Soviet Union [USSR] Chapter 5. Social Structure
SINCE 1917 THE SOVIET UNION has transformed itself from a
predominantly agricultural, rural, and developing-capitalist
society into an industrial, urban,
socialist (see Glossary)
society. Its social structure developed from the imposition of a
centralist, Marxist state on a geographically, ethnically, and
culturally diverse population.
Western sociologists generally categorized Soviet society into
four major socio-occupational groupings: the political-governmental
elite and cultural and scientific intelligentsia; white-collar
workers; blue-collar workers; and peasants and other agricultural
workers. Soviet ideology held that Soviet society consisted solely
of two nonantagonistic classes--workers and peasants. Those engaged
in nonmanual labor (from bookkeepers to party functionaries) formed
strata in both classes.
Social position was determined not only by occupation but also
by education, party membership, place of residence, and even
nationality. Membership in the ruling group, the Communist Party of
the Soviet Union (CPSU), aided career advancement. Those who worked
full time for the party received political power, special
privileges, and financial benefits. Social status increased the
higher one was promoted in the party, but this power was derived
from position and could neither be inherited from nor be bequeathed
to relatives.
Unlike in the West, private property played no role in social
stratification, and income generally was a consequence of social
position, not its determinant. In general, the higher the social
position, the greater the pay, benefits, access to scarce goods and
services, and prestige. The Soviet regime glorified manual labor
and often paid higher wages to certain types of skilled laborers
than to many white-collar workers, including physicians, engineers,
and teachers. These professionals, however, enjoyed higher social
prestige than the better-paid laborers. Considerable differences
existed among the country's various social and economic groups.
Soviet statistics showed that the income for many occupations was
not sufficient to support a family, even if both spouses worked.
These statistics on income, however, did not take into account
money or benefits derived from the unofficial economy, that is, the
black market in goods and services.
The social structure of the Soviet Union has shown some signs
of immobility and self-perpetuation. Children of the political
elite, intelligentsia, and white-collar workers had a better chance
to receive university educations than those of unskilled laborers
and agricultural workers. Most children of agricultural workers
began their careers without higher education and remained at the
same socio-occupational level as their parents.
The largest official social organizations, such as the trade
unions, youth organizations, and sports organizations, were tightly
controlled by the state. Unofficial organizations, once banned,
were becoming increasingly evident in the late 1980s.
Under the Soviet Constitution, women possessed equal rights
with men and were granted special benefits, such as paid maternity
leave for child-bearing. At the same time, women as a group were
overrepresented in the lower-paid occupations and underrepresented
in high positions in the economy, government, and the party. If
married, they performed most of the homemaking chores in addition
to their work outside the home. This overwork, coupled with crowded
housing conditions, contributed to a high rate of divorce and
abortion, which was higher in the European part of the country than
in the Asian past.
Families in the southern and Islamic parts of the country were
larger than those in the northern and non-Islamic sections. The
increased size reflected the more traditional Islamic cultural
norms and the inclusion of other relatives, particularly
grandparents, in families.
Data as of May 1989