A rural health clinic near Villarrica
Courtesy Inter-American Development Bank
Construction of a water treatment plant at Coronel Oviedo
Courtesy Inter-American Development Bank
The Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare was responsible
for approving and coordinating all public and private activities
and programs dealing with health. Other agencies involved in the
health sector included the Social Insurance Institute, the Military
Health Service, and the Clinical Hospital of the National
University. Health services were organized through a system of four
hierarchical levels, each of increasing complexity and
sophistication. Health services at the first level aimed at
providing basic care for the community. Intermediate levels offered
services of greater complexity to towns and cities, whereas the
fourth level provided specialized services to the entire nation.
Paraguay recorded impressive gains in health-care delivery in
the 1970s and early 1980s. Following the government's launching of
a massive immunization campaign in the late 1970s, the percentage
of infants vaccinated against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, and
measles went from 5 percent in 1977 to over 60 percent in 1984 (see
table 5, Appendix). From 1973 to 1983, the proportion of infants
receivings medical care rose from 51 percent to nearly 75 percent,
and prenatal care from 53 percent to nearly 70 percent. The supply
of nurses relative to the population more than doubled between 1965
and 1981. By the early 1980s, surveys indicated that 60 to 70
percent of the populace had easy access to health care.
Despite these achievements, the health-care system was beset by
a number of problems. First of all, the proportion of the national
budget allocated to health decreased as a result of the economic
downturn of the early 1980s. In addition, international health
agencies noted a lack of coordination among the agencies and
institutes whose work affected health. Mechanisms for gathering
information about the delivery of health services were inadequate;
even the reporting of vital events and infectious diseases was
limited. Government health services also lacked many necessary
supplies. Finally, the heavy concentration of doctors and other
health providers in urban areas resulted in a shortage of personnel
for rural residents.
In response to these problems, the government designed a broadly
based program to augment community health organization and increase
community participation. The program's objectives included
upgrading the training of lay midwives, expanding health education,
training traditional health practitioners and other volunteers,
increasing the number of health centers in rural areas, and
integrating health-care services with existing community
organizations. Other priorities included lowering the morbidity and
mortality rates among mothers and young children, controlling
infectious diseases and diseases that could be checked through
vaccination, and improving child nutrition.
The Sanitary Works Corporation (Corporación de Obras Sanitarias-
-Corposana) provided drinking water and sewage disposal services
for towns of more than 4,000 inhabitants. The National Service for
Environmental Sanitation (Servicio Nacional de Sanitaria Ambiental-
-Senasa) provided the same services for smaller communities and
also dealt with issues relating to national environmental health.
By the mid-1980s, however, only 25 percent of the population had
easy access to potable water. Like other health-related services,
potable water was far more available in urban areas. About half the
urban population had drinking water, whereas only 10 percent of
rural residents did. Approximately half the population had access
to sewage disposal services.
Sanitary conditions were not adequate to ensure proper food
storage and processing. The main sources of contamination were
unpasteurized milk and meat products processed in poorly
refrigerated slaughterhouses.
Housing was rudimentary in much of the country; some 80 percent
of Paraguayan homes were owner-built. Flooding along the country's
major rivers (Río Paraguay, Río Paraná, and Río Pilcomayo) and
their tributaries in 1982 and 1983 destroyed much housing around
Asunción and other river cities. Many residents continued to live
in ramshackle huts years after the floods. Provision of services in
such settlements was typically inadequate. The presence of rodents
and insects represented a significant health risk.
In the late 1980s, life expectancy at birth was sixty-nine years
for females and sixty-five for males--an increase of two years for
each sex from 1965 to 1986. General mortality was 6.6 per 1,000
inhabitants in the mid-1980s (see
table 6, Appendix). Experts
projected the death rate to continue its decline to a low of
approximately 5.2 per 1,000 inhabitants by the turn of the century.
Heart and cerebrovascular diseases, diarrhea, cancer, and acute
respiratory infections were the main causes of mortality among the
population. The main infectious and parasitic diseases were
malaria, Chagas' disease, diarrhea, and acute respiratory
infections. Rabies was the most damaging of diseases transmitted by
animals. In late 1987 Paraguay reported a total of seven known
cases of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), which had
resulted in four deaths.
Although Paraguay recorded notable declines in its infant
mortality rate (IMR) and postneonatal mortality rate in the early
1980s, significant regional disparities occurred. From 1981 to
1984, the IMR in Asunción declined by more than 25 percent; in
contrast, the drop was less than 15 percent in the rest of the
country. The picture for postneonatal mortality was similar: the
rate in the capital declined by nearly 30 percent, whereas the rate
for the rest of Paraguay fell only about 10 percent.
Through the mid-1980s, diarrhea, pneumonia, and malnutrition
remained the principal threats to the health of infants and
children. Among infants the death rate from malnutrition was 1.6
per 1,000; nearly 10 percent of early childhood deaths were caused
by nutritional deficiencies.
In the late 1980s, Paraguay had a social security system that
had been established and modified by laws in 1943, 1950, 1965, and
1973. The system, administered by the Social Insurance Institute,
offered old-age pensions, invalidity pensions, survivor
settlements, sickness and maternity benefits, and work-injury
benefits for temporary or permanent disabilities to employed
persons and to self-employed workers who elected voluntary
coverage. Railroad, banking, and public employees had special
systems. Both employers and employees contributed a percentage of
salaries to fund the program. Employees generally contributed 9.5
percent of earnings (except, for example, pensioners who
contributed only 5 percent, and teachers and professors, who
contributed only 5.5 percent), employers 16.5 percent, and the
government, 1.5 percent. The Social Insurance Institute operated
its own clinics and hospitals to
provide medical and maternal care.
* * *
In the late 1980s, there was a dearth of current, Englishlanguage studies on Paraguayan society. Elman R. and Helen S.
Service's Tobatí: Paraguayan Town, although dated (1954),
contains valuable information on rural Paraguay. Paul H.
Lewis provides useful data on contemporary social relations
in Paraguay Under Stroessner. Guillermina Engelbrecht and
Leroy Ortiz's "Guaraní Literacy in Paraguay" and Joan Rubin's
National Bilingualism in Paraguay examine the role of the
Guaraní Language in national life. Fran Gillespie and Harley
Browning's "The Effect of Emigration upon Socioeconomic Review: The
Case of Paraguay" deals with migration and urbanization in
Paraguay. David Maybury-Lewis and James Howe's The Indian
Peoples of Paraguay: Their Plight and Their Prospects and
Harriet Manelis Klein and Louisa R. Stark's "Indian Languages of
the Paraguayan Chaco" provide an excellent overview of the status
of Indians. R. Andrew Nickson's "Brazilian Colonization of the
Eastern Border Region of Paraguay," Calvin Redekop's Strangers
Become Neighbors: Mennonite and Indigenous Relations in the
Paraguayan Chaco, and Norman R. Stewart's Japanese
Colonization in Eastern Paraguay all describe the experience of
some of Paraguay's immigrants. (For further information and
complete citations,
Data as of December 1988