Hungary Climate
Lake Balaton
Courtesy Scott Edelman
Temperatures in Hungary vary from -28° C to 22° C.
yearly rainfall is about sixty-four centimeters.
Distribution and
frequency of rainfall are unpredictable. The western part
of the
country usually receives more rain than the eastern part,
severe droughts may occur in summertime. Weather
conditions in
the Great Plain can be especially harsh, with hot summers,
winters, and scant rainfall.
By the 1980s, the countryside was beginning to show the
effects of pollution, both from herbicides used in
and from industrial pollutants. Most noticeable was the
contamination of the country's bodies of water,
endangering fish
and wildlife. Although concern was mounting over these
threats to the environment, no major steps had yet been
taken to
arrest them
(see Environmental Problems
, ch. 3).
Data as of September 1989