Soviet Union [USSR] Law
Lacking a common-law tradition, Soviet law did not provide for
an adversary system in which the plaintiff and the defendant argued
before a neutral judge. Court proceedings included a judge, two
people's assessors, a procurator, and a defense attorney and
provided for free participation by the judge in the trial. The same
courts heard both civil and criminal cases. Although most cases
were open to the public, closed hearings were legal if the
government deemed it necessary. Judges kept legal technicalities to
a minimum because the court's stated purpose was to find the truth
of a case rather than to protect legal rights.
Other aspects of Soviet law more closely resembled the AngloSaxon system. In theory, all citizens were equal before the law.
Defendants could appeal convictions to higher courts if they
believed the sentence was too harsh. Yet, the procurator could also
appeal if the sentence was considered too lenient. The law also
guaranteed defendants legal representation and the right to trial
in their native language or to the use of an interpreter.
Data as of May 1989