Austria Radio and Television
As of late 1993, radio and television programming in Austria
was provided exclusively by Austrian Radio and Television
(�sterreichischer Rundfunk--ORF). This state monopoly is expected
to end in the mid-1990s because such monopolies are no longer
seen by many European jurists as compatible with the free
exchange of information and ideas. ORF was formed as a public
corporation in 1945 and reorganized in 1967 for greater political
and financial independence. In 1974 a constitutional law was
passed giving ORF complete financial autonomy from the government
and guaranteeing it freedom from attempts by the government or
any state body to exert influence on programming. Additional laws
passed in that year required ORF to present objective reporting,
a variety of opinions, and balanced programming.
As of 1993, ORF had two television channels and three radio
channels. FS 1 and FS 2, the two television channels, feature a
wide variety of programs, including news, entertainment,
education, and music. In 1988 the nine regional ORF studios began
broadcasting local programs. Various groups attempted to make the
case for allowing independent television in Austria, but, as of
1993, they had not persuaded the government to lift the monopoly
enjoyed by ORF. During the 1980s, cable television became
available, and by 1990 roughly 15 percent of Austrian homes
received cable programming. One of the major cable programs, 3
Sat, is a joint venture of ORF, the Swiss Broadcasting
Corporation, and one of Germany's television networks.
ORF has four radio channels. The first channel, �sterreich
1, features culturally oriented programs devoted to music,
literature, science, and news. The second channel, �sterreich
Regional, carries programming produced by the nine regional ORF
studios, with an emphasis on popular entertainment and local
events. �sterreich 3 is an entertainment channel, which also
carries hourly news broadcasts. The fourth network, Blue Danube
Radio, is also an entertainment channel but differs in that it
broadcasts mainly in English. Its news programs are in German,
English, and French.
Data as of December 1993