Wildlife, Animals, and Plants
SPECIES: Celtis reticulata | Netleaf Hackberry
Celtis rugulosa Rydb.
Celtis laevigata var. brevipes (Wats.) Sarg.
Celtis laevigata Willd. var. reticulata (Torr.)
netleaf hackberry
western hackberry
palo blanco
Netleaf hackberry is a highly variable and taxonomically confusing
species [41,63]. Hybridization is common within the genus Celtis and
most species are poorly defined [23]. Intergrading forms and ecotypic
variants are common [23]. Some authorities consider netleaf hackberry
to be a variant of sugarberry (Celtis laevigata) and still others place
it in synonymy with Douglas hackberry (C. douglasii) [63,73]. However,
many taxonomists now regard it as a discrete species [73]. The
currently accepted scientific name of netleaf hackberry is Celtis
reticulata Tougher. [40].
Netleaf hackberry readily hybridizes with sugarberry and populations
with intermediate characteristics have been reported [74]. Some
authorities delineate two forms of netleaf hackberry on the basis of
leaf size [63]. Still others recognize many intergrading forms [33].
According to Kearney and others [41], "it is highly probable that more
than one species is included ... as Celtis reticulata, but pending
thorough revision of North American species of Celtis, no other
treatment seems practicable." Biosystematic revision has been suggested
for the tribe Celteae [23].
Tree, Shrub
No special status
D. Tirmenstein, November 1990
Tirmenstein, D. A. 1990. Celtis reticulata. In: Remainder of Citation
SPECIES: Celtis reticulata | Netleaf Hackberry
Netleaf hackberry grows throughout scattered portions of the Great
Basin, Pacific Northwest, and Southwest [44]. Its range extends from
southern Nebraska south through central Kansas and Colorado into Texas
and northern Mexico [46,63], westward to southern California, and north
through Washington and Oregon into Idaho [23,46].
FRES15 Oak - hickory
FRES28 Western hardwoods
FRES29 Sagebrush
FRES30 Desert shrub
FRES31 Shinnery
FRES32 Texas savanna
FRES33 Southwestern shrubsteppe
FRES34 Chaparral - mountain shrub
FRES35 Pinyon - juniper
FRES40 Desert grasslands
2 Cascade Mountains
3 Southern Pacific Border
4 Sierra Mountains
5 Columbia Plateau
6 Upper Basin and Range
7 Lower Basin and Range
8 Northern Rocky Mountains
11 Southern Rocky Mountains
12 Colorado Plateau
13 Rocky Mountain Piedmont
14 Great Plains
K023 Juniper - pinyon woodlands
K027 Mesquite bosques
K031 Oak - juniper woodland
K033 Chaparral
K038 Great Basin sagebrush
K041 Creosotebush
K042 Creosotebush - bursage
K044 Creosotebush - tarbush
K059 Trans-Pecos shrub savanna
K071 Shinnery
K084 Cross Timbers
K098 Northern floodplain forest
63 Cottonwood
67 Mohrs ("shin") oak
68 Mesquite
239 Pinyon - juniper
240 Arizona cypress
241 Western live oak
242 Mesquite
Netleaf hackberry grows as an overstory dominant or codominant in a
number of communities, including riparian woodlands of the Southwest and
narrow gallery forests of eastern Washington and west-central Idaho.
Common codominants include live oak (Quercus virginiana), cedar elm
(Ulmus crassifolia), cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum), bluebunch wheatgrass
(Pseudoroegneria spicata), and sand dropseed (Sporobolus cryptandrus).
Published classifications listing netleaf hackberry as a dominant or
indicator in community types (cts), habitat types (hts), or plant
associations (pas) are presented below.
Area Classification Authority
w-c ID grassland and shrubland Tisdale 1986b
hts, cts
w-c ID, e WA riparian cts Miller and Johnson 1986
OK western oak cts Dooley and Collins 1984
OR, ID: Wallowa general veg. pas Johnson and Simon 1987
e WA, n ID steppe hts Daubenmire 1970a
SPECIES: Celtis reticulata | Netleaf Hackberry
Wood of netleaf hackberry is light brown, heavy, and not easily worked
[37,43]. It is used to make boxes, crates, barrels, furniture,
cabinets, paneling, and miscellaneous items [23,55,65], and is used
locally for fenceposts and firewood [37,72]. Early homesteaders crafted
rough furniture from hackberry wood [44].
Netleaf hackberry is used extensively for food and cover by many birds
and mammals [37].
Browse: On the Edwards Plateau of Texas, netleaf hackberry is a
preferred white-tailed deer browse [3,15]. In parts of southern Texas,
it is a major component of mule deer diets but is relatively unimportant
to white-tailed deer [2]. It may be heavily utilized by deer during
drought years [1] and in southern Texas receives most use during winter
and spring [15]. Pronghorn commonly browse netleaf hackberry in the
spring [11]. Beaver feed on hackberry wood in many areas [48]. Scrub
jays commonly feed on leaf galls present on foliage of netleaf hackberry
Cattle sometimes browse netleaf hackberry [59], although it is most
often used on overgrazed sites where more preferred forage is
unavailable [20]. Spanish goats often seek out tender young sprouts
during the first year after fire [70].
Fruit: Fruit of netleaf hackberry is readily consumed by many birds
[55,73]. It is considered the single most important winter bird food at
the lower edge of the mountain brush zone along the Wasatch Front of
northern Utah [34]. The band-tailed pigeon, Steller's jay, northern
flicker, American robin, Townsend's solitaire, Bohemian waxwing, cedar
waxwing, American crow, scrub jay, and rufous-sided towhee feed on this
persistent berry [34,43]. It reportedly constitutes an emergency food
source for avian seed eaters during January and February [62]. Many
mammals, including squirrels, foxes, Barbary sheep, and coyotes, also
eat netleaf hackberry fruit [43,76].
Leaves of netleaf hackberry become somewhat tough as they mature [74]
and may decline in palatability to some species; however, white-tailed
deer preference for this species tends to be highest in summer and fall
[60,62]. In Texas, general palatability has been rated as follows [11]:
Pronghorn excellent
Cattle poor
Domestic sheep poor
Fruit of netleaf hackberry is highly palatable to many birds and mammals
Netleaf hackberry browse in the Edwards Plateau of Texas has been rated
as good in protein (14.35%), good in phosphoric acid (P2O5) (0.38%), and
fair in lime (CaO) (6.27%) [26].
Netleaf hackberry provides good cover for a variety of big game species
[39,43]. The dense cover of netleaf hackberry stands is favored by
white-tailed deer in the Rio Grande Valley of southern Texas [49].
Southern plains woodrats use netleaf hackberry twigs to construct houses
[66]. Netleaf hackberry provides nesting sites for the white-tailed
raven, Swainson's hawk, scissor-tailed flycatcher, Bullock's oriole, and
many doves, quail, and numerous desert songbirds [19,27,43].
Hackberries offer good hiding or resting cover for quail in many parts
of the Southwest [27]. Netleaf hackberry provides much sought-after
shade for domestic livestock in the Southwest and in the Snake River
Drainage of Idaho [18,39].
Netleaf hackberry can be used to aid in soil stabilization on various
types of disturbed sites [54,67]. It is well adapted to mountain-brush
and pinyon-juniper communities [54]. Netleaf hackberry can be
propagated from seed, which when cleaned, averages 4,870 per pound
(10,727/kg) [8]. It can also be propagated vegetatively from stem
cuttings [8]. Nursery or container stock can be transplanted onto
disturbed sites with good results [54,64].
Netleaf hackberry is well suited for use in landscaping [38]. This
small shade tree is tolerant of dry sites and can be planted in yards or
patios [23,64], and along streets in urban areas [23]. The shade value
of netleaf hackberry was also recognized by early Native American
peoples, including the Basketmakers of the Southwest [44]. Because of
its tendency to grow near flowing water, this tree provided the focus
for habitations such as Hovenweep and Montezuma Castle [44].
The sweet, edible fruit [37,63] was traditionally an important food
source for many Native American peoples [55,72]. Today, the fruit
receives only limited human use [37].
Netleaf hackberry is susceptible to "witches broom" and various insect
infestations [37,44,75]. Netleaf hackberry can be reduced by heavy
grazing [59].
SPECIES: Celtis reticulata | Netleaf Hackberry
Netleaf hackberry is a spreading, scraggly, often stunted tree or large
shrub [44,55,63,75]. It commonly grows from 7 to 20 feet (2-6 m) in
height but can reach up to 53 feet (16 m) in height and 24 inches (60
cm) in diameter on favorable sites [31,53]. Plants generally grow
slowly [64] and live for 100 to 200 years [62]. The trunk is usually
short and crooked [4,44] with thick, warty, reddish-brown to gray bark
[37,44]. Slender twigs are reddish-brown, glabrous or puberulent [53],
and often form a twisting network [4]. Plants are strongly taprooted
but possess many shallow roots as well [62]. Roots are fibrous, wide
spreading, and can reach maximum depths of 15 feet (5 m) or more
Flowering and fruiting: Netleaf hackberry is monoecious [63]. Small,
inconspicuous green flowers are borne singly in the leaf axils on
current year's twigs [33,37,63]. The fruit is an orange to reddish,
purplish, or black drupe that contains a single seed or nutlet [33].
The fruit is sweet with thin, dry pulp [4,76].
Seed: Netleaf hackberry produces an abundance of persistent seed nearly
every year [8]. The hard, bony seeds are cream-colored and
approximately 0.22 inch (5.5 mm) in diameter [4,63]. Seed is readily
dispersed by a variety of birds and mammals [44]. Seed remains viable
under laboratory conditions for at least several years [8]; seed
longevity under natural conditions has not been documented.
Germination: Seed dormancy can be broken by stratification for 120 days
at 41 degrees F (5 degrees C) [8]. Germination is also enhanced by
depulping the fruit prior to planting [8]. Germination has averaged 37
to 80 percent in laboratory tests [8,72]. Natural germination occurs in
late winter and spring [80].
Seedling establishment: Seedlings are commonly observed on moist loamy
drainageway soils, in the sand of ephemeral streambeds, and in saturated
alluvium in waterways with sustained flows [22,80]. Establishment may
be favored on high terraces in riparian zones where floods may disturb
the channels themselves but leave terraces relatively undisturbed [5].
Vegetative regeneration: Netleaf hackberry sprouts from the root crown
after aboveground portions of the plant are removed or damaged [14].
Netleaf hackberry commonly grows in bottomlands, washes, ravines,
arroyos, rocky canyons, and along streamcourses, water tanks, and ponds
[31,33,37,55,79]. Netleaf hackberry is particularly abundant in
floodplain forests along large rivers of the Edwards Plateau of Texas
[71,79] and is common in gallery forests along the major canyons of
Snake, Salmon, and Columbia River valleys [18,50,68]. Netleaf hackberry
also occurs as scattered individuals in desert shrubland and in
semidesert grassland communities [9,28]. Scattered individuals often
occur where upper desert grassland communities grade into low savannas
[21]. In Texas, netleaf hackberry is particularly common on rolling
plains and breaks, and as a component of hill and bluff timber
[25,55,62]. Netleaf hackberry occurs in Great Basin montane scrubland,
creosotebush scrub, and wash scrub communities, pinyon-juniper and
Joshua tree woodlands, and mesquite bosques of the Southwest
Plant associates: Common associates in Southwestern riparian woodland
communities include walnut (Juglans spp.), willow (Salix spp.),
cottonwood (Populus spp), American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis),
Texas mulberry (Morus microphylla), western soapberry (Sapindus
saponaria var. drummondii), live oak (Quercus virginana), cedar elm
(Ulmus crassifolia), ash (Fraxinus spp.), Texas persimmon (Diospyros
texana), and mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa) [52,78,79]. Overstory
codominants in terrace communities include live oak, little walnut
(Juglans microcarpa), and pecan (Carya illinoensis) [79]. Other common
Southwestern associates include Utah juniper (Juniperus osteosperma),
Ashe juniper (J. ashei), live oak (Quercus fusiformis), black cherry
(Prunus serotina), whitethorn acacia (Acacia constricta), fendlerbush
(Fallugia paradoxa) [12,13,81]. Cheatgrass, white alder (Alnus
rhombifolia), water birch (Betula occidentalis), black poplar (Populus
trichocarpa), sand dropseed, bluebunch wheatgrass, and Kentucky
bluegrass (Poa pratensis) occur with netleaf hackberry in gallery
forests of Idaho and Washington [18,50,68].
Soils: Netleaf hackberry grows on well-drained, dry to moist soils
[64]. It occurs on gravelly or rocky soils, and also on sand and loam
[22,31,72]. Netleaf hackberry grows on alkaline or acidic soils [54],
but pH averages 7.0 to 7.5 [64]. Soils are commonly derived from
limestone, or alluvial or colluvial parent materials [31,39,68]. Near
the Gulf, plants occur on calcareous shell banks [73]. In many areas,
netleaf hackberry develop best on alluvial soils [71].
Climate: Netleaf hackberry grows well in sun and is tolerant of drought
[38,72]. It occurs in subhumid to semiarid areas characterized by
mesothermal climatic regimes [71]. Average annual precipitation ranges
from 15 to 33 inches (38-84 cm) in parts of Texas [71]; however, netleaf
hackberry can grow where annual precipitation averages only 7 inches (18
cm) [4]. In some areas, summertime temperatures may exceed 110 degrees
F (43 degrees C) [4]. Netleaf hackberry may be restricted by soil
moisture levels [79]. Its distribution may also be largely limited by
flood tolerance.
Elevation: In many areas, netleaf hackberry is restricted to waterways
and spans a considerable elevational range [32]. It grows at elevations
ranging from 2,500 to 6,000 feet (762-1,829 m) in Arizona [41]; from
2,800 to 5,000 feet (853-1,524 m) in California [53]; and up to 6,000
feet (2,000 m) in Utah [37].
Netleaf hackberry can invade many types of newly disturbed sites but can
also persist in a number of climax communities where soil-water regimes
are favorable.
Texas: On the Edwards Plateau, netleaf hackberry is among the
large-seeded facultative riparian species that invade river terrace
communities [5]. It also increases after prescribed burns in Ashe
juniper communities on toeslopes where water availability is relatively
high [57]. Although it commonly codominates these moister toeslopes
with flameleaf sumac (Rhus lanceolata) and live oak (Quercus
fusiformis), it is often absent on adjacent drier sites [57].
Idaho-eastern Washington: In the middle Snake and lower Salmon
drainages of west-central Idaho and eastern Washington, netleaf
hackberry occurs as an overstory dominant on lower valley slopes and
alluvial terraces [18,68]. Many of these sites have been disturbed by
domestic livestock. Current understory dominants on disturbed sites
include annual bromes (cheatgrass, Japanese brome (B. japonicus), and
poverty brome (B. sterilis), and sand dropseed, but evidence suggests
that bluebunch wheatgrass grew as an understory dominant beneath netleaf
hackberry prior to disturbance [68]. Daubenmire [18] identified a
netleaf hackberry/cheatgrass habitat type, although Tisdale [68]
maintained that "designation of a climax community type with an exotic
annual as one of the dominants seems inappropriate, especially when
stands of Celtis douglasii [reticulata]/ bluebunch wheatgrass can be
found on similar habitats in Washington along the Grande Ronde River."
Tallgrass prairie: Plowing in the tallgrass prairie disturbs the roots
of grasses, reducing their competitive ability and allowing for the
subsequent establishment of weeds and woody invaders. Woody plants such
as netleaf hackberry tend to increase after annual cultivation in
tallgrass prairies of central Oklahoma [16]. Grass cover typically
increases immediately after plowing stops and peaks 5 years later.
Sumac (Rhus spp.), indian-currant coralberry (Symphoricarpos
orbiculatus), and roughleaf dogwood (Cornus drummondii) soon become
established, and netleaf hackberry and slippery elm (Ulmus rubra)
gradually invade the area. Although woody plants remain rare during the
first 9 years, these invaders begin to increase dramatically as
grassland vegetation loses dominance. Netleaf hackberry, indian-currant
coralberry, flameleaf sumac (Rhus copallina), and weedy grasses such as
johnson-grass (Sorghum halepense) dominate some 9- to 32-year-old
stands. Collins and Adams [16] noted that succession can be both rapid
and unpredictable in the tallgrass prairie, and "even at the
physiognomic level, general successional trends may be difficult to
Leaves of netleaf hackberry first appear in early April to late May [23]
and mature in June [74]. Plants flower in spring, with or shortly after
initial leaf development [23]. Fruit ripens in late summer or fall
[64]. Fruit may persist through the winter [62], although some seed is
dispersed during the fall and winter [8,72]. Generalized flowering and
fruiting dates by geographic location are as follows:
Location Flowering Fruit ripe Authority
c Great Plains late April August-Sept. Stephens 1973
s CA April-May ---- Munz 1974
Great Plains April-Sept. ---- Great Plains Flora
Association 1986
SPECIES: Celtis reticulata | Netleaf Hackberry
Netleaf hackberry is often associated with riparian woodlands which burn
infrequently. These narrow canyon or gallery forests contrast
strikingly with adjacent desert shrublands or grasslands where netleaf
hackberry occurs as scattered individuals. Recurrent fires in drier
upland types may eliminate or reduce invading shrubs and trees [32].
Netleaf hackberry also persists in fire-prone toeslope communities of
Texas [57]. It commonly sprouts from the stem base or root crown after
fire [57,70] and becomes prominent in many postburn communities. Birds
and mammals presumably transport some seed from adjacent unburned areas
[44], and limited postfire seedling establishment is possible.
survivor species; on-site surviving root crown or caudex
off-site colonizer; seed carried by animals or water; postfire yr 1&2
SPECIES: Celtis reticulata | Netleaf Hackberry
Netleaf hackberry is described as fairly tolerant of fire [3]. Portions
of the root crown commonly survive after aboveground vegetation is
consumed by fire [3,57,70]. Plants are rarely killed by fire [14].
Netleaf hackberry sprouts from the root crown after aboveground
vegetation is consumed by fire [3,14]. In some instances, recovery may
be relatively rapid and cover can increase dramatically. Netleaf
hackberry can reportedly outcompete species such as agarito (Mahonia
trifoliolata) in early postburn communities [59].
On the Edwards Plateau, netleaf hackberry readily sprouted and increased
in canopy cover after prescribed fire and mechanical scarification [57].
After fire it codominated (18 percent cover) relatively moist toeslopes
with flameleaf sumac (22 percent cover), and live oak (Quercus
fusiformis) (20 percent cover). Very little netleaf hackberry was
observed on unburned areas or on drier burned sites (< 1 percent) [57].
Prescribed fire: Bock and Bock [7] reported that prescribed fire is
"difficult to manage and potentially very destructive" in established
riparian woodlands of the Southwest. These relatively rare and fragile
areas provide important food and cover for desert wildlife [61].
Because browse and cover are often limited in these areas, burning is
not generally recommended [63].
Wildlife: Removal of shrub-dominated communities can adversely impact
wildlife in many areas. Deer commonly avoid open areas, and if burning
is planned in shrub communities, efforts should be made to burn in
mosaics, leaving strips of cover [3,49]. In some instances, it may be
advisable to leave drainages intact for deer use [49]. On the Edwards
Plateau of Texas, burning at 7- to 10-year intervals is recommended if
management aims include controlling shrubs while maintaining deer
populations. Deer numbers can be reduced if burns are conducted at more
frequent intervals [3]. Burning woody vegetation in some
shrub-grassland communities can be detrimental to birds, especially if
conducted during the breeding season [19].
SPECIES: Celtis reticulata | Netleaf Hackberry
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2. Anthony, Robert G.; Smith, Norman S. 1977. Ecological relationships
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