Wildlife, Animals, and Plants
SPECIES: Populus balsamifera ssp. balsamifera | Balsam Poplar
Populus candicans
Populus michauxii
Populus tacamahaca
balsam poplar
The scientific name of balsam poplar is Populus balsamifera L.
ssp. balsamifera. Black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera ssp.
trichocarpa) is the other subspecies of Populus balsamifera [101].
For information on black cottonwood, see that FEIS summary.
Balsam poplar hybridizes with black cottonwood in Alaska,
where ranges of the two trees overlap [101]. It also hybridizes with
narrowleaf cottonwood (P. angustifolia) [35,61], eastern cottonwood (P.
deltoides) [35,61], and rarely with aspen (P. tremuloides) [61,101].
No special status
The South Dakota Natural Heritage Program lists balsam poplar as
uncommon in the state [114].
H. Harris, January 1990
Harris, Holly T. 1990. Populus balsamifera ssp. balsamifera.
In: Remainder of Citation
SPECIES: Populus balsamifera ssp. balsamifera | Balsam Poplar
Balsam poplar occurs mainly in riparian areas of boreal and montane
conifer forests [35]. Its distribution extends from Alaska across most
of Canada to Labrador and Newfoundland [93,101]. In British Columbia it
is restricted to areas east of the Rocky Mountains [8,36]. Balsam
poplar is rare in the northwestern United States, with sketchy records
of its existence in Idaho and Oregon [32]. It occurs sparingly in the
Rocky Mountains of Montana, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado
[25,26,27,35,36,37,105,106] and extends east through the northern Great
Plains to the Atlantic Coast. It is found along creekbanks, moist
hillsides, sandhill potholes, and knolls in North and South Dakota [93].
North and east of the Great Plains, balsam poplar forms extensive
floodplain forests [35]. New York [32] and West Virginia [61,101] are
alternately reported as the southern extreme for this tree in the
eastern United States.
FRES10 White - red - jack pine
FRES11 Spruce - fir
FRES17 Elm - ash - cottonwood
FRES19 Aspen - birch
FRES20 Douglas-fir
FRES21 Ponderosa pine
FRES23 Fir - spruce
FRES28 Western hardwoods
FRES38 Plains grasslands
FRES39 Prairie
8 Northern Rocky Mountains
9 Middle Rocky Mountains
10 Wyoming Basin
11 Southern Rocky Mountains
14 Great Plains
15 Black Hills Uplift
16 Upper Missouri Basin and Broken Lands
K012 Douglas-fir forest
K015 Western spruce - fir forest
K016 Eastern ponderosa forest
K017 Black Hills pine forest
K018 Pine - Douglas-fir forest
K063 Foothills prairie
K064 Grama - needlegrass - wheatgrass
K066 Wheatgrass - needlegrass
K067 Wheatgrass - bluestem - needlegrass
K074 Bluestem prairie
K081 Oak savanna
K093 Great Lakes spruce - fir forest
K094 Conifer bog
K096 Northeastern spruce - fir forest
K098 Northern floodplain forest
Eastern Forest Cover Types:
1 Jack pine
5 Balsam fir
38 Tamarack
16 Aspen
33 Red spruce - balsam fir
37 Northern white cedar
39 Black ash - American elm - red maple
Western Forest Cover Types:
201 White spruce
202 White spruce - paper birch
203 Balsam poplar
251 White spruce - aspen
252 Paper birch
253 Black spruce - white spruce
206 Engelmann spruce - subalpine fir
217 Aspen
222 Black cottonwood - willow
235 Cottonwood - willow
Balsam poplar is a seral species that occurs primarily in ecotones
between boreal forest and tundra or prairie, and along streams and
rivers. It is most common in white spruce (Picea glauca) forests of
Canada but can extend beyond the conifer treeline in western Canada and
Alaska [63]. Classifications including balsam poplar as a dominant
component in community types (cts), plant associations (pas), or
ecosystem associations (eas) are listed below.
Area Classification Authority
Alaska general veg. pas Viereck 1989
general veg. cts Viereck and Dyrness 1980
postfire forest cts Foote 1983
British Columbia general veg. eas Pojar & others 1984
Alberta general veg. cts Dirschl & others 1974
wc Alberta forest cts Corns 1983
Ontario forst eas Jones & others 1983
Canada general veg. pas Roi 1967
boreal forests
SPECIES: Populus balsamifera ssp. balsamifera | Balsam Poplar
Balsam poplar is considered a commercial tree in the northern Lake
States, with biomass yields ranging from 1 pound per acre (1.12 kg/ha)
in paper birch (Betula papyrifera) communities to 116 pounds per acre
(129 kg/ha) in white spruce communities of Michigan [92]. Biomass
yields in Alaska average 2.2 pounds per acre (2.5 kg/ha) [95]. Poplars
(Populus spp.) represent a substantial yet relatively unused forest
resource in Canada [46,50]. Annual harvest of balsam poplar in Canada
is less than 1 percent of the allowable cut [46].
Balsam poplar is used for pulpwood, lumber and veneer, and to make
high-grade paper and particle board [32]. It is also used to make boxes
and crates [101].
Balsam poplar parklands characterized by fescue (Festuca spp.) or other
grass understories have a high grazing capacity [16].
Boreal forests containing balsam poplar support a wide variety of
wildlife including moose, elk, Stone's sheep, mountain goat, mountain
caribou, mule deer, wolf, coyote, black bear, grizzly bear, lynx,
snowshoe hare, wolverine, pine marten, and beaver [78].
Moose [20,63,64,67,71,79,109], deer [63,71], and snowshoe hare
[13,47,108] eat balsam poplar to a small extent. Voles may damage
cottonwoods by eating the roots [63].
Beavers use balsam poplar for food and building materials. Beaver
activity creates additional habitat for birds and other aquatic
furbearers [63].
Balsam poplar is commonly browsed by moose in small amounts [20,71,79].
It was rated as the least preferred moose browse species in Alaska and
Canada, usually comprising less than 1 percent of moose diets
[20,64,79,109]. Bark stripping occurs on balsam poplars by moose in
times of winter food shortage [67]. Balsam poplars with more than 50
percent of the trunk circumference debarked have a high probability of
dying; new bark may grow back on less damaged trees [67].
Snowshoe hares utilize balsam poplar in times of food shortage.
Snowshoe hares ignore first year growth of juvenile balsam poplars but
ring the bark of mature trees and eat the twigs when within reach [47].
Apparently 2,4,6-trihydroxydihydrochalcon 1, a chemical antifeedant for
hares, is present in juvenile balsam poplars [47]. Balsam poplar
growing in the shade of thinleaf alder (Alnus incana spp. tenuifolia) is
more palatable to snowshoe hares than balsam poplars growing in
well-insulated willow thickets, due to differences in states of carbon
stress and amounts of phenolic concentrations in the poplars [13].
The degree of use shown by livestock and wildlife species for
balsam poplar in several western states is rated as follows [24].
Cattle ---- fair ----
Sheep ---- fair ----
Horses ---- fair ----
Pronghorn poor ---- ----
Elk fair ---- ----
Mule deer fair ---- poor
White-tailed deer fair poor poor
Small mammals good ---- ----
Small nongame birds fair ---- ----
Upland game birds poor poor ----
Waterfowl poor ---- ----
The degree to which balsam poplar provides environmental protection
during one or more seasons for wildlife species is as follows [24]:
Pronghorn poor ---- ----
Elk good ---- ----
Mule deer good poor ----
White-tailed deer good fair good
Small mammals ---- good poor
Small nongame birds good fair fair
Upland game birds good fair fair
Waterfowl poor ---- ----
Balsam poplar is an important riparian species which stabilizes river
banks and maintains river islands [36]. It is able to recolonize sites
disturbed by fire or logging [36,57].
Balsam poplar is successful at naturally colonizing borrow pits in
continental tundra regions of northwestern Canada [54]. This tree was
found growing on six separate abandoned coal mine sites in the Rocky
Mountain foothills of Alberta [87]. It has also been documented as
invading and expanding on mining spoils in northern Minnesota [57].
Balsam poplars artificially planted in a heavily burned black spruce
area had the highest survival rate of all seeded species [112]. Balsam
poplar does not naturally colonize black spruce sites after fire
Information on greenhouse propagation and plantation establishment of
balsam poplars is available [22,39,43,63,88].
Balsam poplar is an important stabilizer of riverbanks and river islands
[36]; it also provides habitat for a wide variety of wildlife species.
For these reasons balsam poplar growing in stream corridors should not
be logged extensively [69]. See "Other Management Considerations" within
the "Management Considerations, Value and Use" section of black
cottonwood for further information on the effects of watercourse damming
and stream diversion on balsam and other cottonwoods.
Mechanical logging places balsam poplar at a competitive advantage over
spruce by creating microsites for seedling establishment [11]. Exposure
of mineral soil favors balsam poplar seed germination [36]. Cutting
mature balsam poplars results in sprouting from callus tissue and
dormant buds [36]. Stump sprouting is most pronounced on winter logged
areas. Improper harvesting can cause poplars to be suppressed, with
shrubs dominating the clearings [46]. Trees cut in the summer have few
surviving sprouts after four years [36]. Decay is a limiting factor in
balsam poplar utilization [94], but with proper management practices, it
could become a very important crop tree in Canada [94].
Balsam poplar has an allelopathic effect on green alder (Alnus viridis
spp. crispa) [36].
Balsam poplar can be controlled by 2,4-D + piclorum [103], glyphosate,
and hexazinone [36], and has an intermediate reaction to 2,4-D and
2,4,5-T [73]. This tree is very sensitive to sulfur dioxide fumigation
caused by landfill fires [44]. In an area less than 10 acres (4 ha)
away from one such fire, many balsam poplars were killed.
Diseases and insect pests of balsam poplar have been discussed by
several authors [21,32].
SPECIES: Populus balsamifera ssp. balsamifera | Balsam Poplar
Balsam poplar is a medium to large native deciduous tree. Heights of
mature trees range from 30 to 100 feet (9-30 m) and trunk diameters from
4 inches to 2 feet (10-60 cm) [101]. The trunk of balsam poplar is
straight and cylindrical with an open crown of a few stout ascending
branches [63]. The bark is smooth and light gray to grayish brown but
furrows with age [22].
Winter buds are 1 inch long (2.5 cm) with sticky resin and a pungent
balsam odor in the spring [101]. Drooping pistillate and staminate
catkins occur on separate trees. Leaves are ovate or broadly
lanceolate, 2.25 to 4.5 inches long (6-11 cm) and 1.5 to 3 inches wide
(4-7.5 cm) [101]. Leaves are shiny green above and pale green below
with finely toothed margins [22].
Roots are shallow, especially on wet soil types or shallow permafrost
Undisturbed State: Phanerophyte (mesophanerophyte)
Burned or Clipped State: Cryptophyte (geophyte)
Balsam poplar reproduces both sexually and vegetatively.
Seed production and dispersal: Balsam poplar flower production begins
at about 8 years of age, with a good seed crop produced every year [36].
Most seeds are wind dispersed and fall within 650 feet (200 m) of the
parent tree [36]. Seeds remain viable for 2 to 4 weeks [57,63] but will
germinate immediately following arrival on a suitable seedbed of
exposed, moist mineral soil [57]. A 98 to 100 percent germination rate
was obtained in 2 to 3 days at temperatures ranging from 41 to 77
degrees F (5-25 degrees C) in a greenhouse study [110]. Seedlings
require 1 month of abundant moisture to survive [36].
Vegetative reproduction: Balsam poplar is capable of regenerating from
root suckers, stump sprouts, stem sprouts, and buried branches [36,57].
Root suckering is thought to be primarily a means of expansion rather
than a means of recovery following clearcutting or fire [57]. Once
established on more mesic sites, balsam poplar will expand onto drier,
sandier sites adjacent to river floodplains through vegetative expansion
[57]. Most root suckers grow from roots about 0.4 inches (1 cm) in
diameter within the top 0.8 inches (2 cm) of soil [36]. Suckering is
most common when the organic layer has been removed, exposing mineral
soil [36]. Root suckering activity may increase when soil is disturbed
or when the overstory is removed, thus allowing warmer soil temperatures
[36]. Balsam poplar suckers are larger than those of eastern and
narrowleaf cottonwood and are more vigorous than aspen suckers [88].
Cut stumps produce sprouts from callus tissue and from dormant buds
[36]. Branches must be well buried to produce aerial shoots [36]. Stem
sprouting effectively aids recovery after destructive flooding in which
the main stem is broken or bent over [57]. Plant fragments washed
downstream may be a means of colonization for balsam poplar [57]. In
such cases sprouts can form on either root or shoot segments, leading to
the formation of new roots and establishment of a new plant.
Stands of balsam poplar are often polyclonal, with several genotypes and
their sprouts making up a stand [41].
Balsam poplar generally occurs on moist sites, such as river
floodplains, stream and lake shores, moist depressions, and swamps, but
will also grow on drier sites [9,22,63,111]. It commonly grows in moist
forests, such as white and black spruce (Picea mariana) forests of the
boreal zone, and is found in the forest-tundra transition zone in Canada
[63,68]. Balsam poplar can be found growing beyond the coniferous tree
line along rivers and on southern slopes having less permafrost than the
surroundings [63,97].
Common associated species of balsam poplar include the following:
Canada and Alaska: white spruce, black spruce, blue spruce (Picea
pungens), lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta), jack pine (P. banksiana),
subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa), tamarack (Larix laricina), black
cottonwood, paper birch, aspen, alders (Alnus spp.), willows (Salix
spp.), currant, (Ribes spp.), red-osier dogwood (Cornus sericea), and
prickly rose (Rosa acicularis) [16,19,36,55,56,63,74,77,80,99].
Minnesota: balsam fir (Abies balsamea), black ash (Fraxinus nigra),
American elm (Ulmus americana), red maple (Acer rubrum), aspen, and
bitter cherry (Prunus emarginata) [14].
Glacial moraines in the northern boreal forest commonly support stands
of balsam poplars. Permafrost may occur discontinuously in these areas
[66]. Typical soils where balsam poplar is found are those of alluvial
floodplains, including gravel, deep sand, clay loam, silt, and silty
loam [24,36]. Abundant soil moisture is needed, but stagnant brackish
water is intolerable to this tree [36]. Balsam poplar has high nutrient
requirements; it needs a good supply of calcium and magnesium. It does
not tolerate acidic deep peats and humic soils in which nutrients are
released slowly [36].
Climates in which balsam poplars grow range from arctic to temperate
but most commonly are boreal. Average temperatures in British Columbia
boreal forests are below 26 degrees F (-3 degrees C) in the coolest
month and around 50 degrees F (10 degrees C) in the warmest month [36].
Mean annual precipitation is 177 inches (452 cm); about one-third is in
the form of snow [65].
Elevational ranges for balsam poplar are reported as follows:
feet meters reference
Alaska 0 - 3500 0 - 1067 [101]
British Columbia 0 - 5400 0 - 1650 [36]
Colorado 6000 - 12000 1800 - 3700 [24]
Wyoming 3500 - 9000 1067 - 2740 [24]
Montana 5500 1675 [24]
Utah 4300 1310 [24]
Balsam poplar is a pioneer species which invades disturbed wet sites by
seeding or suckering [22]. It is among the fastest growing trees in
temperate latitudes [22,101]. Rapid early growth allows it to establish
and dominate for up to 100 years; it has lived up to 200 years in Alaska
[36,75] but is considered more short-lived in southern areas.
Balsam poplar is highly flood tolerant [36] and is able to form
adventitious roots within a few days of a flood [58]. It showed no
noticeable injury from 2 months of flooding in several different areas
of Minnesota [1]. Balsam poplar is a seral species, eventually shaded
out by other hardwoods or by conifers [14,22]. In Minnesota it is
commonly found in transition zones between prairie and conifer forest
[14], and it is found in the transition zone between boreal forest and
tundra in far northern latitudes [63].
Balsam poplar occurs on both dry and wet sites, with different factors
controlling succession on these different sites. Dry sites such as
south slopes or coarse alluvium supporting balsam poplar are affected to
a great degree by fire [75,96,97]. Fire is a major factor controlling
succession in northern montane boreal forests [78]. Repeated wildfires
have led to the development of balsam poplar- and aspen-dominated stands
within white spruce forests [78] and retards white spruce replacement
[63]. Fire will stimulate balsam poplar to root sucker and increase in
density where it is present in any succcessional stage [36]. This tree
has an explosive recovery rate after even severe fires [53].
Fire is uncommon [40,77] and plays no apparent role in succession of
alluvial floodplain sites in boreal forests [75]. Flood or other soil
disturbances allow colonization by willows, alders, and balsam poplars,
with balsam poplar eventually overtopping the other species and
dominating for up to 100 years [10,76,99]. Eventually white spruce
overtops the poplar and matures as an even-aged white spruce forest.
Conversion from balsam poplar to white spruce usually occurs within 120
to 150 years unless an inadequate white spruce seed source exists or
severe flooding recurs [97]. These white spruce stands eventually
become uneven-aged and permafrost may develop due to a lack of sunlight
penetrating through to the soil. Permafrost development will lead to
replacement by black spruce and tamarack. Balsam poplar is occasionally
reported to occur in black spruce forests [17,48,49] but does not
Balsam poplar flowers bloom and seeds disperse before leaves completely
emerge [36,101]. Bloom and seed dispersal dates in several geographic
areas are as follows:
flowers bloom seeds disperse
Alaska [57,101] May-June June
British Columbia [36] April-June May-June
CO, MT, ND [24] April-May
Lake States, Maine & April-May May-July
Nebraska [32]
SPECIES: Populus balsamifera ssp. balsamifera | Balsam Poplar
Balsam poplar is considered one of the tree species most well adapted to
fire in the northern boreal forest [36]. Its ability to produce sprouts
from roots, stumps, and buried branches enables it to quickly recover
after fire [74]. The bark of older balsam poplars can be up to 4 inches
(10 cm) thick at the base, affording fire protection [32].
survivor species; on-site surviving root crown or caudex
off-site colonizer; seed carried by wind; postfire years 1 and 2
SPECIES: Populus balsamifera ssp. balsamifera | Balsam Poplar
Severe fires kill balsam poplars [53]; however, underground parts
survive in moist soils [111]. Moderate fires may top-kill some trees;
light fires usually do not harm mature balsam poplars [53]. Young trees
may be top-killed because of their thin bark [16]. Repeated burning may
permanently exclude balsam poplars [16].
Balsam poplar is stimulated to produce root suckers within several weeks
following fire [36,38]. Active recovery is likely to begin 1 year after
fire; balsam poplar increased in cover and frequency after 1 year on a
severely burned site in Alberta [53]:
cover frequency
prefire .4 % 5 %
postfire 3.2 % 33 %
Most balsam poplar suckering occurred in the second season after a
spring burn in a 15-year-old stand in Alberta, and after 5 years poplar
density was greater on burned areas than before the fire [4].
Two years after logging and broadcast slash burning in a floodplain
white spruce area, white spruce seedlings were outnumbered and
overtopped by hardwood seedlings, including balsam poplar [28]. Soil
temperatures on these sites were doubled, which encourages vegetative
expansion by balsam poplar [36,86].
See "Plant Response to Fire" in the "Fire Effects" section of the FEIS
summary of black cottonwood for further information on sprouting
response of balsam and other cottonwoods.
Prescribed burning for wildlife: Fire-induced poplar and willow
sprouting can increase forage for moose [67]. Beaver also benefit from
an increased supply of poplar sprouts following fire [83]. Repeatedly
burning white spruce forests and balsam poplar stands can convert large
areas into grasslands used by elk and Stone's sheep [90]. Cyclic burns
(every 10 years) are needed to maintain sedge (Carex spp.) grasslands
which would otherwise be taken over by shrubs and deciduous trees,
including balsam poplar; sedges are the main food item for bison in
northern latitudes [15]. Wood Buffalo National Park, a large bison
preserve in Canada, is characterized by extensive areas of white spruce
and mixed hardwoods, and extensive sedge meadows. Natural fire cycles
here have been estimated to be 50 years [40].
Fire control has had little or no impact in most of the far northern
boreal forest and natural lightning-caused fire regimes prevail [40].
Estimated fire intervals of white spruce stands vary from 80 years on
morainic uplands to 300 years in floodplain stands [40]. Closed white
spruce forests of interior Alaska tend to have either high intensity
crown fires or severe surface fires which kill and regenerate entire
stands [40]. Balsam poplar present in white spruce stands will recover
rapidly after fire [78]. White spruce replacement may be retarded with
cyclic fires [63].
Balsam poplar easily colonizes large burn areas due to seed dispersal
distances and its ability to regenerate vegetatively. White spruce may
be more successful at reestablishing small burns [96].
SPECIES: Populus balsamifera ssp. balsamifera | Balsam Poplar
1. Ahlgren, Clifford E.; Hansen, Henry L. 1957. Some effects of temporary
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Related categories for Species: Populus balsamifera ssp. balsamifera
| Balsam Poplar