Soviet Union [USSR] Procuracy
The Procuracy (Prokuratura) functioned like a cross between a
police investigative bureau and a public prosecutor's office. It
investigated crimes, brought criminals to trial, and prosecuted
them. The Procuracy also supervised courts and penal facilities
within its jurisdiction
(see Soviet Union USSR - The Procuracy
, ch. 19).
The Supreme Soviet appointed the procurator general of the
Soviet Union for a five-year term. Like other leading positions in
the Soviet government, the position of the procurator general was
on the nomenklatura of the central party apparatus. In turn,
the procurator general appointed each officer of the Procuracy,
known as a
procurator (see Glossary), who served at the republic,
provincial, district, or city level. Procurators at all levels
theoretically answered to the Supreme Soviet for their actions.
Moreover, they derived authority from the procurator general and
thus exercised their authority independent of any regional or local
government body.
The Procuracy, as well as the Supreme Court, ensured the strict
and uniform observance of law by all government bodies,
enterprises (see Glossary), and public institutions. The Procuracy also
reviewed all court decisions in both civil and criminal cases. A
procurator could appeal decisions considered flawed to higher
courts. The Procuracy was therefore responsible for ensuring the
uniform application of law in the courts.
The Procuracy supervised investigations conducted by other
government agencies. A procurator could file protests in the court
system when evidence indicated an agency acted illegally. In
theory, these rights of supervision extended to the KGB and other
security agencies. In practice, however, the KGB often operated
outside the law.
Data as of May 1989