Wildlife, Animals, and Plants
SPECIES: Quercus dumosa | Nuttall's Scrub Oak
Nuttall's scrub oak
California scrub oak
The currently accepted scientific name of Nuttall's scrub oak is Quercus
dumosa Nutt. Nuttall's scrub oak hyridizes with scrub oak (Q.
berberidifolia Liebm) [23].
The name Q. dumosa has been misapplied to Q. berberidifolia [23]. Older
literature usually does not distinguish between the two species, and it
is sometimes impossible to determine to which species older literature
is referring. Consequently, this write-up includes only that
information on "Q. dumosa" reported from areas within the distribution
of Nuttall's scrub oak as described by Hickman [23].
Notice of Review, Category 2
D. Tirmenstein, September 1989
Tirmenstein, D. 1989. Quercus dumosa. In: Remainder of Citation
SPECIES: Quercus dumosa | Nuttall's Scrub Oak
Nuttall's scrub oak is distributed from Los Angeles and San Bernadino
counties, California, south to Baja California. It described as a rare
species [23].
FRES28 Western hardwoods
FRES34 Chaparral - mountain shrub
3 Southern Pacific Border
K030 California oakwoods
K033 Chaparral
K035 Coastal sagebrush
K036 Mosaic of K030 and K035
248 Knobcone pine
255 California coast live oak
205 Coastal sage shrub
206 Chamise chaparral
207 Scrub oak mixed chaparral
208 Ceanothus mixed chaparral
Nuttall's scrub oak is named as a dominant plant community member in the
following published classifications:
Vegetation types of the San Gabriel Mountains [21]
Vegetation of the San Bernadino Mountains [41]
A vegetation classification system applied to southern California [45]
The vascular plant communities of California [64]
An introduction to the plant communities of the Santa Ana and San
Jacinto Mountains [71]
SPECIES: Quercus dumosa | Nuttall's Scrub Oak
Wildlife browse: Nuttall's scrub oak provides important food and cover
for numerous species in its range. It is important mule deer browse
[6,60,69]. The evergreen leaves provide important winter browse when
other browse is scarce or unavailable. The foliage is also an important
dietary component during migration [6]. During the summer, shoots or
sprouts are readily eaten by deer, small rodents, and lagomorphs such as
the brush rabbit [10,37,39]. In southern California chaparral, sprouts
are particularly important food sources for mule deer during the months
of June and July [39]. Oak foliage is an important food of the
California ground squirrel, black-tailed jackrabbit, desert cottontail,
Botta's pocket gopher, brush mouse, dusky-footed woodrat, and deer
mouse, all of which occur within the range of Nuttall's scrub oak [2].
Pocket gophers occasionally feed on the cambium of young oaks [52].
Acorns: Acorns of Nuttall's scrub oak are eaten by many birds and
mammals including Columbian black-tailed deer, squirrels, California and
mountain quails, and wild turkey [6,10,37,51,69]. The acorns of
California oaks are particularly important food sources for mule deer,
wild boar, brush rabbit, Merriam's chipmunk, western gray squirrel,
California vole, harvest mouse, Botta's pocket gopher, brush mouse,
dusky-footed woodrat, California mouse, deer mouse, gray fox, raccoon,
spotted skunk, and striped skunk [2,19]. Scrub jay, Steller's jay,
magpie, acorn woodpecker, band-tailed pigeon, ring-necked pheasant,
mourning dove, northern flicker, California thrasher, European starling,
western meadowlark, purple finch, American goldfinch, brown towhee,
rufous-sided towhee, and American crow also feed on acorns of California
oaks [19,70]. In years of favorable acorn production, Columbian
black-tailed deer move to winter ranges earlier than in times of acorn
failure [34]. Deer tend to gain weight and "winter" well in years of
acorn abundance [6]. Many small mammals and birds cache acorns for
winter use [74].
Livestock: Nuttall's scrub oak generally provides poor browse for
cattle although sprouts and acorns are frequently eaten [13,59,60,69].
Browse value tends to be higher for domestic sheep and goats. The low
growth form of Nuttall's scrub oak enhances its value to sheep and goats
[13,60,69], and in some locations, domestic goats appear to prefer oak
browse in all seasons [62]. Domestic or feral pigs feed on large
numbers of acorns whenever available [2].
Nuttall's scrub oak contains relatively high levels of tannin which can
cause illness or death if it is the only food available [60]. Lambs
appear especially vulnerable and can be poisoned if oak browse is eaten
in large quantities [13,69]. Cows, which during gestation consume a
diet made up primarily of acorns, occasionally give birth to calves with
bone abnormalities. These calves are referred to as "acorn calves" [69].
The overall palatability of Nuttall's scrub oak browse is described as
fair. However, early leaves, twigs, sprouts, and shoots are much more
palatable than the mature foliage [60]. Ungulate utilization of the
leaves and stems declines as the foliage become tough with age [66].
Overall palatability of Nuttall's scrub oak is rated as follows [14,60]:
deer good to excellent
cattle useless to poor
horses useless
domestic sheep poor
domestic goats poor to good
The sweet-tasting acorns of Nuttall's scrub oak are highly palatable to
many birds, mammals, and insects.
Browse: Oak browse tends to be relatively high in both protein and
carbohydrates [37], although values vary seasonally. The crude protein
content of Nuttall's scrub oak sprouts in California averaged 16 to 23
percent during May and June but declined to only 8 percent by late
summer [60]. Tannins present in oak browse may reduce protein
digestibility [37].
leaves -
N (%) cellulose (%) lignin (%) crude fiber (%)
1.30 18.2 11.7 29.9
Acorns: Acorns provide a good source of crude fiber, fats, and
carbohydrates but tend to be relatively low in protein and ash [37,60].
Specific nutritional value of Nuttall's scrub live oak acorns is as
follows [1,14,58]:
acorns -
water (%) protein (%) fat (%) carbohydrates (%) tannin (%)
44.58 2.29 3.42 40.65 5.15
crude fiber (%) N-free extract (%) ash (%) Ca (%) P (%)
7.96 40.65 1.10 0.09 0.05
Nuttall's scrub oak provides thermal, hiding, and escape cover for many
birds and mammals, including mule deer and black-tailed jackrabbit
[2,60]. California oaks provide much sought-after shade for domestic
livestock [60], and perching and nesting sites for many birds [70].
Dense oak chaparral, which is sometimes dominated by Nuttall's scrub
oak, provides excellent thermal cover for animals such as the gray fox
and bobcat. Fallen oaks provide excellent cover for deer mouse, skunk,
and squirrel. Raccoon frequently use hollow oaks for den sites [2].
The following mammals occur within the range of Nuttall's scrub oak and
are known to utilize oaks to satisfy cover requirements: California
ground squirrel, common opossum, brush rabbit, western gray squirrel,
Botta's pocket gopher, brush mouse, dusky-footed woodrat, California
mouse, deer mouse, gray fox, raccoon, mountain lion, bobcat, wild boar,
gray shrew, California leaf-nosed bat, big free-tailed bat, western
mastiff bat, San Diego pocket mouse, desert woodrat, Pacific kangaroo
rat, California meadow mouse, and long-tailed meadow mouse [2].
Nuttall's scrub oak, because of its dense, extensive root system, can
aid in preventing soil erosion on some sites [13]. It has been used
successfully in revegetating disturbed riparian sites in parts of
California [17].
The acorns of Nuttall's scrub oak were once a staple in the diet of
Native Americans living in parts of present-day California [10]. After
leaching away the bitter tannins, Native Americans used the acorns in
soups and stews, or pressed them to make cooking oil [1]. Medicinal
preparations, dyes, and tanning agents were made from the bark [10].
Nuttall's scrub oak is used for landscaping [23].
Chemical control: Nuttall'scrub oak appears to be relatively resistant
to many types of herbicides. Up to 3 applications of 2,4-D or 2,4,5-T
may be required to completely kill the plants [26]. However, picloram
appears to be somewhat more effective. Approximately 25 to 50 percent
of picloram-treated Nuttall's scrub oaks were killed within 8 months of
application [51]. Helicopter spraying may be an effective option in
certain locations where Nuttall's scrub oak forms a dense, unbroken
canopy [72]. The comparative effectiveness of various herbicides for
control of Nuttall's scrub oak is well documented [51,72].
Livestock: Nuttall's scrub oak appears to be relatively resistant to
most types of livestock browsing [8,42,40]. It is particularly tolerant
of sheep browsing and recovers quickly after sheep are removed despite
serious damage to the plants. Badly hedged plants made significant
recoveries within 3 years after sheep browsing was discontinued [8,7].
Deferred grazing may be detrimental in certain oak chaparral communities
managed primarily for livestock production [5]. Browsing here can
function as the primary means of brush suppression [6].
Wildlife: The following guidelines have been developed for maintaining
optimum wildlife value of California oak woodlands [2]:
1) maintain 25 to 50 percent canopy cover
2) maintain basal area of 200 to 2,000 ft. sq. per 40 acres
3) maintain a mixture of age classes
4) disperse oaks in 0.5 to 5 acre aggregations
Productivity: Nuttall's scrub oak accumulated biomass at an average
annual rate of 0.53 MT per hectare -1 over a 35-year period in southern
California chaparral. First year biomass accumulation was approximately
5.3 times greater than the overall average [56], suggesting rapid early
growth after disturbance.
SPECIES: Quercus dumosa | Nuttall's Scrub Oak
Nuttall's scrub oak is a native evergreen shrub from 3.2 to 9.6 feet
(1-3 m) in height. The sclerophyllous leaves are spiny to toothed.
Acorns are small (8-15 mm wide by 5-8 mm deep) [23]. The root system
has been described as deep and extensive [13].
Seed: Acorns mature within a single season [50]. Acorn crops are
generally light, although larger crops are produced at irregular
intervals [27,69]. Production appears to vary by the individual tree.
Some plants consistently bear large numbers of acorns, while others
rarely produce acorns [50].
Seed dispersal: Acorns are readily dispersed in the fall by gravity or
animals [27,28]. Squirrels and jays are particularly effective
dispersal agents for many California oaks [1]. Mature Nuttall's scrub
oak acorns rarely remain on the ground for long [50]. Many are eaten
immediately, but small mammals and birds frequently cache acorns for
winter use [73,74].
Germination and viability: The acorns germinate readily without
scarification or other special treatment [27]. They occasionally begin
germinating prior to dispersal from the parent plant [28]. Germination
generally begins within 1 month after dispersal although it may be
delayed on xeric sites [35]. Some studies have related germination of
Nuttall's scrub oak to time of seed harvest and exposure to certain
charrates [28,35,49,52].
Acorns are susceptible to heat and are generally killed by fire even
when protected by overlying soil or litter. A longer period of exposure
to lower temperatures is more damaging than short bursts of higher
temperatures [28]. Acorns are also vulnerable to mold and rot [35].
Mortality of planted acorns ranged from 4 to 42 percent in laboratory
tests [23]. Results of germination tests are as follows [43]:
cold stratification temperature F duration germination
(in days) day night (days) capacity (%)
30 to 90 86 68 28 80 to 90
Acorns which have been harvested 1 1/2 to 2 months prior to maturity
exhibit good germination if the tip of the pericarp is removed before
seeds are planted [11,49,52]. Germination by harvest date was reported
as follows [49]:
percent germination by harvest date -
8/17 8/31 9/14 9/28 10/12
intact acorns 15 4 0 20 90
tips removed 50 89 86 100 95
Acorns of Nuttall's scrub oak are relatively short-lived, and when dried
to room temperature, most remain viable for less than 9 months [28].
Properly stored seed can remain viable for up to 8 months, but viability
is much reduced after 15 months [49,52]. Acorns stored for 6 to 12
months frequently exhibit varying degrees of damage or deformity.
Temperatures just above freezing and a moisture content of 60 percent of
the fresh weight appear most conducive to long viability [49].
Seedling establishment: Establishment of Nuttall's scrub oak through
seed appears to be uncommon despite consistent acorn production
[27,31,54,49]. Seedlings sometimes establish under the oak canopy, but
it is doubtful whether many are actually recruited into the population
[29]. Seedling establishment probably only occurs during years of ample
precipitation [54,73]. Where establishment from seed does take place,
seedlings generally emerge during the first growing season, although a
few may emerge during the second growing season [73].
Vegetative regeneration: Nuttall's scrub oak typically sprouts
vigorously in response to fire, mechanical injury, or other types of
disturbance [5,9,46]. Several types of vegetative response have been
well documented for this species. Nuttall's scrub oak commonly
stump-sprouts when portions of the stump remain undamaged [10,39,44].
It also sprouts from the root crown after the trunk or aerial crown is
damaged [9,20,50]. It does not produce a lignotuber [27], but
occasionally old root crowns which have been burned repeatedly develop
into massive structures at the ground surface [20]. These swollen root
crowns have the ability to sprout from latent buds but are not
considered to be lignotuberous [25].
Nuttall's scrub oak generally occurs on sandy soils near the coast.
Parent material is often sandstone. It grows at elevations less than
660 feet (200 m) [23].
Nuttall's scrub oak is an important species in some chaparral
communities of California [12]. These communities depend on fire for
their continued existence. Succession here may perhaps best be viewed
as a process by which senescent individuals are replaced by new
individuals of the same species [20]. A dense cover of Nuttall's scrub
oak generally develops within 5 to 10 years after fire in oak chaparral
[41]. In many areas Nuttall's scrub oak, along with ceanothus
(Ceanothus spp.), assumes dominance as early as the fourth year after
fire [30]. In coastal chaparral communities of southern California,
Nuttall's scrub oak generally becomes dominant during the second decade
after fire, and within 30 to 40 years oak chaparral communities on
north-facing slopes have closed canopies. The vegetative composition of
these sites remains essentially unchanged without further disturbance,
with Nuttall's scrub oak continuing to dominate [20]. Nuttall's scrub
oak's prolific sprouting ability makes it a prominent component of early
seral communities.
Hanes [15] observed that the cambial activity of Nuttall's scrub oak in
California chaparral began in March and peaked in May. The oak was
inactive from late July through February [22]. Immature acorns which
have been damaged by wind, rain, hail, or insects begin to fall in May
[37]. Ripe acorns are dispersed in fall [28].
SPECIES: Quercus dumosa | Nuttall's Scrub Oak
Nuttall's scrub oak is well adapted to survive periodic fires. However,
unlike many other shrubs common to chaparral, this oak is well able to
persist either with or without fire [40]. Nuttall's scrub oak sprouts
vigorously as soon as 10 days after fire but can continue to sprout for
up to 2 years [25,27]. This trait promotes survival by increasing the
possibility that at least some sprouts will encounter favorable weather
for good early growth. Both stump sprouting and root crown sprouting
have been well documented [9,10,39,40]. Nuttall's scrub oak's prolific
sprouting ability contributes greatly to its persistence and stability
within various communities [29]. Plants probably establish from seed
only in unusually moist years [74].
Nuttall's scrub oak communities often occupy relatively mesic,
north-facing slopes. This oak has little dead wood and tends to be
somewhat less flammable than many other chaparral species [40].
Tall shrub, adventitious-bud root crown
Initial-offsite colonizer (off-site, initial community)
SPECIES: Quercus dumosa | Nuttall's Scrub Oak
California scrub oak often occurs in highly flammable chaparral stands
which burn at relatively high frequency. The total effect of fire on
oaks varies according to fire intensity and severity, fire behavior,
season of burn, and size of the plants. Because most Nuttall's scrub
oak is relatively small (generally less than 8 inches [20.3 cm] d.b.h.)
and has thin, flaky bark, it is almost always top-killed by fire
[48,50]. Seedlings are almost always killed by fire [31]. Larger,
older Nuttall's scrub oaks with slightly thicker bark and higher crowns
tend to be somewhat more resistant to fires than smaller individuals
[48]. Stems of lightly charred trees with d.b.h.'s greater than 6
inches (15 cm) can occasionally survive fire [48,50].
Trunks of oaks are, in general, more seriously damaged by slower moving,
low intensity fires than those of shorter duration and high intensity.
However, the heat-sensitive crowns are generally seriously damaged by
high-intensity fires, even those of relatively short duration. Greater
damage occurs as the growing season progresses, with least damage
produced by winter fires [50]. Oaks are usually less severely damaged
when burned at lower ambient air temperatures.
Stem and bark: The full extent of bole damage may not become evident
for some time. However, the trunks of most scrub oak exhibit medium to
heavy charring soon after fire. Young oak stems damaged by heat
generally change from a gray to reddish-gray in color. The subsurface
layer of the bark changes from a green to tan or brown, and inner bark
appears yellow instead of the normal white or pink. Damaged inner bark
often has a characteristic fermented aroma. A pattern of vertical
cracks often develops in the charred bark of scrub oak, and the bark may
be burned through to the wood. The loose, outer bark is generally
consumed if heavily burned. The cambium can be considered dead, with
overall survival unlikely, if the bark has been consumed, or if it
appears to be cracked and separated from the wood. Trunk char of oaks
may be categorized as follows [50]:
light charring - spotty char or scattered pitting of the bark
medium charring - continuous charring, areas of minor reductions
in bark thickness
heavy charring - pronounced reductions in bark thickness; wood
sometimes exposed
Crown: Crown damage is variable in oaks and the degree of damage can
differ even within an individual crown [48]. The degree of damage may
range from essentially none to total removal of the foliage.
Oaks less than 6 inches (15.2 cm) d.b.h. are usually top-killed by even
low intensity fires [50]. However, underground portions of scrub oak
generally survive fire even though top-killed, and overall adult
mortality is often quite low [31,65]. Nearly 100 percent survival of
belowground or surface level regenerative structures has been documented
after spring or summer fires in southern California chaparral [39].
Mortality may be more likely after hot fires with the potential to
damage regenerative structures. Some California oaks are killed if
burned at frequent intervals [52].
Seed: The heat-sensitive acorns of Nuttall's scrub oak are poorly
adapted to survive fire [74]. Most acorns still present on the trees
are killed readily by fire [73], as are the majority of those stored
on-site in the soil or litter [20,28,31]. Occasionally, acorns buried
in rodent caches are sufficiently protected from heat to survive and
germinate [73,74].
It may be necessary to wait for at least one growing season, and
preferably three, before the true potential for survival can be
accurately determined [50]. Fire-related injuries can increase oak's
susceptibility to attack by insects, fungus, or windthrow [48]. Various
methods have been developed for assessing damage to oaks including
chemical, electrical, and visual techniques [48,50].
Nuttall's scrub oak typically sprouts prolifically after fire [6,27,36].
Stump-sprouting is commonly observed where portions of the stump remain
intact [18,39,44]. Nuttall's scrub oak also resprouts from the root
crown [9,50]. Older root crowns which have been burned repeatedly can
develop into large structures at, or below, the soil surface [20].
However, scrub oak "does not usually form a distinct burl" [31].
Establishment from seed does occur but appears to be less common than
sprouting [30,29,73].
Vegetative response: Sprouting is generally both vigorous and rapid
[20]. Plants usually sprout by the first growing season after fire, but
delayed sprouting has also been observed [48,50]. Sprouts may emerge as
soon as 10 days after fire, or sprouting may be deferred for up to 2
years. The ability to remain dormant for at least one growing season
prior to sprout production may enhance survival as sprouting is delayed
until a favorable moisture regime is encountered [47]. Speed of
recovery depends on such factors as topography, aspect, and weather
[30]. Sprouting appears to be unrelated to season of fire. The
availability of soil moisture is probably the primary factor controlling
sprouting [47]. Sprouting of Nuttall's scrub oak is most common and
most rapid on deep, moist soil, particularly on north-facing slopes
[20,46,47]. Generally, fewer plants sprout on more xeric rocky sites,
and sprouting is often delayed until the following spring [46,47].
Seedling establishment: Regneration by seed does occur but may be
limited to periods of abundant rainfall [30,74]. Many Nuttall's scrub
oak seedlings were observed in the spring following a December
prescribed fire during a period of unusually abundant rainfall.
However, because of the timing of dispersal, acorns are poorly adapted
to survive fire [74]. Seedbeds created by fire do not favor germination
or growth of Nuttall's scrub oak [31]. Rarely, seedlings buried in
rodent caches or in stands with unusually deep litter survive fire and
subsequently germinate [73].
Rate of postfire recovery: Nuttall's scrub oak generally recovers
fairly rapidly after fire, particularly on better sites. It, along with
ceanothus, commonly dominates southern California chaparral by the
fourth year after fire [30]. Impenetrable cover can develop in oak
chaparral within 5 to 10 years after fire [41]. In coastal sage
communities, Nuttall's scrub oak generally becomes dominant by the second
decade after fire [20].
Growth of sprouts is somewhat variable [46], but is generally rapid
during the first 3 years after fire [24]. Sprout heights of more than 2
feet (0.6 m) have been observed within only 2 months after fire [47].
Approximately 4 to 5 months after a July wildfire, some sprouts had
reached 2 to 3 feet (0.6-0.9 m) in height, and most were at least 12
inches (31 cm) tall [46]. Biswell and Gilman [6] observed that some
sprouts had reached 24.9 inches (63 cm) within 10 months after a
September wildfire, and maximum heights of 78 inches (198 cm) had been
reached by the end of the second growing season. Maximum heights of 95
inches (236 cm) were recorded by the end of the third growing season,
and a few oaks had reached 8 feet 9 inches (236 cm) by the end of the
fourth growing season.
Sprouts tend to grow more rapidly than seedlings during the first few
years after fire. Comparative heights of Nuttall's scrub oak seedlings
and sprouts by the end of the spring of the first postfire year were as
follows [30]:
high elevation mid. elevation low elevation
resprouts 30 cm 47 cm 55 cm
seedlings ----- 12 cm 7 cm
Fuels and flammability: Nuttall's scrub oak tends to be somewhat less
flammable than many other chaparral species. Flammability is reduced
because of the relatively high fuel moisture of living plants, a lower
proportion of dead-to-live fuels, and fewer volatiles [18]. The volatile
content is approximately 3.7 percent, and leaf energy content averages
20.33 kJ -1 [18,46]. Heat content has been calculated as follows [48]:
density (lb/ft 3) heat content (Btu/lb)
flaky outer bark 37 8350
outer bark 45 8250
inner bark 63 6750
wood 57 8060
Nitrogen volatilization: Approximately 25 percent of the aboveground
biomass and surface soil was volatilized in fires which consumed 60
percent of Nuttall's scrub oak biomass [55].
Prescribed fire: Limited evidence suggests that burning may be
difficult in stands dominated by Nuttall's scrub oak [3,18]. In mature
chaparral stands with significant amounts of fine fuels, burning without
damaging oaks is often difficult [20]. Repeated fires can maintain
Nuttall's scrub oak as a small, multistemmed shrub [50]. Hot fires tend
to be most effective in reducing sprouters such as Nuttall's scrub oak.
Riggan and others [55] observed that low fuel moisture and winds
consistently greater than 5 to 8 miles per hour (8-12 km/hour) are
required to spread fire in Nuttall's scrub oak communities. Flame
lengths of 20 to 33 feet (6-10 m) were produced by prescribed fires
which released just enough energy to achieve steady spread rates. A
threshold for fire propagation in communities with little dead wood is
overridden by higher wind speeds which increase the efficiency of heat
transfer to unburned fuels.
Postfire harvest: The degree of damage must be correctly determined
before appropriate harvest recommendations can be made. Plumb and Gomez
[50] suggest waiting for at least 1, and if possible, 3 growing seasons
before cutting oaks in which crown survival is in doubt. Once damage
has been accurately assessed [See Fire Effects], the following
guidelines may be used for Nuttall's scrub oak [48]:
plant size and degree of trunk char
light medium heavy
< 6 inches d.b.h. cut cut cut
6-12 inches d.b.h. leave cut cut
Harvesting of oaks is generally recommended if 75 percent of the trunk
is girdled on plants less than 6 inches (15.2 cm) d.b.h., or if more
than 50 percent is girdled on plants greater than 6 inches (15.2 cm)
d.b.h. [48].
Postfire productivity: Total postfire production of Nuttall's scrub oak
has been reported at 2.5 pounds per acre (2.8 Mg/ha) in the first year
after fire. Annual biomass production over a 35-year period was
estimated at 2.8 pounds per acre (3.2 Mg/ha), but foliar biomass
averaged .97 pounds per acre (1.1 Mg/ha) by the first postfire year
[55], suggesting rapid recovery after fire.
Wildlife considerations: Tender Nuttall's scrub oak sprouts provide
wildlife browse after fire [66]. Following fires in southern California
chaparral, new sprouts are browsed by deer during late June through
early July. An average of 20 percent of all shoots on 23 percent of the
plants were browsed by deer during this time period. Small mammals such
as the brush rabbit browsed stump-sprouts most heavily during October
and November. Postfire utilization of Nuttall's scrub oak by small
mammals in southern California chaparral was as follows [39]:
year % shrubs browsed % shoots browsed per plant
1982 20 4.5
1983 45 8.0
Livestock: Recently burned chaparral comprising Nuttall's scrub oak can
provide an adequate maintenance diet for domestic goats during the
spring and summer [62].
SPECIES: Quercus dumosa | Nuttall's Scrub Oak
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