Wildlife, Animals, and Plants
SPECIES: Populus balsamifera ssp. balsamifera | Balsam Poplar
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10. Brown, K. R.; Zobel, D. B.; Zasada, J. C. 1988. Seed dispersal, seedling
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11. Brumelis, G.; Carleton, T. J. 1988. The vegetation of postlogged black
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14. Buell, Murray F.; Cantlon, John E. 1951. A study of two forest stands in
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15. Campbell, Bruce H.; Hinkes, Mike. 1983. Winter diets and habitat use of
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17. Chrosciewicz, Z. 1976. Burning for black spruce regeneration on a
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20. Cumming, H. G. 1987. Sixteen years of moose browse surveys in Ontario.
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21. Davidson, A. G.; Prentice, R. M. 1968. Insects and diseases. In: Maini,
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22. Dickmann, Donald I.; Stuart, Katherine W. 1983. The culture of poplars
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28. Dyrness, C. T.; Viereck, L. A.; Foote, M. J.; Zasada, J. C. 1988. The
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39. Heimburger, C. 1968. Poplar breeding in Canada. In: Maini, J. S.;
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40. Heinselman, Miron L. 1981. Fire intensity and frequency as factors in
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41. Hermanutz, L. A.; Innes, D. J.; Weis, I. M. 1989. Clonal structure of
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46. Jarvis, J. M. 1968. Silviculture and management of natural poplar
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47. Jogia, Madhu K.; Sinclair, A. R. E.; Andersen, Raymond J. 1989. An
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52. Kautz, Darrell R. 1988. White spruce site index in the Kantishna and
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53. Keith, Lloyd B.; Surrendi, Dennis C. 1971. Effects of fire on a snowshoe
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57. Krasny, Marianne E.; Vogt, Kristiina A.; Zasada, John C. 1988.
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58. Krasny, Marianne E.; Zasada, John C.; Vogt, Kristiina A. 1988.
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Related categories for Species: Populus balsamifera ssp. balsamifera
| Balsam Poplar