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Wildlife, Animals, and Plants |
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oceanspray TAXONOMY:The currently accepted scientific name of oceanspray is Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maxim (Rosaceae) [55,53]. LIFE FORM:Shrub FEDERAL LEGAL STATUS:No special status OTHER STATUS:No entry AUTHORSHIP AND CITATION:Archer, Amy J. (2000, September) Holodiscus discolor. In: Remainder of Citation Species Index FEIS Home DISTRIBUTION AND OCCURRENCE
GENERAL DISTRIBUTION:Oceanspray occurs from the western Cascade Mountains to the Pacific coast, from British Columbia south to California, east to northeastern Oregon, northern Idaho and eastern and western Montana [43,52]. ECOSYSTEMS [38]:
FRES20 Douglas-fir
PALATABILITY:Oceanspray is usually unpalatable and seldom used as forage by domestic livestock and big game animals, where it is prevalent in stands approaching climax [75,76]. However, fire can increase the palatability of some "normally unpalatable species," such as oceanspray [81]. Elk utilization of the shrub in northern Idaho following a prescribed burn increased from 0.7% to 23.1% the 1st year after burning. Although use dropped to 6.9% the 2nd postburn winter, burned plants were still more heavily utilized than those on adjacent unburned sites [62]. Big game species in northern Idaho preferred browsing new growth, including oceanspray, on burned sites over "current annual growth" of adjacent nonburned sites, especially the 1st growing season after a fire [9]. A northern Idaho study in the Douglas-fir habitat type found livestock utilized oceanspray. In grazed stands the shrub decreased [116]. Green clippings of oceanspray were found stored in shelters of dusky-footed woodrats in Oregon [15] and the shrub is apparently palatable to slugs native to western Washington [17]. This species was found to be unpalatable to moose in British Columbia in a Tiaga forest formation [22]. NUTRITIONAL VALUE:No entry COVER VALUE:Oceanspray provides cover for a variety of species. It is often a common and sometimes abundant climax understory species in Douglas-fir/ninebark habitat types which are widespread throughout the northern Rocky Mountains. Dense shrubby stands characteristic of this association generally provide visual and thermal cover for deer and elk; in addition, these sites supply nesting habitat, cover, and food for a variety of nongame birds and animals [19]. Oceanspray was found on streamside and upslope locations in the central Oregon Coast Range where 18 of 22 known small mammal species and 9 of 13 known amphibian species were captured [73]. The blue grouse on Vancouver Island, British Columbia [34], and the Oregon blue grouse in Wallowa County, Oregon, typically inhabit understory comprised in part by oceanspray. The northern flying squirrel in southwestern Oregon is found in western hemlock transition, and mixed conifer vegetation zones where oceanspray is common in the shrub layer [16]. This shrub is also common in a northern Idaho Pacific treefrog habitat area [96]. VALUE FOR REHABILITATION OF DISTURBED SITES:Oceanspray readily rehabilitates disturbed sites. It is classified as an "invader" after disturbances such as burning and logging [113]. Because of oceanspray's shade tolerance, fast growth, resistance to trampling, screening capability, aesthetic appearance and disease resistance, old-growth Douglas-fir stands in the Pacific northwest disturbed by root rot were rehabilitated with the shrub [39]. Logged sites with some overstory protection produce high cover of oceanspray [18]. In a northern Idaho postburn area, oceanspray dominated (48% of total ground cover) a site because its size, 10 to 15 ft (3-4.6 m) tall, allowed it to successfully compete for light, moisture and space. Because it is a "poor forage species," researchers predicted it would dominate the site until crowded out by conifers [89]. Naturally regenerated western redcedar is almost always subordinate to associated species, such as oceanspray, that grow more rapidly [1]. OTHER USES AND VALUES:Bark and leaves of oceanspray are sometimes dried and pulverized for application to burns or sores, and infusions are made from seeds and used to prevent contagious diseases [43]. As the common name arrow-wood implies, the hard wood and long, straight branches of this species were highly prized by indigenous peoples for making arrow shafts [25]. MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS:Oceanspray's overall hardy nature, including tolerance to wide moisture regimes, sun or shade, and many soil types makes it useful for low-maintenance riparian plantings, reclamation of droughty and rocky or disturbed sites, windbreaks and screens [33]. "Safe" levels of browsing of oceanspray by game animals is between 50 percent and 60 percent [31]. Oceanspray had nearly the same coverage in grazed areas as on undisturbed sites in northern Idaho. BOTANICAL AND ECOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS
GENERAL BOTANICAL CHARACTERISTICS:Oceanspray is a native, deciduous, spreading shrub 3 to 20 feet (1-6 m) tall with slender arching branches [40,67,108]. It can range from bushy individuals only 2.5 feet (0.75 m) tall to arborescent coastal forms which may reach heights of approximately 20 feet (6.1 m). Most plants, however, typically grow from 3 to 10 feet (1-3 m) in height [27,53]. The leaves are ovate to ovate-elliptic or oblong, mostly 1.6 to 2.75 inches (4-7 cm) long, and 0.8 to 2.75 inches (2-7 cm) wide with 15 to 25 shallow lobes to deep teeth with prominent veins [108,67]. Oceanspray is a moderately shade tolerant shrub. Flowers form large drooping branched clusters and often persist on branches well into the autumn [40]. Flowers are borne on large, showy, terminal panicles that may reach up to 12 inches (30 cm) in length [10]. The common name oceanspray is derived from these masses of loose, creamy plumes [25]. Oceanspray is host to some saprophytic species. In southwestern British Columbia, oceanspray was found to be a primary host for vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae [10] and pine broomrape (Orobanche pinorum), an obligate root parasite, that receives its entire complement of water and nutrition from its host [46].
RAUNKIAER [91] LIFE FORM:Phanerophyte REGENERATION PROCESSES:Oceanspray produces small, hairy, 1-seeded fruit [66], and preburn regeneration of this species is primarily by wind dispersal of the light seed [114]. Postburn regeneration occurs primarily by root crown sprouts, but may also occur by soil-stored seed [13,103,111,114,82]. An eastern Washington and eastern Oregon study found that production of oceanspray was greatest for heavily clipped (75 to 100%) plants compared with moderately and slightly clipped plants. Much of the new growth was in the form of long, unbranched water sprouts or suckers, originating at various places along the sides of old stems and branches. Clipping, however, suppressed flower production [37]. According to the Wind River Nursery, oceanspray propagates by follicle seed type collected during the summer and stratified on a warm/cool cycle. Stratification of seed in either sand or peat at 41 degrees Fahrenheit (5 oC) for 18 weeks appears to be optimum for breaking the dormant condition [101] in an artificial setting. The seeds are then planted in nursery beds in the fall [45]. Although information indicates that postburn seedling establishment is rare [114,82], a northern Idaho study determined oceanspray to be an important early seral shrub species that relies on seedbanks of the forest floor for postburn regeneration. The greatest regenerated seedling covers were found in areas of severe burns and originated from seed in duff and soil seedbanks [77]. Oceanspray in the Oregon Coast Range germinated well (>70%) in both clearcuts and young, unthinned conifer stands; however, survival occurred only in the young stands [105].
SITE CHARACTERISTICS:Widely distributed throughout the Pacific Northwest, oceanspray occupies a variety of sites ranging from moist, coastal bluffs and mountains to the dry, coniferous forest types of the Intermountain region [101,52]. Oceanspray occurs mostly in dry environmental zones, from sea level to 5500 feet (1676 m) elevation [66], and exists primarily at the hot, dry end of the moisture gradient in the Pacific Northwest forest complexes [36,87,41,66,108,48,40]. Soils are usually shallow and stony [52,35,51] and have a relatively high pH of 5.8 to 6.8 [80]. This species has an apparent affinity for southern slopes which are usually warmer and drier [80,35,51]; however, rehabilitation of western Oregon clearcuts by oceanspray occurred only on the northern slopes [113]. A grand fir (Abies grandis)/oceanspray association in southwestern Washington is common on exposed, south-facing slopes on either ridgetops or on adjacent steep slopes. Sites having this association remain snow-free much of the year and experience extreme summer drought [107]. The Douglas-fir/oceanspray association in the Oregon Coastal Range most often occurs on relatively steep, south or west facing slopes between 2000-3000 feet (600-900 m) elevation. Soils are generally thin and rocky or deep, heavy clay. The overall environment is hot and dry and the growing season is long with a substantial drought developing by mid-summer. Snowpacks are not generally deep or persistent [48]. A western hemlock-Douglas-fir/oceanspray association is found in some of the hottest and driest sites in the forested western Cascade Mountains. Sites are "always" upper slopes and fairly steep, where drainage and solar input are "excessive." Bare ground and surface rock and gravel are also typical and soils are shallow and stony [44]. Oceanspray has a higher probability of occurring following timber harvest in grand fir or western redcedar (Thuja plicata) than in the western hemlock habitat type [54]. Sites in which oceanspray is commonly found include the following:
SUCCESSIONAL STATUS:Oceanspray occurs in many successional stages. In Glacier Park's cedar-hemlock forests, oceanspray is restricted to climax communities [42], and it is a late successional species in northern Idaho's hemlock habitat types [115]. Following the Sundance fire in northern Idaho, oceanspray was a secondary cover species of the 1st decade's seral vegetation [102]. After shrubfield burns, this shrub regenerates readily from seeds and underground parts, and after approximately 10 years, most of the herbaceous species decline as dense shrub cover develops [100]. Oceanspray is found in approximately 5-fold higher density in immature stands (less than 150 years old) than in old growth stands (greater than 150 years old) in mesic, coniferous forest in northwestern Montana [7]. The individual plants rarely live for more than 30 years [5]. According to the following data, the highest percent coverage of oceanspray occurs approximately 20 years after a disturbance and then declines. Oceanspray was found in five Douglas-fir/salal (Gaultheria shallon) stands in the Cascade Mountain foothills of Washington [69]. The percentage of ground cover of this species is as follows:
SEASONAL DEVELOPMENT:Oceanspray is usually among the first shrubs to initiate leaves in mid-April on brushfield sites in northern Idaho. Stem elongation begins in mid-May and continues until the end of June [83]. Perfect flower buds appear early in spring, but full flowering does not occur until June or July and may continue in some areas into August [52]. In the northern Rocky Mountains, the flowering period occurs during the middle or latter part of July, with fruit ripening in late August and seed being dispersed from then until the end of November. Change in leaf color usually occurs near the end of September in northern Idaho [83]. FIRE ECOLOGYFIRE ECOLOGY OR ADAPTATIONS:
Oceanspray is only moderately resistant to fire [103,114], but is well adapted to disturbance by fire [82]. Although readily top-killed, this species is generally quite resistant to fire mortality [13,18,99,103,116]. Oceanspray survives fire by regenerating from soil-stored seed or sprouting from surviving root crowns [13,103,114,111,82]. The most common postfire regeneration
strategy of oceanspray is vegetative regeneration. Generalized information indicates that postburn seedling establishment is rare [114,82], but seedling cover may be greater on high severity burns [77,78].
Tall shrub, adventitious bud/root crown FIRE EFFECTS
IMMEDIATE FIRE EFFECT ON PLANT:Oceanspray is easily top-killed by fire, but is adept at sprouting from surviving root crowns [13,18,23,114,102,28,31,62,57] and can also regenerate from soil-stored seed [13]. Full recovery from a fire disturbance can be expected in 5 to 10 years [114,111]. Cover may be enhanced by disturbance [18,13,114,82]. DISCUSSION AND QUALIFICATION OF FIRE EFFECT:No entry PLANT RESPONSE TO FIRE:Oceanspray is well adapted to fire and is often "unharmed" or its cover is enhanced [114,82,23]. Factors influencing postburn regeneration include moisture stress and light competition [28]. Although oceanspray reproduces poorly from seed after a fire disturbance [114,82], it usually responds to a low-severity burn by root crown and rhizome sprouting. Coverage reduction, which is a function of the percent root crown and rhizome kill, is dependent on depth of heating of mineral soil [28,23]. The best recovery can be expected when burned with moist soils [114,82], which increases probability of root crown survival. DISCUSSION AND QUALIFICATION OF PLANT RESPONSE:After a northern Idaho prescribed burn, oceanspray was one of the most prolific sprouters, producing as many as 120 sprouts per plant [62]. A northeastern Washington prescribed burn in a ponderosa pine/ninebark habitat type reduced the cover of oceanspray, but the shrub resprouted vigorously the following year and within 10 years had fully regained its former size and luxuriance [111]. After a prescribed burn in northern Idaho, significant increases in density were found for oceanspray in Douglas-fir/pinegrass (Calamagrostis rubescens) stands one year after the disturbance; however, burned-grazed areas showed reduced oceanspray coverage [116]. Documented 1st year fire response of oceanspray after the burning of seral brushfields occurring within Grand fir/pachistima (Pachistima myrisinites) habitat types in northern Idaho indicates that, regardless of burning season, oceanspray can sprout prolifically and typically reaches heights of approximately 24 inches (60 cm) by the end of the 1st postburn growing season. Plants burned in spring initiated sprouts within 4 to 8 weeks; plants burned in fall did not sprout until the next spring. Unlike many associated shrubs which sprouted most prolifically following spring burns, oceanspray exhibited greater shoot production following fall burning [65]. FIRE MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS:Burning and grazing may interact to increase the density of oceanspray; however, the combination does not appear to influence the percent cover of oceanspray one year after a burn. The following data demonstrate the effects of burning and grazing on the number of oceanspray per hectare and the percent cover of the shrub in northern Idaho one year after fire disturbance [116]. Numbers/hectare
Percent Cover
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