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SPECIES: Populus tremuloides | Quaking Aspen
IMMEDIATE FIRE EFFECT ON PLANT : Small-diameter quaking aspen is usually top-killed by low-severity surface fire [88]. Brown and DeByle [26] found that as dbh increases beyond 6 inches (15 cm), quaking aspen becomes increasingly resistant to fire mortality. Large quaking aspen may survive low-severity surface fire, but usually shows fire damage [26,94]. Moderate-severity surface fire top-kills most quaking aspen, although large-stemmed trees may survive. Some charred stems that survived low- or moderate-severity fire initially have been observed to die within 3 or 4 postfire years. Severe fire top-kills quaking aspen of all size classes. Moderate-severity fire does not damage quaking aspen roots insulated by soil. Severe fire may kill roots near the soil surface or damage meristematic tissue on shallow roots so that they cannot sprout. Deeper roots are not damaged by severe fire and retain the ability to sucker [69,160,143,146]. Mortality does not always occur immediatedly after fire. Sometimes buds in the crown will survive and leaf out prior to the death of the tree [26]. Brown and DeByle [26] reported that quaking aspen trees died over a 4-year period following fires in Wyoming and Idaho, although most individuals succumbed by the second postfire year. Even when quaking aspen is not killed outright by fire, the bole may be sufficiently damaged to permit the entrance of wood-rotting fungi [94]. According to Jones and DeByle [88], basal scars which lead to destructive heart rot can be made on even good-sized aspen by "the lightest of fires." Basal fire scars may also permit entry of borers and other insects which can further weaken the tree [23]. DISCUSSION AND QUALIFICATION OF FIRE EFFECT : Fire may kill (as opposed to top-kill) a deteriorating stand of quaking aspen. A deteriorating stand on the Sweetwater drainage of the Wind River Mountains, Wyoming, failed to sprout following a 1963 wildfire. However, another 1963 wildfire in the Wind River Mountains, near Pinedale, had the opposite effect on a deteriorating stand of quaking aspen. Although the site was considered poor for quaking aspen due to dry, sandy soil, fire only top-killed the stand. Browsing pressure on sprouts was light, and postfire stocking was "more than adequate" for regeneration [69]. The position of an individual tree on a slope, or within a stand, can influence the degree of damage caused by fire. Even when damaged, trees located near the boundaries of a fire can often maintain a live crown. These peripheral trees may receive food supplies from the roots of unburned neighbors. Quaking aspen on slopes generally show greater damage than do trees on flatter areas. Flames moving uphill often curl up the lee side of trees when fanned by upslope wind, charring the stem further up its bole. The effect of slope is particularly pronounced (up to 31-44% higher char heights) after fires of higher severity. This relationship is presented in the following table [26]: Probability of mortality ________________________ 0.90 0.95 ________________________ dbh (cm) Average char height - 10 5 12 15 14 21 20 23 30 25 32 39 Uphill char height - 10 6 16 15 19 29 20 31 42 25 44 55 PLANT RESPONSE TO FIRE : Quaking aspen sprouts from the roots and establishes from off-site, wind-blown seed after fire [27,123,157]. It is the classic soboliferous species described by Stickney [157]: a plant that sprouts from carbohydrate-storing lateral roots (sobols). Sprouting: Quaking aspen generally sprouts vigorously after fire. Long-term growth and survival of quaking aspen sprouts depend on a variety of factors including prefire carbohydrate levels in roots, sprouting ability of the clone(s), fire severity, and season of fire. Moderate-severity fire generally results in dense sprouting. Fewer sprouts may be produced after severe fire. Since quaking aspen is self-thinning, however, sprouting densities are generally similar several years after moderate and severe fire. A low-severity surface fire may leave standing live trees that locally supress sprouting, resulting in an uneven-aged stand [12,13,28,123]. Quaking aspen burned in spring generally sprouts later in the growing season and again the following year. Fires in mid-growing season generally result in late-season sprouting. Quaking aspen burned in late summer or fall usually sprouts the next spring [28]. Predicting postfire sprouting: Appyling prescribed fire in exclosures in Yellowstone National Park, Renkin and Despain [133] found that root biomass can be estimated from basal area, and both can be used to predict local response of quaking aspen to burning. Sprout biomass produced in postfire year 1 was positively correlated (r2=0.90, p=0.013) with both prefire basal area and root biomass. On average, 11.5 metric tons per hectare of root mass were required to produce 0.1 metric ton per hectare of sprouts. Average sprout height was positively correlated with basal area and root biomass (r2=0.85, p=0.004). On average, 25 square meters per hectare of basal area and/or 19 metric tons per hectare of root biomass were required to produce 0.5 meter of sprout growth. Examples of sprouting: After the 1988 fires in Yellowstone National Park, percentage of sprouts produced in spring, 1989, was significantly higher (p=0.030) in burned stands (mean 82%) than on unburned stands (mean 60%). The percentage of sprouts in fall, 1989, was also higher (p=0.103) on burned stands (mean 82%) than in unburned stands (mean 65%). In spring 1990, sprout density averaged 80,000 stems per hectare in burned stands and 27,000 stems per hectare in unburned stands. By fall 1991, density was 38,000 stems per hectare in burned and 25,000 stem per heactare in unburned stands, respectively. Mean heights were 9.6 inches (24 cm) in spring 1990 and 10.8 inches (27 cm) in spring 1991. Browsing intensity was much higher in winter and spring (45-55% of sprouts browsed) than summer and fall (5-10%). There were no significant differences in browsing among burned stands, unburned stands adjacent to burned stands, and remote unburned stands: Sprouts were heavily browsed in all stand types [137]. Birch-aspen: Following a 1944 summer wildfire in Maine, quaking aspen and paper birch sprouted vigorously, forming a dense stand. In 1951, there were 40,000 to 45,000 stems (both spp.) per acre. Quaking aspen dominated the stand; it averaged 20 feet (6 m) in height while paper birch averaged only 6 feet (1.8 m) [96]. For further examples of quaking aspen sprouting response after fire, refer to the FIRE CASE STUDIES section. Cases from Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Minnesota, and Alberta are presented. Seedling Establishment: Fire exposes mineral soil, which is an excellent seedbed for quaking aspen [61]. Quaking aspen seedlings have been noted following severe fire in Canada. Six years after fire in northeastern Wisconsin, quaking aspen seedlings composed 20 to 35 percent of seedlings of all species present on the burn [79]. Kay [90] reported good seedling establishment following 1986 fires in Grand Teton National Park and 1988 fires in Yellowstone National Park. Height growth was negligible, however, due to ungulate browsing. Density, height, and ungulate use of quaking aspen seedlings on the Yancy's Hole Burn, Yellowstone National Park, were [90]: _____________________________________________________________________ Transect # Year Number/ha % browsed Mean height (cm) 1 1989 177,202 -- 62 1991 32,154 100 50 2 1989 141,362 -- 60 1991 46,148 100 57 3 1989 109,522 -- 53 1991 16,660 100 75 __________________________________________________________________ Mean 1989 142,695 -- 58 1991 31,654 100 47 Renkin and others [134] are conducting a similar seedling study on forested and nonforested sites in Yellowstone National Park; only preliminary data are available at this time. They found that quaking aspen seedlings were concentrated on wet microsites but widely scattered on other site types. In 1989, quaking aspen seedling density on 14 plots ranged from 0.6 to 1,014 per square meter; average height ranged from 2.3 to 11.1 inches (mean=5.1 inches) (5.7-27.8 cm, mean= 12.8 cm). Quaking aspen seedlings were two to four times taller than lodgepole pine seedlings on forested plots. In 1990, all plots had persistent quaking aspen seedlings; in some cases the stem had died back but the 1-year-old roots had produced suckers. Density of surviving seedlings ranged from 0.05 to 332 per square meter. Average heights had increased, ranging from 3.6 to 15.6 inches (mean=7.8 in) (9-39 cm, mean=19.4 cm). Quaking aspen seedlings on fenced plots averaged 12 inches (30 cm) in height; seedlings on unfenced plots averaged 5.36 inches (13.4 cm). Seedling survival was significantly greater (p=0.004) on forested than nonforested plots. Survival was also influenced by presence of ungulates, spring flooding, disease, and intraspecific competition. Ungulate presence negatively influenced seedling survival on unfenced plots (r=0.97, p=0.004). Plots submerged in spring showed high seedling mortality. A fungus (Venturia tremulae) also contributed to seedling death or dieback [134]. DISCUSSION AND QUALIFICATION OF PLANT RESPONSE : NO-ENTRY FIRE MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS : Prescribed fire is recommended for quaking aspen [2,25,123,143]. Currently, an estimated 600 acres (240 ha) of quaking aspen burns per year in the Intermountain Region. At that rate, it will require 12,000 years to burn the entire quaking aspen type in that Region. It is likely that seral quaking aspen will be replaced by conifers; stable quaking aspen stands may become less productive [46]. In many areas of the West, quaking aspen stands have lived longer than they did prior to fire exclusion, and many stands are in a state of decline due to advanced age [62]. Gruell and Loope [69] found that in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, quaking aspen stands begin to deteriorate after about 80 years. Houston [80] stated in 1973 that quaking aspen in Yellowstone National Park were primarily large trees ranging from 75 to 120 years of age. Applying fire: Prescribed fire is often difficult to apply in quaking aspen stands because of the prominence of live fuels and often sparse distribution of fine dead fuels [25]. Even if fuels are plentiful, they are usually too moist to burn easily. Prescribed fire may be possible, however, when live vegetation cures enough to contribute to fire spread rather than hinder it. The combination of dry weather and cured fuels occurs most often in early spring, late summer, and fall [131,138]. The forest floor of a quaking aspen stand immediately after snowmelt is covered by matted, cured surface vegetation and deciduous leaf litter. Before leaf-out this mat is directly exposed to drying by wind and sun, which increase fuel temperature and decrease fuel moisture. Without rain, the withered leaves in the litter begin to curl, resulting in a more favorable fuelbed for combustion and heat transfer. In Alberta, these moderately severe, early season burning conditions can persist from snowmelt until the first week in June [131]. In most years, leaf fall and autumn precipitation coincide, making fall burning difficult. If September and October are dry, however, burning may be possible. Surface fuels are dead and sometimes frozen, with a continuous layer of loosely packed leaves, making quaking aspen more flammable than at any other time of year [138]. Live fuel moisture varies greatly between understory species throughout the growing season, but can be estimated well enough to determine when to light prescribed fires. Brown and others [25] estimated that when herbaceous vegetation is the primary fine fuel, at least 50 percent curing is needed to sustain fire spread. Less than 50 percent curing may be sufficient in stands with substantial conifers. Brown and Simmerman [28] provide a method for appraising fuels and flammability in quaking aspen to assist managers in choosing when to apply prescribed fire and help determine proper conditions for burning. Five fuel types in 19 community types common in the Intermountain West are presented, accompanied by color photographs. Prescriptions: Aspen parkland and northern forest - Bailey [174,175] found that in Alberta, prescribed burning in quaking aspen forests and parklands in spring was usually not successful above relative humidity of 35 to 40 percent. He recommended that prescribed burning be conducted 8 to 10 drying days after snowmelt, when air temperature is at least 64 degrees Fahrenheit (18 deg C), relative humidity is less than 30 percent, and 3.3-foot (10-m) open winds are 5.4 to 21 miles per hour (9-35 km/hr). Bailey and Anderson [173] reported that in central Alberta, quaking aspen forest in a grassland-shrub-quaking aspen forest mosaic was the most difficult of the three vegetation types to prescribe burn. With spring burning, backfires consistently gave poor results, frequently going out within a few feet of ignition and yielding a maximum temperature of only 550 degrees Fahrenfeit (288 deg C). Headfires were hotter but gave variable results. Most headfire temperatures ranged from 700 to 900 degrees Fahrenheit (371-482 deg C), but 14 percent were in excess of 1,112 degrees Fahrenheit (600 deg C). Fire and fuel data from the quaking aspen sites follow. ________________________________________________ | fire temperature 393 +/- 28* (deg C) | | total fuel 13,436 +/- 354 (kg/ha) | | ground fuel 11,704 +/- 337 (kg/ha) | | standing woody fuel 1,732 +/- 181 (kg/ha) | |______________________________________________| *standard error of the mean (SEM) Perala [119] recommended this prescription for burning quaking aspen slash in the Great Lake States: ______________________________________________________________________ Months for burning dormant season (all but June, July, & August) Fuel model* D Air temperature > 65 degrees Fahrenheit (18 deg C) Relative humidity < 35% Ignition component* 40-50 Energy release component* 14-17 Spread component* 4-7 Burning index* 13-21 Wind** 2.5-5 m/s Number of days with less than 2.5 mm rain > 5 ______________________________________________________________________ *from the National Fire-danger Rating System [176] **measured 20 ft. above ground, or at average height of vegetation cover, averaged over at least a 10-minute period Canadian Forest Fire Behavior Prediction (FBP) System : Alexander and Maffey [1] provide examples for predicting fire spread rate, fuel consumption, and frontal intensity in quaking aspen types using the FBP System. Forage quality and fire: Three burned quaking aspen/shrub/tall forb communities on the Caribou National Forest, Wyoming, showed increased forage quality (better Ca:P ratios, higher elk digestibilty, and higher crude protein and P levels) than adjacent unburned sites during the first postfire year. By the second postfire year, there were no significant differences between forage quality on burned and unburned sites. Shrubs on the unburned sites were above browse level throughout the study period, however, while shrubs on the burned site were still accessible to elk in the second postfire year [47].

Related categories for Species: Populus tremuloides | Quaking Aspen

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Information Courtesy: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory. Fire Effects Information System

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