In the early 1990s, drought caused a dramatic decline in livestock
raising in Sudan, following a period in the early 1980s when livestock
provided all or a large part of the livelihood of more than 40
percent of the country's population. Livestock raising was overwhelmingly
in the traditional sector, and, although initial steps had been
taken to improve productivity and develop market orientation,
for the modern monetized economy the sector represented largely
a potential asset. In 1983 Sudan's more than 50 million animals
comprised the second largest national herd in Africa, next in
size to that of Ethiopia. An FAO estimate in 1987 indicated that
there were about 20.5 million cattle, 19 million sheep, 14 million
goats, and 3 million camels. Other animals included 660,000 donkeys,
21,000 horses, a small number of pigs (kept by such non-Muslim
peoples as the Nuba) and 32,000 chickens. By 1991 these numbers
had been reduced by perhaps one-third by the drought of 1990-91;
the August 1988 floods in the south, described as the worst in
Sudan's history; and the ravages of civil war in the south. Poultry
was raised mainly by farm families and villagers. A small modern
sector consisted of limited government commercial operations and
a few semicommercial private ventures.
Sudanese cattle are of two principal varieties: Baqqara and Nilotic.
The Baqqara and two subvarieties constituted about 80 percent
of the country's total number of cattle. This breed was found
chiefly in the western savanna regions and in fewer, although
significant, numbers farther to the east from Aali an Nil to Kassala
in Ash Sharqi. The Nilotic, constituting approximately 20 percent
of all cattle, were common in the eastern hill and plains areas
of southeastern Al Istiwai, which were free of the tsetse fly,
and in those parts of the Bahr al Ghazal and Aali an Nil lying
outside the tsetse-fly zone. Because of periodic rinderpest epidemics,
the total number of cattle was relatively small until about 1930,
when it stood at an estimated 2 million. A vaccination program
begun about that time and mass inoculations during the succeeding
decades resulted in a great increase in numbers, which by 1970
had reached about 12 million. In the vast areas used by pastoral
herders (estimated to be 80 million to 100 million hectares),
cattle husbandry was conducted in an economic, cultural, and social
context that had evolved over generations. This included an emphasis
on increasing herd size as an investment for future family security.
Small surpluses (usually bulls) were available for subsistence
use, exchange, or sale for local consumption or export. Cattle
were also used for marriage payments and among the Nilotes for
rituals. Numbers of cattle also helped to establish or increase
status and power in a social system in which cattle were the measure
of wealth.
Most Nilotic cattle were kept by transhumant groups. Migrations
, related to the wet and dry seasons, usually did not exceed 150
to 160 kilometers. The majority of the Baqqara strain of cattle
belonged to the Baqqara Arabs (see Northern Arabized Communities
, ch. 2). The latter were largely nomadic, but since at least
the early 1900s had a settled base on which crop cultivation was
practiced. The farmers, their relatives, or their agents moved
the cattle over traditional migratory routes northward during
the rainy season and southward to the area of the Bahr al Arab
as the dry season progressed. Migrations in either direction might
amount to 400 kilometers. The expansion of mechanized rainfed
agriculture in the region used by the Baqqara, continued government
efforts to enlarge the cultivated area, and pressures on the land
from the growing population have gradually reduced grazing areas.
At the same time, traditional cultural forces have brought about
a steady increase in cattle numbers. The result has been increasing
overstocking and pasture depletion until the outbreak of civil
war in 1983 and the devastating droughts of the 1980s and early
1990s decimated not only the Nilotic herds but livestock throughout
Sudan. Many families and indeed whole ethnic groups who have traditionally
survived on their cattle, sheep, goats, or camels, lost all of
their herds and were forced to migrate to the Three Towns (Omdurman,
Khartoum, and Khartoum North) in search of sustenance.
Sheep were herded chiefly by transhumants in Darfur and Kurdufan.
Large numbers were found in the drier areas at greater elevations
than the usual cattle zone. Several breeds were raised, but the
predominant and preferred one was the so-called desert sheep,
which had both good weight and good milk yield. Villagers in Al
Awsat also raised large numbers of sheep, mostly on a nonmigratory
basis. Fodder was obtained from crop residues on irrigated and
rainfed farms and from vegetation along the rivers and canals.
Goats, of which there were three principal breeds (desert, Nubian,
and Nilotic), were found throughout the country south of the northern
desert areas. They were raised mainly by sedentary families for
milk and meat. Goat meat, although less popular than mutton, formed
part of the diet of most families, particularly those having low
incomes. Goat milk was an important source of protein, and many
families in urban areas kept a few goats for their milk.
Camels were largely concentrated in the desert and subdesert
regions of northern Darfur, northern Kurdufan, and southern Ash
Sharqi. They were kept almost entirely by nomadic and seminomadic
peoples, for whom the animal represented the preferred mode of
transport. Camels were also important for milk and for meat. Camel
ownership and numbers were sources of prestige in nomadic societies.
Data as of June 1991