colorado Plateau
13 Rocky Mountain Piedmont
14 Great Plains
K023 Juniper - pinyon woodland
K027 Mesquite bosque
K031 Oak - juniper woodlands
K032 Transition between K031 and K037
K041 Creosote bush
K042 Creosote bush - bursage
K043 Paloverde - cactus shrub
K044 Creosote bush - tarbush
K045 Ceniza shrub
K054 Grama - tobosa prairie
K058 Grama - tobosa shrubsteppe
K059 Trans-Pecos shrub savanna
K060 Mesquite savanna
K061 Mesquite - acacia savanna
K062 Mesquite - live oak savanna
K065 Grama - buffalograss
K071 Shinnery
K085 Mesquite - buffalograss
K086 Juniper - oak savanna
66 Ash juniper - redberry (Pinchot) juniper
67 Mohrs ("shin") oak
68 Mesquite
239 Pinyon - juniper
241 Western live oak
242 Mesquite
Catclaw acacia is generally not a dominant plant but occurs as scattered
individuals in many plant communities. It attains its highest densities
in desert washes where it may codominate. Catclaw acacia has not been
listed as a dominant plant or habitat type indicator in any published
SPECIES: Acacia greggii | Catclaw Acacia
Catclaw acacia wood is very strong. It is used locally for small
household items, saddle frames, and occasionally as firewood [30,60].
Livestock: Catclaw acacia is a poor forage for livestock. It may be
browsed in the early spring when twigs are green but is otherwise seldom
eaten [24].
Wildlife browse: Catclaw acacia is a preferred mule deer forage [50,51].
Seasonal consumption of catclaw acacia by mule deer near Tuscon, Arizona
has been reported as follows [51]:
Spring = 17.9 percent of diet (leaves)
Summer = 1.9 percent of diet (leaves and fruit)
Autumn = 11.2 percent of diet (leaves)
Winter = 3.9 percent of diet (leaves)
White-tailed deer eat small amounts of catclaw acacia browse [1,37].
Jackrabbits and cottontails regularly eat the leaves, bark, and twigs
[20,61]. White-throated woodrats eat the leaves [20].
Seed and fruit: Catclaw acacia seeds are important in the diet of
numerous birds. When available, seeds may comprise 25 to 50 percent of
the scaled quail's diet in southwestern Texas [36]. Gambel's quail and
white-winged doves also eat large amounts of the seeds [20]. Seeds and
pods are eaten by ground squirrels and woodrats [20,36]. Collared
peccaries eat large amounts of the freshly ripened fruit [13]. In
southern Arizona, catclaw acacia fruits made up 2 percent of the
white-tailed deer's summer diet, and 14 percent of the mule deer's
summer diet [37]. When the highly palatable velvet mesquite (Prosopis
velutina) fruits are abundant, mule deer eat less catclaw acacia fruit
Plants infested with mistletoe (Phoradendron californicum) often attract
frugivorous birds because mistletoe produces a large fruit crop. A
study in southern Nevada found that 67 percent of all catclaw acacia
plants at the study area were infected with mistletoe [4].
The palatability of catclaw acacia browse for livestock is poor. The
fruits are highly palatable to big game animals such as deer and
The palatability of catclaw acacia for livestock and wildlife species in
Arizona and Texas is rated as follows [8,25,37,51]:
Cattle poor poor
Sheep ---- poor
Pronghorn ---- fair
Mule deer (browse) good ----
(fruit) good ----
White-tailed deer (browse) fair ----
(fruit) fair ----
Small mammals fair ----
Upland game birds (fruit) good good
Catclaw acacia browse is a moderately good source of protein for hooved
browsers [26,31,37,48]. Fruits provide a good source of phosphorus
during summer when other forages are deficient in this element [37].
Nutritional composition of leaves, flowers, and new growth of catclaw
acacia plants from southern Arizona is presented below [31]:
% dry matter % protein % lignin % ash % cellulose
Jan-Feb 52.07 13.19 10.51 5.78 27.02
Mar-April 45.21 12.29 9.67 5.98 32.16
May-June 47.12 13.81 10.42 6.43 27.93
July-Aug 59.32 11.29 9.75 9.3 36.63
Sept-Oct 51.9 14.43 10.25 5.98 32.45
Nov-Dec 47.55 13.45 11.48 5.55 32.64
Nutritional information for catclaw acacia leaves and twigs from
southwestern Texas plants is presented below [26]:
% water % ash % cell wall % phos % protein % DOM
leaves (4/13) 69 4 ---- .41 30 83
leaves (5/24) 61 4 25 .27 21 78
leaves&twigs (6/28) 50 5 36 .13 19 62
leaves (7/27) 48 5 33 .15 17 62
Nutritional composition of catclaw acacia seeds from southwestern Texas
is presented below [16]:
% crude protein % P % Ca % Mg % K % Na
20.7 .35 .50 .24 1.24 .02
Songbirds nest within the branches of catclaw acacia [2,11]. Catclaw
acacia sometimes forms thickets which provide hiding places for numerous
small- to medium-sized mammals [60]. Quail use the plants for roosts
[58]. Plants provide shade for domestic and wild animals.
Catclaw acacia has shown varying success when transplanted onto
disturbed sites. Near Globe, Arizona, survival of 90-day-old
nursery-grown seedlings transplanted onto asbestos mill waste tailings
capped with 2 feet (0.6 m) of topsoil was 100 percent after 3 years
[45]. Conversely, when catclaw acacia seedlings were transplanted onto
either copper mine tailings or overburden near Tucson, Arizona, they
sufferred 100 percent mortality within 2 years [43].
Commercial catclaw acacia seed is not available. In California, seed
collected in the field exhibited good germination without any special
treatment and germinated readily in fall or spring [15]. Seedlings
should be grown in tall containers because they rapidly develop a deep
root system. Nursery grown seedlings attained a height of 4 to 15
inches (10-38 cm) in 16 months [15]. Seed collection methods have been
detailed [63].
Catclaw acacia flowers provide an important source of nectar for honey
bees [30]. This plant is used for low maintenance landscaping [52].
Native peoples ground the beans into a flour to make mush, breads, and
cakes [60].
Catclaw acacia is an invader of semidesert grasslands and has increased
in density on grazing lands. It is considered a range pest because it
reduces forage for livestock and makes moving and handling cattle more
difficult. Numerous herbicides are used for brush control in the
Southwest. In general, catclaw acacia is moderately resistant to
phenoxy herbicides and refoliates or resprouts from the base [23]. In
southwestern Texas, combinations of picloram and dicambia severely
defoliated catclaw acacia plants, but most resprouted within 30 months
[28]. Its susceptibility to numerous herbicides has been summarized
[5]. Mechanical brush control measures have also been described
SPECIES: Acacia greggii | Catclaw Acacia
Catclaw acacia frequently occurs as a 3 to 10 foot (0.9-3 m) tall shrub
but may develop into an upright tree 25 to 30 feet (7.6-9.1 m) tall
[55]. It is often thicket forming and has numerous spreading, slender,
thorny branches [60]. The brown, stout, "clawlike" thorns are about
0.25 inch (0.63 cm) long. The bark is gray to black and about 0.125
inch (0.32 cm) thick. Numerous creamy-yellow flowers occur in 1.25 to
2.5 inch (3.1-6.3 cm) long spikes. The stiff and papery, gray-brown,
legume-type fruits are 2 to 5.5 inches (5-14 cm) long, 0.5 to 0.75 inch
(1.2-1.9 cm) wide, curved or contorted, flattened and constricted
between the seeds [10,55].
Undisturbed State: Phanerophyte (microphanerophyte)
Burned or Clipped State: Hemicryptophyte
Catclaw acacia reproduces sexually by producing an abundance of seeds.
Vegetative regeneration (sprouting) occurs following damage to the
aboveground portion of the plant.
Catclaw acacia flowers are pollinated by insects. In general, Acacias
begin to produce seed between 2 and 4 years of age [63]. Several,
nearly circular, 0.2 to 0.35 inch (5-9 mm) diameter, dark brown seeds
are encased within a legume-type fruit [42,62]. Catclaw acacia seeds
are principally dispersed by wild animals which eat them [44]. The
seeds have a hard seed coat and can probably remain viable for several
years [63]. Germination has been reported at 60 percent [60].
Catclaw acacia occurs primarily in semidesert grasslands, brushy
rangelands, Arizona chaparral dominated by turbinella oak (Quercus
turbinella), and desert shrub communities. In the Sonoran and Mojave
Deserts, it is largely confined to runnels and washes [21,54]. Away
from the washes catclaw acacia occurs as scattered individuals. When
found on the slopes of a bajada, it is often restricted to the upper
bajada where available moisture is more abundant compared to middle or
lower bajada situations [7]. Catclaw acacia was found to have the
highest water requirements of several desert shrubs tested [37]. This
may partially explain why catclaw acacia, although living in arid
regions, is often confined to dry washes or stream bottoms with
relatively shallow water tables. In the Chihuahuan Desert, catclaw
acacia is more common outside of desert washes. It is common in
canyons, on mountain slopes, and in desert shrub communities [12,46].
Associated species: Along washes in the Sonoran and Mojave Deserts,
associated shrubs include mesquites (Prosopis spp.), whitethorn acacia
(Acacia constricta), blue paloverde (Cercidium floridum), ironwood
(Olneya tesota), desert willow (Chilopsis linearis), and canyon ragweed
(Franseria ambrosioides) [27,54]. In Texas, catclaw acacia often grows
with honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa) [27].
Elevation: Catclaw acacia is generally found at elevations between
1,000 and 5,000 feet (305-1,524 m) [60].
Catclaw acacia is an invader of desert grasslands. Its density has
increased over the past 100 years probably as a result of overgrazing
and reduced fire frequencies [21].
In the Mojave Desert of southern California, catclaw acacia was found to
be a long-lived shrub characteristic of mature, undisturbed desert shrub
communities [59]. However, in low elevation desert shrub communities in
the Sonoran Desert near Tucson, Arizona, it was found to be short-lived.
No plants older than 50 years were found, and most lived for only 20 to
32 years [19]. In the Chihuahuan Desert, following the erosion of
surface soils which overlie very weather-tolerant Tornilla Clay, catclaw
acacia is a midseral species, eventually giving way to climax vegetation
dominated by creosotebush (Larrea divaricata) and tarbush (Flourensia
cernua) [41].
In general, catclaw acacia flowers in May or June, and pods mature
between July and September [55].
SPECIES: Acacia greggii | Catclaw Acacia
Catclaw acacia is able to sprout from the root crown following top-kill
by fire [9]. Hibbert and others [23] report that catclaw acacia is
fire-tolerant and can rapidly recover by sprouting even after repeated
survivor species; on-site surviving root crown or caudex
SPECIES: Acacia greggii | Catclaw Acacia
Fires generally top-kill catclaw acacia. In southern California, a July
wildfire in a chaparral-desert ecotone resulted in nearly all catclaw
acacia plants being charred and defoliated, but less than 10 percent of
the plants were killed [53].
Following top-kill by fire, catclaw acacia survives by producing
numerous sprouts from the root crown [25,49,53]. Following a July fire
in a chaparral-desert ecotone in southern California, more than 90
percent of catclaw acacia plants survived by sprouting [53]. Similarly,
a high percentage of plants resprouted following a fire in south-central
Arizona [49]. Plants started sprouting within 2 months after the
California fire. Regrowth following this southern California wildfire
is summarized below [53]:
Average length of sprouts
Average # Mesic canyon Xeric ridge
sprouts/plant (inches) (cm) (inches) (cm)
2 months after
fire (Sept) 30 1.7 4.3 --- ---
4 months after
fire (Nov) 90 8.6 21.8 5.7 14.6
7 months after
fire (Feb) 89 10.1 25.7 7.0 17.8
10 months after
fire (June) 166 13.0 33.0 4.8 12.1
SPECIES: Acacia greggii | Catclaw Acacia
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49. Rogers, Garry F.; Steele, Jeff. 1980. Sonoran Desert fire ecology. In:
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Forest Service: 184-186. [66]
Related categories for Species: Acacia greggii
| Catclaw Acacia