Christianity was most prevalent among the peoples of Al Istiwai
State--the Madi, Moru, Azande, and Bari. The major churches in
the Sudan were the Roman Catholic and the Anglican. Southern communities
might include a few Christians, but the rituals and world view
of the area were not in general those of traditional Western Christianity.
The few communities that had formed around mission stations had
disappeared with the dissolution of the missions in 1964. The
indigenous Christian churches in Sudan, with external support,
continued their mission, however, and had opened new churches
and repaired those destroyed in the continuing civil conflict.
Originally, the Nilotic peoples were indifferent to Christianity,
but in the latter half of the twentieth century many people in
the educated elite embraced its tenets, at least superficially.
English and Christianity have become symbols of resistance to
the Muslim government in the north, which has vowed to destroy
both. Unlike the early civil strife of the 1960s and 1970s, the
insurgency in the 1980s and the 1990s has taken on a more religiously
confrontational character.
Data as of June 1991