Wildlife, Animals, and Plants
SPECIES: Betula glandulosa | Bog Birch
Betula glandulosa var. hallii
bog birch
glandular birch
resin birch
swamp birch
glandular scrub birch
ground birch
dwarf birch
mountain birch
marsh birch
arctic dwarf birch
shrub birch
scrub birch
The currently accepted scientific name of bog birch is Betula glandulosa
Michx. [4,25,63].
An abundance of intermediate forms makes a precise distinction between
bog birch (Betula glandulosa) and swamp birch (Betula pumila) difficult.
This taxonomic uncertainty results in intermediates regarded as either:
Betula glandulosa Michx. var. glandulifera (Regel) Gleason [17,23]
or Betula pumila L. var. glandulifera Regel [4,25].
This paper recognizes these intermediate forms as Betula pumila var.
glandulifera, as more recent authorities do [4,6,25]. However, due to
the continued uncertainty over their proper taxonomic placement,
information on these plants will be incorporated into this paper, and
they will be cited as Betula pumila var. glandulifera.
This paper does not recognize any subspecies, varieties, or forms of
Betula glandulosa.
Numerous hybrids have been described within this group including [4,6]:
Betula glandulosa x occidentalis = B. X eastwoodea Sargent
Betula glandulosa x pumila var. glandulifera = B. X sargentii Dugle
Betula papyrifera x pumila var. glandulifera = B. X sandbergii Britt
Betula neoalaskana x pumila var. glandulifera = B. X uliginosa Dugle
B. X sargentii x papyrifera = B. X arbuscula Dugle
Ronald Uchytil/August 1989
Uchytil, Ronald J. 1989. Betula glandulosa. In: Remainder of Citation
SPECIES: Betula glandulosa | Bog Birch
Bog birch is widely distributed from the interior of Alaska across
northern Canada to Labrador and Greenland [60]. In the West, it is
found from coastal British Columbia in the mountains to California and
Colorado [23,63]. In the northeastern United States bog birch is found
in Maine and New Hampshire [48]. Betula pumila var. glandulifera
inhabits North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, New
York, and much of southeastern Canada [4,17,51]. In Idaho, British
Columbia, and Alberta both the type specimen of Betula glandulosa and
Betula pumila var. glandulifera occur [6].
FRES11 Spruce - fir
FRES20 Douglas-fir
FRES21 Ponderosa pine
FRES23 Fir - spruce
FRES26 Lodgepole pine
FRES44 Alpine
2 Cascade Mountains
4 Sierra Mountains
8 Northern Rocky Mountains
9 Middle Rocky Mountains
10 Wyoming Basin
11 Southern Rocky Mountains
16 Upper Missouri Basin and Broken Lands
K008 Lodgepole pine - subalpine forest
K012 Douglas-fir forest
K015 Western spruce - fir forest
K018 Pine - Douglas-fir forest
K021 Southwestern spruce - fir forest
K037 Mountain mahogany - oak scrub
K052 Alpine meadows and barren
K093 Great Lakes spruce - forest (B. pumila var. glandulifera)
K094 Conifer bog (B. pumila var. glandulifera)
12 Black spruce (B. pumila var. glandulifera)
13 Black spruce - tamarack (B. pumila var. glandulifera)
38 Tamarack (B. pumila var. glandulifera)
107 White spruce
201 White spruce
202 White spruce - paper birch
203 Balsam poplar
204 Black spruce
206 Engelmann spruce - subalpine fir
210 Interior Douglas-fir
217 Aspen
218 Lodgepole pine
251 White spruce - aspen
252 Paper birch
253 Black spruce - white spruce
254 Black spruce - paper birch
In the boreal forests of interior Alaska and Canada, bog birch is found
in many black spruce (Picea mariana) and white spruce (P. glauca)
communities and is especially common at the western, northern, and
altitudinal limit of trees [44,58,60]. In these northern environments,
permafrost prevents the percolation of water, resulting in the
development of muskegs, bogs, and ponds which often impede the growth of
trees, but which support many low growing shrubs such as bog birch,
bog-rosemary (Andromeda polifolia), dwarf arctic birch (Betula nana),
and Labrador-tea (Ledum spp.) [14,60]. Over vast areas of the arctic,
moist tundra is characterized by continuous and uniformly developed
cottongrass (Eriophorum spp.) occasionally interspersed with shrubs
including bog birch [60]. Bog birch occurs on these wet sites but may
also be found on many cool and dry to mesic spruce sites where it may
form a continuous tall shrub layer [14]. Near treeline bog birch often
forms extensive pure stands [55] or shrubfields with alders (Alnus spp.)
and willows (Salix spp.) [60,61].
In southwestern Canada and the contiguous United States bog birch most
often occurs on wetland sites within lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta),
Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmanii), or subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa)
forest types and is often associated with alders and willows
Associated species: In the interior of Alaska and Canada, bog birch is
often present in the understory of black and white spruce communities.
Commonly associated shrubs throughout the range of this species include
grayleaf willow (Salix glauca), Lemmon willow (S. lemmonii), Geyer
willow (S. geyerana), Booth willow (S. boothii), thinleaf alder (Alnus
incana ssp. tenuifolia), green alder (A. viridis ssp. crispa), prickly
rose (Rosa acicularis), Douglas spirea (Spiraea douglasii), bog
blueberry (Vaccinium uliginosum), mountain cranberry (V. vitis-idaea),
Labrador tea (Ledum groenlandicum), and red-osier dogwood (Cornus
sericea) [14,29,39,43,44,61]. Commonly associated grasses and sedges
include water sedge (Carex aquatilis), soft-leaved sedge (C. disperma),
beaked sedge (C. rostrata), bluejoint reedgrass (Calamagrostis
canadensis), and tufted hairgrass (Deschampsia cespitosa) [43,44,63].
Horsetails (Equisetum spp.) and rushes (Juncus spp.) are also often
found with bog birch [43,44].
Publications listing bog birch as a dominant, codominant, or indicator
species include:
Classification, description, and dynamics of plant communities after
fire in the taiga of interior Alaska [14]
Riparian dominance types of Montana [18]
Plant associations of Region Two: Potential plant communities of
Wyoming, South Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, and Kansas [24]
Forest vegetation of the Gunnison and parts of the Uncompahgre National
Forests: a preliminary habitat type classification [28]
Riparian zone associations: Deschutes, Ochoco, Fremont, and Winema
National Forests [29]
A physical and biological characterization of riparian habitat and its
importance to wildlife in Wyoming [39
Wetland community type classification for west-central Montana [43]
Ecosystem classification and interpretation of the sub-boreal spruce
zone, Prince Rupert Forest Region, British Columbia [44]
The Alaska vegetation classification [58]
SPECIES: Betula glandulosa | Bog Birch
Bog birch is only lightly to moderately browsed by most classes of
livestock. Herbage production may be moderate to high in some bog birch
communities. However, cattle tend to avoid the boggy soils associated
with this species, unless the soil becomes dry enough to walk on,
usually in late summer [9,18,29].
Bog birch is eaten by numerous wildlife species. In the Jackson Hole
area of Wyoming, it is a preferred browse of many big game animals [1].
Moose, elk, and mule deer consumption may be moderate to heavy in both
summer and winter [12,32,33,46,65]. In Alaska, caribou eat the twigs
and leaves [60]. In Alaska and Canada, the snowshoe hare feeds heavily
on bog birch [50,64]. A study in the Yukon Territories found this birch
to be the most preferred browse of snowshoe hares. When the hare
population peaked, over 80 percent of available bog birch twigs were
eaten during one winter [50].
Bog birch catkins, buds, and seeds are eaten by numerous bird species
including ptarmigan, sharp-tailed grouse, spruce grouse, ruffed grouse,
redpolls, pine siskin, chickadees, and kinglets [5,36,54,60].
The relish and degree of use shown by livestock and wildlife species for
bog birch in several western states is rated as follows [1,11,15,42,46,47].
Cattle poor fair poor poor fair
Sheep poor-fair fair fair ---- fair
Horses poor poor poor ---- fair
Goats poor-fair ---- fair ---- ----
Pronghorn ---- ---- ---- ---- poor
Elk ---- ---- poor ---- good
Moose ---- ---- good ---- good
Mule deer fair ---- poor ---- fair
White-tailed deer ---- ---- poor ---- poor
Small mammals ---- ---- ---- ---- fair
Small nongame birds ---- ---- ---- ---- good
Upland game birds ---- ---- ---- ---- fair
Waterfowl ---- ---- ---- ---- poor
Bog birch's energy and protein value is rated as poor [11].
Bog birch presumably provides hiding cover for small birds and mammals
but is probably of little importance as cover for larger mammals due to
its small size.
This birch does not transplant easily and is of limited use for
rehabilitation [26].
Grazing on wet soils inhabited by bog birch may make sites more
susceptible to surface or streambank erosion [29].
SPECIES: Betula glandulosa | Bog Birch
Throughout much of its range, bog birch is a deciduous, low and
spreading to erect shrub, with one to several main stems from 3 to 6.5
feet (1-2 m) tall [4,19,60,63]. The smooth, thin bark is reddish brown,
becoming dark gray, and does not peel readily [60]. The twigs have
yellowish, crystalline resin glands [60,63]. The 0.4- to 1-inch-long
(1-2.5 cm) leaves are nearly orbicular [4].
In the arctic, towards the northern limit of its distribution, bog birch
is a prostrate shrub, often less than 8 inches (20 cm) tall [62].
Vegetative reproduction is prevalent in these northern plants and clones
often form large continuous mats [22].
Characteristics used to distinguish bog birch (Betula glandulosa) from
swamp birch (Betula pumila var. glandulifera) include [6]:
B. glandulosa B. pumila var. glandulifera
samara wings narrow: (less than 1/2 broad: (greater than 1/2 as
as broad as the body) broad as the body)
leaves broadly ovate to orbicular, obovate, greater than 10
less than 10 teeth per side teeth per side
size generally less than 6.5 feet up to 13.1 feet (4 m)
(2 m)
chromosomes 2n = 28 B. pumila 2n = 56
Throughout much of Alaska, Canada, and the contiguous United States, bog
birch reproduction is primarily sexual. Plants produce abundant, small
seeds which are dispersed by wind. At the northern distributional limit
of bog birch, plants rarely produce viable seed and regenerate by
vegetative layering [22,62].
Seed production and dispersal: Bog birch plants are monoecious. Male
flowers occur in narrow catkins that form in the summer, remain naked
until the next spring, and then elongate and shed their pollen. The
pistillate catkins appear with the leaves, then become conelike as they
mature by late summer or autumn [5]. Most individuals produce numerous
catkins which generally contain 30 to 50 winged samara fruits [62].
Each samara contains a single seed. The small seeds average between 3
and 5 million per pound [5]. Samaras are dispersed principally in the
fall by wind. During late fall and winter the catkins disintegrate on
the shrub, a process which may be aided by the foraging activities of
small birds such as chickadees and kinglets [5]. This releases any
remaining seed to fall on the snow. Seed has been observed blowing over
crusted snow [5]. Any remaining seeds are dispersed in the spring [62].
Germination: Seed that are dispersed in the fall and those that
overwinter on the plant are viable [49]. Germination occurs fairly
rapidly under normal temperatures after winter stratification [34]. How
long bog birch seed remains viable is not known; however, seed of most
Alaska shrubs lose their viability if they do not germinate during the
first or second growing season [34].
Northern Plants: In the arctic, recruitment of new individuals from
seed is almost nonexistent. These northern plants regenerate by
vegetative layering; little or no sexual reproduction occurs. Here
clones develop by lateral extension of branches beneath the surface moss
layer, rooting at nodes, with only short vertical branches extending
above the surface vegetation [62]. It is hypothesized that the
successful establishment of seed may be restricted by the short growing
season of the northern environment [62].
Bog birch is typically a wetland species occurring in fens, swamps, bogs
(both sphagnum and nonsphagnum), muskegs, moist-to-wet tundra, wet
meadows, moist-to-wet basins, and along low gradient streams and lakes
[4,18,29,37,43,44,60]. This birch has a very high frost tolerance and is
distributed over large areas of permafrost [30]. Permafrost prevents
water percolation, which often results in the development of extensive
muskegs and bogs. Bog birch has a moderate to high shade tolerance [30]
and is found in the understory of many black and white spruce taiga
communities of Alaska and Canada [14,55,60]. It is apparently more
common within black spruce types than white spruce. Black spruce
typically occupies poorly drained sites, such as those underlain by
permafrost, which contain a thick mat, often made up of sphagnum mosses
(Sphagnum spp.), sedges (Carex spp.), and grasses. Bog birch may be
interspersed on moist cottongrass-dominated tundra sites or occur on
hummocks in wet tundra sites [60]. On some alpine sites it occasionally
occurs in relatively dry rocky habitats [4,27].
Soils: Surface layers often have large accumulations of organic matter.
In fens and swamps these are normally peats derived from nonsphagnum
mosses and sedges; in bogs peats are normally derived from sphagnum
mosses. Floodplain soils may have surface textures of silt, fine sandy
loam, or organic loam [29].
Soil-water relationships: Krajina and others [30] reported that the
nutritional requirements of bog birch are low and stated that "It
prefers soils in which accumulation of acid mor humus forms causes
eluviation of nutrients, especially calcium and magnesium, from the
uppermost soil horizons." This is consistent with other researchers
[37,49] who observed bog birch to be uncommon or lacking in swamps and
fens with minerotrophic (rich in minerals and nutrients), poorly drained
soils but common in ombrotrophic (low nutrient), acidic bogs. However,
Pojar and others [44] found bog birch occurring only in minerotrophic
swamps which derived their water as runoff from adjacent mineral uplands
high in dissolved ions, but absent from ombrotrophic, acidic,
sphagnum-derived peat bogs.
Swamp birch (Betula pumila var. glandulifera) has been reported in
minerotrophic fens [10,49], weakly minerotrophic swamps [21], and
ombrotrophic bogs [8,10].
Swamps, fens, wet meadows, swales, and low gradient streams often flood
seasonally. These areas often hold standing water in the spring, and
water tables often remain near the soil surface throughout the summer
Elevation: Elevational ranges for western states are presented below
from 6,500 to 7,500 feet (1,981-2,286 m) in CA
7,700 to 11,400 feet (1,734-3,475 m) in CO
4,000 to 8,000 feet (1,219-2,438 m) in MT
6,000 to 11,000 feet (1,829-3,354 m) in UT
6,400 to 10,500 feet (1,951-3,201 m) in WY
Bog birch is typically found on sites where the water table is kept high
from runoff of nearby uplands. Bog birch maintains itself in these
moist habitats and appears to be a topoedaphic climax species [35,44].
Bog birch is a deciduous shrub. The male catkins begin blooming in the
spring before or as the leaves expand. After fertilization the female
catkins ripen and develop into conelike structures which resemble
"miniature spruce cones." The majority of seed are dispersed in the
Flowering dates for several western states are presented below
State Flowering Begins Flowering Flowering Ends
AK May-June
CO April August
ID April June
MT June Sept
ND Mid-June (B. pumila var. glandulifera)
SD Mid-June (B. pumila var. glandulifera)
UT July July
WY June Aug
Fruit ripening dates for the following states are presented below
State Fruits reach maturity
AK July-August
ND August-Sept (B. pumila var. glandulifera)
SD August-Sept (B. pumila var. glandulifera)
SPECIES: Betula glandulosa | Bog Birch
In the northwestern United States bog birch typically occupies wetland
sites which burn infrequently. Many wetland sites cannot carry fires
until late in the fall due to the high moisture content of the soil and
associated vegetation [7,29]. When aboveground plant parts of bog birch
are killed by fire, they often sprout from the base of the stem [34,40].
Information on the importance of off-site windblown seed revegetating
burned areas is lacking. However, some seeds from nearby plants
probably reach burned sites.
In the Alaska taiga, bog birch is found on poorly drained and permafrost
underlain sites occupied primarily by black spruce stands, muskegs, and
bogs. These types are the most widespread in Alaska and burn the most
frequently [55,59]. Most black spruce stands burn at least every 100
years [14]. Fires in black spruce usually kill the overstory trees and
consume most of the aboveground vegetation [56].
Small shrub, adventitious-bud root crown
Initial-offsite colonizer (off-site, initial community)
SPECIES: Betula glandulosa | Bog Birch
Intense fires in black spruce types occur following exceptionally dry
periods or under dry, windy conditions [56]. Such fires can completely
remove organic soil layers and leave the roots of shrubs exposed, thus
eliminating the ability of bog birch to resprout from basal buds [34,66].
Most fires, however, do not remove the entire organic soil layer, and
bog birch is able to resprout from the base of the stem following these
After the removal of aboveground vegetation by fire, bog birch resprouts
quickly from the stem base [20,40]. It sprouts best when organic soil
layers are not destroyed by fire [20,66].
After wildfires in black spruce forests of interior Alaska bog birch
often increases in density (stems/unit area) for the first 5 postfire
years due to continued sprouting [14,57]. It may continue to increase in
density or cover for 25 to 55 years after the fire [14,56]. As the black
spruce canopy develops bog birch density decreases, but it will persist
in canopy openings when spruce grows in a clumped arrangement [3,14,56].
On wet sites in the arctic near treeline, repeated fires often result in
shrub thickets composed of green alder, willows, and bog birch [55].
In the contiguous United States, areas occupied by bog birch often act
as natural fire breaks due to saturated substrates [18]. However, many
sites will carry a fire late in the growing season after soils and
vegetation become drier. Along low gradient stream channels, fires may
reduce the buffering and filtering capacity of the site during the next
year's runnoff, thus increasing the chances of erosion [29].
SPECIES: Betula glandulosa | Bog Birch
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10. Dirschl, H. J.; Coupland, R. T. 1972. Vegetation patterns and site
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