China Metallurgical Equipment
Much equipment in the metallurgical industry was based on
Japanese designs of the 1930s and Soviet designs of the 1950s. Twothirds of the major equipment at Anshan, one of the largest plants
in China, was built during the 1930s and 1950s. In general, major
metallurgical equipment was more technologically advanced than
instruments and control systems. Measuring and monitoring
instruments, essential to quality control, were in short supply.
Most of the iron- and steel-making equipment in general use was
domestically produced. This included blast furnaces based on
Chinese improvements to old Soviet designs, ore-beneficiation
plants, open-hearth furnaces, sideblown converters, electric
furnaces, and a wide range of steel-finishing equipment. To achieve
a higher technological level, various pieces of equipment were
imported since China had not assimilated the technology necessary
for domestic production. In most instances the industry imported
only the main equipment, neglecting necessary control instruments
and auxiliary technologies.
Data as of July 1987