Wildlife, Animals, and Plants
SPECIES: Vaccinium vitis-idaea | Mountain Cranberry
1. Ahokas, Hannu. 1971. Notes on polyploidy and hybridity in Vaccinium
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2. Ahokas, Hannu. 1979. Artificial, reciprocal hybrids between Vaccinium
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6. Biermann, John E. 1975. A description of Vaccinium vitis-idaea. Fruit
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7. Black, R. A.; Bliss, L. C. 1978. Recovery sequence of Picea mariana -
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8. Bovey, Rodney W. 1977. Response of selected woody plants in the United
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10. Butler, C. E. 1986. Summer food utilization and observations of a tame
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12. Camp, W. H. 1945. The North American blueberries with notes on other
groups of Vacciniaceae. Brittonia. 5(3): 203-275. [9515]
13. Carroll, S. B.; Bliss, L. C. 1982. Jack pine - lichen woodland on sandy
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14. Chapin, F. Stuart, III; Van Cleve, Keith. 1981. Plant nutrient
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coordinators. Fire regimes and ecosystem properties: Proceedings of the
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Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service: 301-321.
15. Christ, E. 1977. Crossbreedings between cranberries (Vaccinium
macrocarpon Ait.) and cowberries (Vaccinium vitis idaea L.). Acta
Horticulturae. 61: 285-294. [9506]
16. Chrosciewicz, Z. 1976. Burning for black spruce regeneration on a
lowland cutover site in southeastern Manitoba. Canadian Journal of
Forest Research. 6(2): 179-186. [7280]
17. Corns, I. G. W. 1983. Forest community types of west-central Alberta in
relation to selected environmental factors. Canadian Journal of Forest
Research. 13: 995-1010. [691]
18. Corns, I. G. W.; Annas, R. M. 1986. Field guide to forest ecosystems of
west-central Alberta. Edmonton, AB: Canadian Forestry Service, Northern
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19. Crossley, John A. 1974. Vaccinium L. Blueberry. In: Schopmeyer, C. S.,
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20. Czuchajowska, Zuzanna. 1987. Influence of zinc smelter emissions on
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21. Dansereau, Pierre. 1959. The principal plant associations of the Saint
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22. Daubenmire, Rexford. 1953. Notes on the vegetation of forested regions
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24. De Vault, Dorothea. 1977. Four uncommon groundcovers. American Rock
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25. Doran, William L. 1957. Propagation of woody plants by cuttings.
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26. Dyrness, C. T.; Viereck, L. A.; Foote, M. J.; Zasada, J. C. 1988. The
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Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 45 p.
27. Dyrness, C. T.; Viereck, L. A.; Van Cleve, K. 1986. Fire in taiga
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28. Ebersole, James J. 1987. Short-term vegetation recovery at an Alaskan
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29. Ellison, Laurence. 1966. Seasonal foods and chemical analysis of winter
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30. Engelmark, Ola. 1987. Fire history correlations to forest type and
topography in northern Sweden. Annales Botanici Fennici. 24(4): 317-324.
31. Eyre, F. H., ed. 1980. Forest cover types of the United States and
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32. Fernqvist, I. 1977. Results of experiments with cowberries and
blueberries in Sweden. Acta Horticulturae. 61: 295-300. [9609]
33. Fetcher, Ned; Beatty, Thomas F.; Mullinax, Ben; Winkler, Daniel S. 1984.
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34. Foote, M. Joan. 1983. Classification, description, and dynamics of plant
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Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. 108 p. [7080]
35. Foster, David R. 1985. Vegetation development following fire in Picea
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36. Garrison, George A.; Bjugstad, Ardell J.; Duncan, Don A.; [and others].
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37. Hall, Ivan V.; Beil, Charles E. 1970. Seed germination, pollination, and
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38. Hall, Ivan V.; Shay, Jennifer, M. 1981. The biological flora of Canada.
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39. Hanson, Herbert C. 1953. Vegetation types in northwestern Alaska and
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40. Hatler, David F. 1972. Food habits of black bears in interior Alaska.
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41. Heinselman, M. L. 1970. Landscape evolution, peatland types and the
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Ecological Monographs. 40(2): 235-261. [8378]
42. Holloway, Patricia Sue. 1981. Studies on vegetative and reproductive
growth of lingonberry, Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. Saint Paul, MN:
University of Minnesota. 148 p. Thesis. [9610]
43. Holloway, Patricia S.; Stushnoff, Cecil; Wildung, David K. 1982.
Gibberellic acid-induced fruiting of lingonberries, Vaccinium
vitis-idaea L. ssp. minus (Lodd.) Hult. HortScience. 17(6): 953-954.
44. Holloway, Patricia S.; Van Veldhuizen, Robert M.; Stushnoff, Cecil;
Wildung, David K. 1982. Effects of light intensity on vegetative growth
of lingonberries. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 62(4): 965-968.
45. Holloway, Patricia S.; Van Veldhuizen, Robert M.; Stushnoff, Cecil;
Wildung, David K. 1982. Vegetative growth and nutrient levels of
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46. Ingestad, Torsten. 1973. Mineral nutrient requirements of Vaccinium
vitis idaea and V. myrtillus. Physiological Plant. 29(2): 239-246.
47. Iwagaki, H.; Ishikawa, S.; Tamada, T.; Koike, H. 1977. The present
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48. Jameson, J. S. 1961. Observations on factors influencing jack pine
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49. Jeglum, John K. 1971. Plant indicators of pH and water level in
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50. Johnson, E. A. 1975. Buried seed populations in the subarctic forest
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Botany. 53: 2933-2941. [6466]
51. Kardell, Lars. 1986. Occurrence and berry production of Rubus
chamaemorus L., Vaccinium oxycoccus L., V. microcarpum Turcz. & V.
vitis-idaea on Swedish peatlds. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research.
1(1): 125-140. [3711]
52. Karlsson, Staffan P. 1985. Photosynthetic characteristics and leaf
carbon economy of a deciduous and evergreen dwarf shrub: Vaccinium
uliginosum and V. vitis-idaea L. Holarctic Ecology. 8: 9-17. [9158]
53. Karlsson, P. Staffan. 1985. Effects of water and mineral nutrient supply
on a deciduous and an evergreen dwarf shrub: Vaccinium uliginosum L. and
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54. Kartesz, John T. 1994. A synonymized checklist of the vascular flora of
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55. Keeler, Harriet L. 1969. Vacciniaceae--huckleberry family. In: Our
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56. Korcak, Ronald F. 1988. Nutrition of blueberry and other calcifuges.
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57. Kuchko, A.A. 1988. Bilberry and cowberry yields and the factors
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58. Kuchler, A. W. 1964. Manual to accompany the map of potential vegetation
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59. Kuusipalo, Jussi; Niemensivu, Helena; Berg, Mari-Anna; Mikkola, Marja.
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60. Larsen, James A. 1971. Vegetational relationships with air mass
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61. Lehmushovi, Aaro. 1975. Methods of propagating the cowberry. Annales
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62. Lehmushovi, A. 1977. Trials with the cowberry in Finland. Acta
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63. Lehmushovi, Aaro; Sako, Jaakko. 1975. Domestication of the cowberry
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64. Liebster, G. 1977. Experimental and research work on fruit species of
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65. Lutz, H. J. 1953. The effects of forest fires on the vegetation of
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68. Maikawa, E.; Kershaw, K. A. 1976. Studies on lichen-dominated systems.
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69. Maini, J. S. 1966. Pytoecological study of sylvotundra at Small Tree
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76. Odell, A. E.; Vander Kloet, S. P.; Newell, R. E. 1989. Stem anatomy of
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77. Oldemeyer, John L.; Seemel, Robert K. 1976. Occurrence and nutritive
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Related categories for Species: Vaccinium vitis-idaea
| Mountain Cranberry
 |