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SPECIES: Dasiphora floribunda | Shrubby Cinquefoil


Shrubby cinquefoil is native to North America, Asia, and Europe [5,45,189] and is cold tolerant and winter hardy [189]. It is a deciduous, multi-stemmed [148] and many branched shrub [46,171,182,190] reaching heights of 1 to 6.5 feet (0.3-2 m) [46,92,103,171,182,189,190], but occurring as a cushion plant in alpine areas [9]. Shrubby cinquefoil branches are pubescent in the 1st year, becoming brown and glabrous in the 2nd year [46,103,171]. Bark becomes fibrous on branches in the 2nd and 3rd years [46,92,148,171,189]. Mature plants have both erect and prostrate branches [46,78,189], the latter able to root adventitiously [46]. The growth form of shrubby cinquefoil varies; it occurs as a low mat and as an erect shrub [125,148,190].

Shrubby cinquefoil has numerous leaves with 3 to 9 leaflets that have long white hairs on both surfaces [46,78]. The lower surface of the leaves has many stomata; the upper surface has none [46]. 

Shrubby cinquefoil flowers are terminal, occasionally with solitary flowers but usually with many flowers in close clusters [46,103,171]. Varieties of shrubby cinquefoil from North America are monoecious [45,46]. In pollination experiments, shrubby cinquefoil from North America was found self-incompatible [33]. Shrubby cinquefoil produces a compact head of hairy achenes that may persist in winter months [103,171,189].

Shrubby cinquefoil has a shallow to moderately deep, spreading root system [148,189] with thin woody roots [46].

Shrubby cinquefoil is a "long-lived" perennial [190]; on moist marl sites in New York, the average age of shrubby cinquefoil plants was 25.3 years, with the oldest plant 36 years old [165].




Shrubby cinquefoil regenerates from wind-dispersed seed and by sprouting from the root crown [38,46,72,148,189,190]. The number of flowers on each plant varies, so seed production is also variable among individuals [46]. Generally, shrubby cinquefoil produces approximately 50 seeds per flower [164]. Seed undergoes a dormancy period; there is no evidence that frost is required to break dormancy [46]. In laboratory experiments, seed germination rates range from 55% to 82%. Growth is slow and 5 years may be required for full stands to develop [189].

Though the normal means of reproduction is through seed, shrubby cinquefoil also spreads vegetatively from adventitious rooting of prostrate stems [46,148]. Elkington and Woodell [46] note that on some sites, particularly those periodically inundated, this type of vegetative reproduction may be highly effective.

Shrubby cinquefoil grows well under greenhouse conditions from both seed and cuttings [38]. It is easily propagated from softwood cuttings, and establishes well from rooted cuttings [42,104]. Shrubby cinquefoil transplants readily from the wild and from bare-root or container nursery stock. Seeding sites must be moist for good establishment; shrubby cinquefoil seedlings are durable and persistent once established [182,189].


Shrubby cinquefoil occupies a wide variety of sites and is distributed from low valleys to mountain peaks [148,182], growing in riparian communities [13,21,27,61,81,113,139,163,182,198], around springs [16,64,65,66,144], wetland sites [13,81,83,115,139], upland sites [6,61,168,194], rock ledges [1,124], and subalpine and alpine sites [8,9,37,122,124]. In Alberta alone, shrubby cinquefoil occurs on low, moist riparian sites, prairies, dry rock ledges, open mountain valleys, and boreal forests where it is confined to swamps and riparian areas [164,190]. In intermountain areas, it is well adapted to wet meadows and subalpine areas [141]. In western Montana, shrubby cinquefoil is likely to occur in mountain stream bottoms; on the east side of the Continental Divide it is more widespread, occurring in large open areas, particularly subalpine meadows [148,178].

Shrubby cinquefoil often occurs as transitional vegetation from wetland sites to drier upland sites [115,199] and from foothills to mountains [84] in the western part of its range. Though present next to rivers, shrubby cinquefoil may contribute more to shrub cover 65 to 130 feet (20-40 m) from riverbanks [135].

Shrubby cinquefoil has fair to weakly moderate drought tolerance in the western United States [189], and has been rated moderate to high drought tolerance in Alberta [190]. Shrubby cinquefoil prefers open sites but will grow under light shade [125,134,182,190]. Though it is moderately shade tolerant, shrubby cinquefoil flowers more abundantly in nearly full sun [189]. 

Topography: Shrubby cinquefoil occupies toeslopes, mid-slopes, and upper slopes, as well as old stream terraces of steep-sided valleys [81,113,116,117,131,132]. In the Black Hills of South Dakota, shrubby cinquefoil grows on exposed ridges [177]. Shrubby cinquefoil is also found on gently rolling or sloping topography [16,81,126,168,181], in broad meadows [64,65,66,81,132], and on broad terraces adjacent to streams [13,16,64,65,66,132,149]. It grows on slopes ranging from 1-20% [113,132].

Elevation: Shrubby cinquefoil grows in the subarctic zone of northern Canada [94], occurring from 4760 to 5413 feet (1450-1650 m) in the Yukon Territory [12]. It grows up to at least 4920 feet (1500 m) in Alaska [78]. In the Rocky Mountain States, shrubby cinquefoil's distribution ranges from the prairie and foothills to the alpine regions. In Montana, it grows from 2820 to 9500 feet (859-2895 m) [6,13,64,65,66,103,119,126,128,134,139]; in Idaho, from 4820 to12000 feet (1469-3658 m) [26,61,81,124]; in Wyoming from 6500 to 8600 feet (1981-2621 m) [181]; in Utah, from 6000 to 10000 feet (1828-3048 m) [132]; in Colorado, from 9000 to 11000 feet (2743-3353 m) [77]. In New Mexico, it is common in the alpine zone above 11,500 feet (3505 m) [122]. In Nevada, shrubby cinquefoil grows in the subalpine zone, 8500-8800 feet (2591-2682 m) [113].

Precipitation: Shrubby cinquefoil occurs on sites receiving 10-30 inches  (254-762 mm) of annual precipitation [19,36,126,128,145,181].

Soils: Shrubby cinquefoil grows on depositional substrates including alluvial, morainal, glaciofluvial, and colluvial [26,76,81,116,132,144]. Parent materials vary [199] and include limestone, sandstone, granite, and basalt [16,26,84,107,126,145]. Soils may be poorly to well-drained; shrubby cinquefoil is tolerant of wet conditions and flooding, and calcareous substrates [1,26,120,127,150,190]. 

In the western part of its range, shrubby cinquefoil is found on a wide range of soil classes [189], from clay, fine loam, sandy loam, and loamy skeletal soils [16,26,61,64,65,66,113,132,133,169,190,199] to coarse textured soils [144,177,182,190,198]. It grows well on most textural classes, except dense clay and loose sand [189]. Soils supporting shrubby cinquefoil are moderately deep [26,117,126,181] to very deep [181,199], often with humus layers [117]. Confining rock layers may be present beneath the soil [16]. Shrubby cinquefoil occurs on xerophytic sites [1,133] and on mesic sites [29,105,124,125,168,177,181] with moderate to high estimated water holding capacity that dry out early in the growing season [113,132,199]. In Idaho, shrubby cinquefoil occurs in calcareous fens, phreatophytic woodlands, and spring-fed meadows [81].

In the eastern part of its range, shrubby cinquefoil is found primarily on moist lowland forest sites [24], occurring on dry or wet sites of river banks, lakeshores, fens and marshes [80,82,84,156,157,171]. It occurs on sandy, rocky, and gravelly soils including sand dunes and rock ledges [30,130,171], and on poorly drained soils, occurring in mesotrophic and eutrophic fens [49,154]. Fen sites are often calcareous [20,44,162] with a pH of 5.5-8.0 [162]. Shrubby cinquefoil dominates peatland vegetation in Indiana where pH is 6.9 [176]. Shrubby cinquefoil may dominate the vegetation around calcareous seeps in Illinois where soil is maintained in a saturated condition [175]. In New York, shrubby cinquefoil often occurs on moist marl beds [165]. In Michigan grasslands, shrubby cinquefoil increases in abundance at the lower end of drainage gradients and may dominate vegetation on associated wetland sites [173].

Shrubby cinquefoil is tolerant of weakly saline and moderately acid to moderately basic soils; it is often found on calcareous sites [6,16,19,49,141,144,145,169,177,179,189]. Shrubby cinquefoil is tolerant of poor soil [114], and it has been found on depleted, unproductive sites [32].


Shrubby cinquefoil occurs as both a dominant species and a minor understory species  in a variety of vegetation types, and occurs in both early and late seral stages. Shrubby cinquefoil occurs on forest edges and in openings created by disturbance [86]. It colonizes disturbed sites [84,95,145] and may be vigorous due to reduced competition from canopy species [84]. Shrubby cinquefoil occurs as a dominant in vegetation on dry, disturbed sites in Alaska [37]. Shrubby cinquefoil is common in both slowly and rapidly progressing successional vegetation of riparian areas, and persists through the successional stages [36]. Shrubby cinquefoil may occur as part of climax or subclimax vegetation on seral floodplains in Wyoming [76]. In Alaskan taiga vegetation, shrubby cinquefoil occurs on surfaces disturbed annually by flooding, ice scouring and sediment deposition/erosion. On these sites, shrubby cinquefoil forms a dense shrub layer with russet buffaloberry, prickly rose, willow, and white spruce and balsam poplar saplings [112]. The presence of shrubby cinquefoil in big sagebrush/Sandberg bluegrass communities in Wyoming may indicate an unstable plant community, seral to a subalpine climax forest [169].

Shrubby cinquefoil may be an indicator of climax vegetation on moderately moist Montana grassland and shrub foothill communities east of the Continental Divide [126]. It is a major shrub component on undisturbed sites in fescue grassland [125]. In the shrubby cinquefoil/tufted hairgrass habitat type, canopy cover of shrubby cinquefoil averages 20-29% [13,61,66], and may form pure stands with more than 7500 plants per acre on sites in Montana [92]. In western Wyoming, stands of shrubby cinquefoil/tufted hairgrass may be mid-seral, while stands of shrubby cinquefoil/Idaho fescue are relatively stable [199].


In North America, shrubby cinquefoil resumes growth in early spring to early summer [172,189]. Shrubby cinquefoil flowers from late May to late September [56,171,189]. The main flowering of shrubby cinquefoil occurs in July on older growth and in August on current year growth [164]. Seed maturation occurs in late summer to early fall [171,189].

Related categories for SPECIES: Dasiphora floribunda | Shrubby Cinquefoil

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Information Courtesy: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory. Fire Effects Information System

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