Wildlife, Animals, and Plants
SPECIES: Rubus idaeus | Red Raspberry
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4. Ahlgren, I. F.; Ahlgren, C. E. 1960. Ecological effects of forest fires.
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6. Bock, Jane H.; Bock, Carl E. 1984. Effects of fires on woody vegetation
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7. Bock, Jane H.; Bock, Carl E. [n.d.]. Some effects of fire on vegetation
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8. Bonanno, A. Richard x.
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16. Crandall, P. C.; Allmendinger, D. F.; Biderbost, K. A. 1974. Influence
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17. Crane, M. B. 1940. Reproductive versatility in Rubus. I. Morphology and
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18. Crane, Marilyn F. 1982. Fire ecology of Rocky Mountain Region forest
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19. Dale, A. 1979. Varietal differences in the relationships between some
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the cane. Journal of the Horticultural Society. 54(4): 257-265. [6983]
20. Dale, Adam; Daubeny, Hugh A. 1985. Genotype-environmental interactions
involving British and Pacific Northwest red raspberry cultivars.
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21. Dale, Adam; Daubeny, Hugh A. 1987. Flower-bud initiation in red
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22. Dale, A.; Topham, Pauline B. 1980. Fruiting structure of the red
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23. Dittberner, Phillip L.; Olson, Michael R. 1983. The plant information
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25. Dyrness, C. T.; Viereck, L. A.; Van Cleve, K. 1986. Fire in taiga
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26. Dyrness, C. T.; Viereck, L. A.; Foote, M. J.; Zasada, J. C. 1988. The
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28. Flinn, Marguerite A.; Wein, Ross W. 1977. Depth of underground plant
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30. Fox, Thomas R. 1986. Raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) competition effects on
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31. Fyles, James W. 1989. Seed bank populations in upland coniferous forests
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33. Goode, J. E. 1970. Nitrogen nutrition and susceptibility of Malling
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34. Graber, Raymond E.; Thompson, Donald F. 1978. Seeds in the organic
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38. Hamilton, Evelyn H. 1988. Impacts of prescribed burning on
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39. Bare, B. Bruce. 1982. The economics of true fir management. In: Oliver,
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40. Hansen, Richard W.; Osgood, Eben A. 1983. Insects visiting flowers of
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41. Hansen, H. L.; Krefting, L. W.; Kurmis, V. 1973. The forest of Isle
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45. Hudson, J. P. 1959. Effects of environment on Rubus idaeus L. I.
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46. Hughes, Megan; Chaplin, M. H.; Dixon, A. R. 1979. Elemental composition
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47. Hughes, Jeffrey W.; Fahey, Timothy J.; Bormann, F. Herbert. 1988.
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48. Jennings, D. L.; Cormack, M. R. 1969. Factors affecting the water
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49. Jennings, D. L.; Ingram, Ruth. 1983. Hybrids of Rubus parviflorus
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spinelessness derived from this species. Crop Research. 23(2): 95-101.
50. Jennings, D. L.; Tulloch, M. M. 1964. Studies on factors which promote
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51. Johnston, Barry C. 1987. Plant associations of Region Two: Potential
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52. Johnston, Mark; Woodard, Paul. 1985. The effect of fire severity level
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53. Kartesz, John T. 1994. A synonymized checklist of the vascular flora of
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54. Kearney, Thomas H.; Peebles, Robert H.; Howell, John Thomas; McClintock,
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55. Keep, Elizabeth. 1968. Incompatibility in Rubus with special reference
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59. Krefting, Laurits W.; Roe, Eugene I. 1949. The role of some birds and
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62. Lautenschlager, R. A. 1987. Interactions among red rapsberries and
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65. Lawson, H. M.; Waister, P. D. 1972. The response to nitrogen of a
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66. Lepofsky, Dana; Turner, Nancy J.; Kuhnlein, Harriet V. 1985. Determining
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67. Lockshin, L. S.; Elfving, D. C. 1981. Flowering response of 'Heritage'
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69. Luby, J. J.; Hoover, E. E.; Bedford, D. S.; Munson, S. T.; Gray, W. H.;
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70. Lyon, L. Jack; Stickney, Peter F. 1976. Early vegetal succession
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72. MacKerron, D. K. L. 1982. Growth and water use in the red raspberry
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Related categories for Species: Rubus idaeus
| Red Raspberry
 |