Health Conditions
According to health statistics, life expectancy in Turkmenistan
(62.9 for males, 69.7 for females) is the lowest in the CIS. The
relatively high rate of natural population growth (2.0 percent
per year), is based on a birth rate of 29.9 per 1,000 persons
and a death rate of 7.3 per 1,000 persons. In 1992 cardiovascular
disease was the most common cause of death, followed by cancer,
respiratory disease, and accidents (see table 5, Appendix). Poor
diet, polluted drinking water, and industrial wastes and pesticides
cause or exacerbate many medical problems, which are especially
acute in the northeastern areas of the country near the Amu Darya
and Aral Sea. Women in their child-bearing years and children
appear to be in the poorest health and the most susceptible to
disease and sickness. Of CIS countries, in 1991 Turkmenistan ranked
first in infant mortality rate, with forty-seven deaths per 1,000
live births, and very high on maternal death rate, with fifty-five
deaths per 100,000 births. Some specialists attribute high infant
mortality to factors of diet and health care while others relate
it to poor hygienic practices and lack of family planning.
Data as of March 1996