Wildlife, Animals, and Plants
SPECIES: Quercus garryana | Oregon White Oak
Oregon white oak
Brewer oak
Garry oak
shin oak
Oregon oak
white oak
post oak
The currently accepted scientific name of Oregon white oak is Quercus
garryana Dougl. ex Hook. [32,52]. Recognized varieties are as follows:
Q. g. var. garryana
Q. g. var. breweri (Engelm.) Jeps. (Brewer oak) [10,37,52]
Q. g. var. semota Jeps. [10,38]
Varieties breweri and semota are scrub forms of Oregon white oak. The
variety semota is not recognized by some authorities, who claim there
are no distinguishing morphological differences between it and the
variety breweri [13,51]. The main focus of this paper will be upon
Quercus garryana variety garryana. Brewer oak will be discussed where
relevant information is available. Following the classification scheme
of Tucker [51], the varieties breweri and semota will be treated as
synonyms for Brewer oak.
Oregon white oak hybridizes with the following species:
x Q. dumosa (California scrub oak): Q. X howellii Tucker [32,51]
x Q. durata (leather oak): Q. X subconvexa Tucker [32,51]
x Q. douglasii (blue oak): Q. X eplingii C. H. Muller [6,32,51]
x Q. lobata (valley oak) [51]
Brewer oak hybridizes with Q. sadleriana (Sadler oak) [51].
Tree, Shrub
No special status
Janet L. Howard, July 1992
Howard, Janet L. Quercus garryana. In: Remainder of Citation
SPECIES: Quercus garryana | Oregon White Oak
Oregon white oak is distributed along the Pacific Coast from
southwestern British Columbia, including Vancouver Island, south through
western Washington and Oregon to the Coast Ranges and the Sierra Nevada
in southern California [4,32,38].
Brewer oak occurs in the higher elevations of the Coastal, Klamath,
Cascade, and Transverse Ranges, and the Sierra Nevada [38,51].
FRES20 Douglas-fir
FRES21 Ponderosa pine
FRES22 Western white pine
FRES23 Fir - spruce
FRES24 Hemlock - Sitka spruce
FRES27 Redwood
FRES28 Western hardwoods
FRES34 Chaparral - mountain shrub
FRES35 Pinyon - juniper
FRES42 Annual grasslands
1 Northern Pacific Border
2 Cascade Mountains
3 Southern Pacific Border
4 Sierra Mountains
K001 Spruce - cedar - hemlock forest
K002 Cedar - hemlock - Douglas-fir forest
K003 Silver fir - Douglas-fir forest
K004 Fir - hemlock forest
K005 Mixed conifer forest
K006 Redwood forest
K009 Pine - cypress forest
K010 Ponderosa shrub forest
K011 Western ponderosa forest
K012 Douglas-fir forest
K013 Cedar - hemlock - pine forest
K020 Spruce - fir - Douglas-fir forest
K023 Juniper - pinyon woodland
K026 Oregon oakwoods
K028 Mosaic of K002 and K026
K029 California mixed evergreen forest
K030 California oakwoods
K033 Chaparral
K034 Montane chaparral
K048 California steppe
205 Mountain hemlock
211 White fir
213 Grand fir
215 Western white pine
220 Rocky Mountain juniper
221 Red alder
224 Western hemlock
226 Coastal true fir - hemlock
227 Western redcedar - western hemlock
228 Western redcedar
229 Pacific Douglas-fir
230 Douglas-fir - western hemlock
231 Port-Orford-cedar
232 Redwood
233 Oregon white oak
234 Douglas-fir - tanoak - Pacific madrone
238 Western juniper
241 Western live oak
243 Sierra Nevada mixed conifer
244 Pacific ponderosa pine - Douglas-fir
245 Pacific ponderosa pine
246 California black oak
248 Knobcone pine
249 Canyon live oak
250 Blue oak - Digger pine
255 California coast live oak
Oregon white oak occurs in open savannas or in monospecific closed-canopy
stands. It is also found in mixed stands with conifers or other
broad-leaved trees [13]. The following classifications list Oregon
white oak as a dominant species:
Preliminary plant associations of the southern Oregon Cascade
Mountain Province [5]
Association types in the North Coast Ranges of California [15]
Oak woodland [24]
Foothill oak woodlands of the interior valleys of southwestern
Oregon [42]
Mixed evergreen forest [45]
Plant associations within the interior valleys of the Umpqua River
Basin, Oregon [46]
Vegetation of the bald hills oak woodlands, Redwood National Park,
California [48]
The Quercus garryana forests of the Willamette Valley, Oregon [50]
The redwood forest and associated North Coast forests [55]
Brewer oak forms dense, extensive pure stands. The "shin oak"
communities of southern California are dominated by this variety
[15,30]. The following classifications list Brewer oak as a dominant
Terrestrial natural communities of California [30]
Association types in the North Coast Ranges of California [15]
SPECIES: Quercus garryana | Oregon White Oak
Oregon white oak has no current use except as fuelwood. It is highly
prized for this purpose. The heat output of Oregon white oak is rated
as high; it produces few sparks and has moderate ease of splitting [29].
Oregon white oak woodlands are important for livestock and wildlife.
The oaks are a critical food and nesting source for acorn woodpeckers
living in the Oregon white oak cover type [12]. This cover type
provides excellent hunting opportuniy for raptors [5]. The acorns are
eaten by black-tailed deer, pig, black bear, and various rodents, small
nongame birds, and gamebirds [13,23]. Gamebirds consuming the acorns
include wood duck, Merriam's wild turkey, pigeon, dove, and valley and
mountain quail [13,34]. Acorns are also consumed by sheep and cattle
[13,18]. Oregon white oak is browsed by black-tailed deer and all
classes of livestock [13,18]. Sprouts are preferred over other growth
Brewer oak is heavily to moderately browsed by black-tailed deer. It is
the primary summer diet item of deer in Glenn County, California [44].
New shoots are highly palatable to deer and all classes of livestock.
The palatablity of mature Oregon white oak browse in California has been
given the following rating [44]:
deer: good to fair
cattle: poor to useless
sheep: poor to useless
goats: poor to useless
horses: useless
Protein levels of Oregon white oak leaves in California vary from 5.2
percent in November to 11.6 percent in October [9,44].
Oregon white oak is the preferred forage and nesting cover of the
black-capped chickadee, white-breasted nuthatch, Bewick's wren, bushtit,
and orange-crowned, MacGillivray's, and Wilson's warblers [2]. Oregon
white oak and Oregon white oak-ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa)
associations are preferred brood habitats for the Merriam's wild turkey
in south-central Washington [35].
Oregon white oak is useful for watershed and wildlife habitat
restoration. Its deep, extensive root system helps stabilize steep
slopes in watershed areas [13]. It has been used in western Washington
for restoration of degraded grassland habitat [3]. Trees are generally
established from fall acorn plantings. Collection and cultivation
methods have been detailed [14,39].
Brewer oak often produces large masts, but acorns are difficult to
collect due to the dense, brushy stands formed by this variety [13].
Oregon white oak is a highly valued ornamental [13].
Native Americans used Oregon white oak acorns for making acorn meal
Oregon white oak is in decline throughout its range [7,16,27,49]. This
species is regenerating poorly, and many Oregon white oak woodlands are
being invaded by conifers [2,6,13,28]. In the Willamette Valley,
Oregon, where Oregon white oak has historically shown its best growth,
the total cover provided by this tree has been reduced from 50 percent
in 1850 to 24 percent in 1955 [26]. Saplings there are stunted and
under insect attack [16]. Unless steps are taken to reduce present
trends, Oregon white oak will continue to become a less prominent member
of the western flora. Increasing Oregon white oak populations
necessitates removal of competing conifers by burning (see Fire
Management Considerations) or other methods. Invading conifers in the
bald hills of Redwood National Park, California, were cut or girdled in
order to reclaim Oregon white oak woodland [41].
Damaging agents: The white pocket root and butt rot (Polyporus
dryophilus) and the shoestring root rot (Armillaria mellea) are the most
damaging fungi infecting Oregon white oak. With the exception of
acorn-feeding insects, insect damage is usually not severe in this
species. The larvae of the filbert worm (Melissopus latiferreanus) and
the filbert weevil (Curculio occidentalis) sometimes destroy a
considerable portion of a year's mast before acorns ripen. Oregon white
oak is frequently infested with mistletoe (Phoradendron flavescens)
Timber production: Conifer seedlings planted under or near Oregon white
oak often show poor establishment; the mychorrhizal fungi associated
with Oregon white oak are believed to be incompatible with conifers [1].
Conifer seedlings established in Oregon oak woodlands through natural
regeneration usually flourish, however, possibly because the
coniferassociated mychorrhizal fungi invade the woodlands simultaneuosly
with their conifer hosts.
Softwood logging in the Willamette Valley has favored Douglas-fir
seedling recruitment over seedlings of Oregon white oak [16].
SPECIES: Quercus garryana | Oregon White Oak
Oregon white oak is a drought-resistant, flood-tolerant, native,
monoecious, deciduous tree ranging from 25 to 90 feet (7.6-27 m) high,
and 24 to 40 inches (60-100 cm) in d.b.h. Acorns are from 0.8 to 1.0
inch (0.6-2.5 cm) long. Typically, the trunk supports stout, spreading
branches and a rounded crown. The bark is thin and scaly. The root
system consists of a deep taproot and a well-developed lateral system,
making trees windfirm even in wet areas. Oregon white oaks may live to
500 years of age [4,20,44,54].
Brewer oak grows from 3 to 16 feet (1-5 m) in height [30].
Sexual: Oregon white oak is wind pollinated. Acorns develop in 1 year.
Masts may be heavy but are irregular. The age of sexual maturity, the
age of maximum production, and the average number of acorns produced
have not been reported. Acorns are disseminated by gravity or animals.
Migrating band-tailed pigeons may disseminate acorns over great
distances [13]. Acorn predation is high; often the entire mast is
consumed [4]. Some acorns are buried by seed-caching scrub jays,
magpies, and various rodents. The viability of fresh acorns has been
tested at 75 percent [39]. Fresh acorns germinate immediately under
warm, moist conditions. Germination is hypogeal, with initial growth
concentrated on development of a taproot. Shoot development is
relatively slow; seedlings take 10 years or more to attain 3.3 feet (1
m) in height [13,48]. Seedling survival is low in sod or heavy duff
[4]. It is speculated that exotic annual grasses outcompete Oregon oak
seedlings for water and light, but experimental results to date are
inconclusive [7]. Many seedlings are killed by browsing livestock,
deer, or rodents. Pocket gopher frequently destroy young roots [13].
Vegetative: Oregon white oak sprouts from the trunk and root crown
following cutting or burning. Some sprouts that arise after burning
resemble rhizomes in appearance and growth habit. They originate from
the root crown and extend several meters before emerging from the humus
[41]. Sprouts grow rapidly; 3-year-old sprouts in Humbolt and Trinity
Counties, California, averaged 9.2 feet (2.8 m) in height [36]. The
sprouting ability of Oregon white oak declines with age. Mature oaks
may be weak sprouters or fail to sprout altogether [25].
Soils and topography: Oregon white oak can grow on a wide variety of
sites but is usually outcompeted on better sites. It typically occurs
on poor, exposed or droughty locations such as inland valleys and
foothills or rocky ridges. It also occurs on poorly drained areas with
a shallow water table or with standing water for part of the year. Soil
texture is characteristically clay, but the oak grows in gravelly or
sandy loam as well. Soil pH ranges from 4.8 to 5.9. Slopes may be
steep but are typically gentle (less than 30 percent) [13].
Elevation: Oregon white oak grows from sea level to 5,000 feet (1,524
m) in elevation [13,37].
Brewer oak grows from 3,000 to 7,500 feet (914-2,286 m) in elevation
Climate: Oregon white oak grows in diverse climates, ranging from the
cool, humid conditions near the coast to the hot, dry environment of
inland valleys and foothill woodlands. The species can endure
temperature extremes from -30 to 166 degrees Fahrenheit (-34 to 47 deg
C). Average annual precipitation ranges from 103.5 inches (262 cm) at
Cougar, Washington to 10.6 inches (30 cm) in the Tehachapi Mountains of
California [13].
Plant associates: Overstory associates not listed under DISTRIBUTION
AND OCCURRENCE include grand fir (Abies grandis), Pacific yew (Taxus
brevifolia), incense-cedar (Libocedrus decurrens), western redcedar
(Thuja plicata), California bay (Umbellularia californica), bigleaf
maple (Acer macrophyllum), river birch (Betula occidentalis), and tanoak
(Lithocarpus densiflorus) [11,13,50].
Shrub associates include over 50 species. Some of these are manzanita
(Arctostaphylos spp.), buckbrush (Ceanothus cuneatus), English ivy
(Hedera helix), poison-oak (Toxicodendron diversilobum), thimbleberry
(Rubus parviflorus), California huckleberry (Vaccinium ovatum), and tall
Oregon-grape (Mahonia aquifolium) [13].
Ground cover associates are numerous. They include bluebunch wheatgrass
(Pseudoroegneria spicata), springgold (Crocidium multicaule), California
toothwort (Dentaria californica), blue wildrye (Elymus glaucus),
threadleaf phacelia (Phacelia linearis), and Kentucky bluegrass (Poa
pratensis) [13].
Oregon white oak is somewhat shade tolerant. It can reproduce
adequately under its own shade but is intolerant of overtopping by
conifers [13]. Oregon white oakwoods are fire climax and are seral to
Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), grand fir, or redwood (Sequoia
sempervirens) forests in the absence of fire [16,27,28,49]. On xeric
sites unfavorable to conifers, Oregon white oak is considered a climax
species [20].
The following seasonal development was reported for Oregon white oak in
the Willamette Valley, Oregon [13]:
catkins emerge: March - June
leaves emerge: March - June
stems lengthen: March - June
acorns ripen: August - November
acorns dispersed: September - November
SPECIES: Quercus garryana | Oregon White Oak
Fire ecology: Historically, Oregon white oak was subjected to a fire
regime of low-severity surface fires occurring every few years. A study
in the Oregon white oak woodlands of Humbolt Redwoods State Park,
California, revealed a history of fire every 7.5 to 13.3 years during
the presettlement era [47]. Frequent fire resulted in the open savannas
typical of presettlement times in the Willamette Valley, Oregon, and the
bald hills of California [49]. Dead woody fuels were scant, but flashy
fuels (grasses) were abundant and dry early in summer. The fire spread
rate was moderated by the gentle topography typical of this cover type.
Fire seldom spread into adjacent coniferous forests [5].
Plant adaptations: Oregon white oak has adapted to low- to
moderate-severity fire by sprouting from the bole, root crown, and roots
[25,36,48]. Sprouts of this species grow far more rapidly than do
seedlings. Young trees not subjected to periodic top-kill by fire
followed by sprouting often do not attain sexual maturity before they
succumb to herbivory [48]. Initial establishment of seedlings is
somewhat dependent on fire also. Although this species does not require
a bare mineral seedbed, seedling recruitment is greatly enhanced when
the litter layer has been removed by fire [4].
Tree with adventitious-bud rootcrown/ soboliferous species root sucker
Ground residual colonizer (onsite, initial community)
Secondary colonizer - offsite seed
SPECIES: Quercus garryana | Oregon White Oak
Crown fire generally kills this species. Moderate-severity surface fire
rarely kills large trees, but smaller oaks may be killed or suffer
severe cambium damage [13]. Low-severity surface fire rarely harms
mature trees, but seedlings and saplings are commonly top-killed.
Animal-buried acorns are usually not affected by fire [41,49].
Most researchers report vigorous sprouting of top-killed Oregon white
oak [17,36,41,43,53], although at least one researcher [25] has
classified this species as a weak sprouter. Sugihara and Reed [48]
report more vigorous sprouting in 40-year-old than in 70-year-old oaks.
Studies conducted on young, even-aged stands show good postfire recovery
of these trees. Oregon white oak top-killed by fall prescribed burning
in Shasta and Tehema Counties, California, exhibited vigorous sprouting
during the first postfire growing season [53]. In Humbolt and Trinity
Counties, California, three-year-old sprouts had grown above the browse
line [36].
In the absence of further fire, these sprout clumps form dense,
even-aged stands. Most Oregon white oak woodlands of today are of this
type due to fire supression. When subjected to further fire, however,
weaker meristematic tissue is killed, and individual root crowns produce
fewer sprouts per clump with each fire. Continued periodic fire
ultimately results in an open savanna with widely scattered, large oaks
Fire research on Brewer oak is extremely limited. One study followed
the postfire recovery of this variety for 3 years after the Three Creeks
Burn in Humbolt County, California. This "intense" wildfire top-killed
most oak shrubs. At the end of postfire year 1, sprouts varied in
height from 4.4 to 11.2 feet (1.3-3.4 m), with an average of 18 sprouts
per clump. At postfire year 3, many of the weaker sprouts had died, and
sprouts were reduced to an average of 10 sprouts per clump. Sprout
height at postfire year 3 was not recorded [43].
Fire appears to be the dominant controlling factor involved in
converting invading coniferous forests back to Oregon white oak
woodland. If a conifer forest is the objective, managers can simply
allow young invading conifers to grow. In order to halt conifer
establishment and facilitate oak regeneration, a minimum frequency of
prescribed burning every 5 years is recommended. Ideally, prescribed
fire should be set annually. When existing conifers are 10 feet (3 m)
or more in height, oak woodlands can be restored by removing conifers by
cutting or girdling. A program of prescribed burning is then necessary
for long-term maintenance [48].
SPECIES: Quercus garryana | Oregon White Oak
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Related categories for Species: Quercus garryana
| Oregon White Oak
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